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Everything posted by DevKira

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <desc>Ragnarok Client Information</desc> <servicetype>korea</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <connection> <display>Local</display> <address>IP1</address> <port>6900</port> <version>55</version> <langtype>0</langtype> <registrationweb>www.ragnarok.com</registrationweb> <loading> <image>loading00.jpg</image> <image>loading01.jpg</image> <image>loading02.jpg</image> <image>loading03.jpg</image> <image>loading04.jpg</image> <image>loading05.jpg</image> <image>loading06.jpg</image> </loading> </connection> <connection> <display>Loca2l</display> <address>IP2</address> <port>6900</port> <version>55</version> <langtype>0</langtype> <registrationweb>www.ragnarok.com</registrationweb> <loading> <image>loading00.jpg</image> <image>loading01.jpg</image> <image>loading02.jpg</image> <image>loading03.jpg</image> <image>loading04.jpg</image> <image>loading05.jpg</image> <image>loading06.jpg</image> </loading> </connection> </clientinfo>
  2. i mean, i want to use it, but @joinevent is not working. i mean sorry
  3. the script you gave to me is not working the command @joinevent
  4. What's the item bonus script for this? Enchant's weapon with Wind Property. <<<<<<<<
  5. //================= Freebies NPC ================// // by : pajodex prontera,159,193,4 script Freebies NPC 100,{ If(GetFree) { npctalk "Sorry yo! No more freebies available for yo!"; end; } else { mes "[ ^FF0000System^000000 ]"; mes "Welcome ^FF0000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000 !"; next; mes "[ ^FF0000System^000000 ]"; mes "Let me help you start your adventure!"; next; mes "[ ^FF0000System^000000 ]"; mes "Here you go!"; if(.char_bound) { for(.@i = 0; .@i<getarraysize(.char_reward); .@i++) getitem .char_reward[.@i],.char_reward_amt[.@i]; } GetFree = 1; if(#freebies == 0 && .account_bound == 1) { next; mes "[ ^FF0000System^000000 ]"; mes "It seems to be your first, here!"; mes "~ Special Freebies from the [ ^FF0000GM Team^000000 ]"; for(.@i = 0; .@i<getarraysize(.acc_reward); .@i++) getitem .acc_reward[.@i],.acc_reward_amt[.@i]; #freebies = 1; } next; mes "[ ^FF0000System^000000 ]"; mes "Goodluck! Enjoy your Adventure ~"; close; } OnInit: // settings .char_bound = 1; // enable character bound rewards (1 = on || 0 = off) .account_bound = 1; // enable account bound rewards (1 = on || 0 = off) // set item (char bound) setarray .char_reward, 501, 502, 503; // item setarray .char_reward_amt, 1, 2, 4; // amount // set item (acc bound) setarray .acc_reward, 501, 502, 503; // item setarray .acc_reward_amt, 1, 2, 4; // amount OnInit: waitingroom "Freebies",0; end; }
  6. I have an Custom Enchantment Script. Easy to modified in just a seconds. My first made script. DM if you want
  7. DevKira

    Map erro

    post your status.c, we'll help you out.
  8. Me too if it is okay, lol. HAHAHA i try to help yah
  9. I can help you, try to use @Disabled LOOLP method. It works fine!
  10. it's not working to me. i put anklesnare on the ground and then champion can still use BODY RELOC. but the SpiderWeb works fine.
  11. if you are using pre-renewal check your db/pre-re/skill_db.txt if renewal db/re/skill_db.txt or i can help you with this.
  12. Ankle Snare does not block Body Relocation, how to fix this?
  13. @anacondaq hi, how if Sniper Ankle Snare? Thanks
  14. Hello, is there anyway how can i change mind breaker to passive?
  15. Is this still working on Latest rAthena version? Thanks if you will answer! There's an error. @Brahms, anyone can help me with this?
  16. Can i request an Event NPC scripts? ? Last Man Standing Event Poring Catcher Event Dice Event
  17. hello, @Emistry can you help me with this. please thank you @Haruka Mayumi Here's my Dice Script //===== rAthena Script ===========================================| //= Dice Event ( crazyarashi version ) =| //===== By: ======================================================| //= crazyarashi =| //===== Current Version: =========================================| //= 1.0 Initial Version =| //================================================================| //= Dice Event =| //================================================================| - script Dice_Event -1,{ OnInit: $dice_active = 0; $dice_enter = 0; .dice_map$ = "quiz_01"; .reward_id = 8903; .reward_amount = 5; end; OnClock0000: OnClock0300: OnClock0600: OnClock0900: OnClock1200: OnClock1500: OnClock1800: OnClock2100: OnStart: function count_player; function dice_start; function roll_dice; function select_winner; function reward_winner; function check_player; announce "[ Dice Event ] : The Dice Event will start in 1 minute.",0; $dice_enter = 1; sleep 4000; announce "[ Dice Event ] : Use the @joinevent command to participate in the event.",0; sleep 4000; announce "[ Dice Event ] : The registration will close in 1 minute.",0; sleep 26000; announce "[ Dice Event ] : Use the @joinevent command to participate in the event.",0; sleep 4000; announce "[ Dice Event ] : The registration will close in 30 seconds.",0; sleep 30000; $dice_enter = 0; announce "[ Dice Event ] : The registration has closed.",0; count_player(.dice_map$); $dice_active = 1; dice_start(); end; function dice_start { sleep 3500; mapannounce .dice_map$,"[ Dice ] : The dice event rules are simple.",0; sleep 4000; mapannounce .dice_map$,"[ Dice ] : Pick a number from 1 to 4 and enter the box of the number you choose.",0; sleep 4000; mapannounce .dice_map$,"[ Dice ] : The players standing in the correct box will win "+.reward_amount+" "+getitemname(.reward_id)+".",0; sleep 4000; mapannounce .dice_map$,"[ Dice ] : Do not stand outside of the box, you will be automatically disqualified.",0; sleep 4000; mapannounce .dice_map$,"[ Dice ] : The dice roll will start in 10 seconds.",0; sleep 10000; mapannounce .dice_map$,"[ Dice ] : Rolling the dice.",0; .@dice = roll_dice(); mapannounce .dice_map$,"[ Dice ] : I'll announce the winning number in 10 seconds, this is your last chance to select your winning number.",0; sleep 10000; mapannounce .dice_map$,"[ Dice ] : And the winning number is.",0; sleep 4000; mapannounce .dice_map$,"[ Dice ] : Winning Number : "+.@dice+".",0; sleep 1000; select_winner(.@dice); check_player(.dice_map$); sleep 4000; reward_winner(.@dice); sleep 5000; $dice_active = 0; $dice_enter = 0; mapwarp .dice_map$,"midgard",200,183; end; } function roll_dice { count_player(.dice_map$); .@count = rand(1,4); return .@count; } function check_player { if(getmapusers(getarg(0)) == 0){ announce "[ Dice Event ] : The Dice Event has ended with no winner. Better luck next time!",0; $dice_active = 0; $dice_enter = 0; end; } return; } function count_player { if(getmapusers(getarg(0)) == 0){ announce "[ Dice Event ] : The event has been cancelled due to lack of registration.",0; $dice_active = 0; $dice_enter = 0; end; } return; } function reward_winner { .@box = getarg(0); switch(.@box){ case 1: getareaunits(BL_PC,.dice_map$,183,81,191,60,.@player_id$[0]); break; case 2: getareaunits(BL_PC,.dice_map$,195,81,203,60,.@player_id$[0]); break; case 3: getareaunits(BL_PC,.dice_map$,207,81,215,60,.@player_id$[0]); break; case 4: getareaunits(BL_PC,.dice_map$,219,81,227,60,.@player_id$[0]); break; } .@size = getarraysize(.@player_id$); if(.@size == 1){ .@word$ = "winner"; } else { .@word$ = "winners"; } announce "[ Dice Event ] : The Dice Event has ended with "+.@size+" "+.@word$+". Thank you for participating.",0; for(.@i = 0; .@i < .@size; .@i++){ .@char_id = getcharid(0,.@player_id$[.@i]); .@account_id = getcharid(3,.@player_id$[.@i]); if(isloggedin(.@account_id,.@char_id)){ getitem .reward_id,.reward_amount,.@account_id; warp "SavePoint",0,0,.@char_id; } else { continue; } } return; } function select_winner { .@winner = getarg(0); switch(.@winner){ case 1: areawarp .dice_map$,195,81,203,60,"midgard",200,183; areawarp .dice_map$,207,81,215,60,"midgard",200,183; areawarp .dice_map$,219,81,227,60,"midgard",200,183; break; case 2: areawarp .dice_map$,183,81,191,60,"midgard",200,183; areawarp .dice_map$,207,81,215,60,"midgard",200,183; areawarp .dice_map$,219,81,227,60,"midgard",200,183; break; case 3: areawarp .dice_map$,183,81,191,60,"midgard",200,183; areawarp .dice_map$,195,81,203,60,"midgard",200,183; areawarp .dice_map$,219,81,227,60,"midgard",200,183; break; case 4: areawarp .dice_map$,183,81,191,60,"midgard",200,183; areawarp .dice_map$,195,81,203,60,"midgard",200,183; areawarp .dice_map$,207,81,215,60,"midgard",200,183; break; } } } quiz_01 mapflag nowarp quiz_01 mapflag nowarpto quiz_01 mapflag noteleport quiz_01 mapflag nosave quiz_01 mapflag nomemo quiz_01 mapflag nobranch quiz_01 mapflag noloot quiz_01 mapflag noskill quiz_01 mapflag nopenalty quiz_01 mapflag nodrop Here's my Poring catcher script //===== rAthena Script ===========================================| //= Poring Catcher ( crazyarashi version ) =| //===== By: ======================================================| //= crazyarashi =| //===== Current Version: =========================================| //= 1.0 Initial Version =| //================================================================| //= Poring Catcher =| //================================================================| - script Poring_Catcher -1,{ OnInit: $poring_active = 0; $poring_enter = 0; $poring_kill = 0; .poring_map$ = "poring_c01"; .poring_multiplier = 2; //= Multiply Poring Per 2 Player. 4 Player = 2 Correct Poring. .reward_id = 8903; .reward_amount = 5; end; OnClock0000: OnClock0300: OnClock0600: OnClock0900: OnClock1200: OnClock1500: OnClock1800: OnClock2100: OnStart: function count_player; function poring_start; function get_count; killmonster "poring_c01","All"; announce "[ Poring Catcher ] : Poring Catcher Event will start in 1 minute.",0; $poring_enter = 1; sleep 4000; announce "[ Poring Catcher ] : Use the @joinevent command to participate in the event.",0; sleep 4000; announce "[ Poring Catcher ] : The registration will close in 1 minute.",0; sleep 26000; announce "[ Poring Catcher ] : Use the @joinevent command to participate in the event.",0; sleep 4000; announce "[ Poring Catcher ] : The registration will close in 30 seconds..",0; sleep 30000; $poring_enter = 0; announce "[ Poring Catcher ] : The registration has closed.",0; count_player(.poring_map$); $poring_active = 1; .@poring_count = get_count(.poring_map$); $poring_kill = .@poring_count; poring_start(.@poring_count); end; OnSummonPoring: function anti_error; monster .poring_map$,0,0,"Pouring",1002,10,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnWrongPoring"; monster .poring_map$,0,0,"Porong",1002,10,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnWrongPoring"; monster .poring_map$,0,0,"Poringu",1002,10,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnWrongPoring"; monster .poring_map$,0,0,"Pourinq",1002,10,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnWrongPoring"; monster .poring_map$,0,0,"Porinq",1002,10,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnWrongPoring"; monster .poring_map$,0,0,"Por1ng",1002,10,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnWrongPoring"; monster .poring_map$,0,0,"P0ring",1002,10,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnWrongPoring"; monster .poring_map$,0,0,"P@ring",1002,10,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnWrongPoring"; monster .poring_map$,0,0,"POring",1002,10,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnWrongPoring"; monster .poring_map$,0,0,"Puring",1002,10,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnWrongPoring"; monster .poring_map$,0,0,"Poring",1002,$poring_kill,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnRightPoring"; do { sleep 3000; anti_error(1); }while($poring_active != 0); end; OnWrongPoring: mapannounce .poring_map$,"[ Poring Catcher ] : Woooops. "+strcharinfo(0)+" has killed a wrong Poring.",0; warp "SavePoint",0,0; sleep 2000; anti_error(2); end; OnRightPoring: warp "SavePoint",0,0; getitem .reward_id,.reward_amount; announce "[ Poring Catcher ] : "+strcharinfo(0)+" has won "+.reward_amount+" "+getitemname(.reward_id)+" for killing the right Poring.",0; $poring_kill -= 1; if($poring_kill == 0){ announce "[ Poring Catcher ] : The Poring Catcher Event has now ended. Thank you for participating.",0; $poring_active = 0; $poring_kill = 0; $poring_enter = 0; mapwarp "poring_c01","midgard",156,191; killmonster "novice","All"; end; } anti_error(3); mapannounce .poring_map$,"[ Poring Catcher ] : Correct Poring left : "+$poring_kill+".",0; end; function anti_error { .@i = getarg(0); switch(.@i){ case 1: if($poring_active == 0) end; if(getmapusers(.poring_map$) == 0){ announce "[ Poring Catcher ] : All participants have been eliminated. There is no winner in this event.",0; $poring_active = 0; $poring_kill = 0; $poring_enter = 0; mapwarp "poring_c01","midgard",156,191; killmonster "poring_c01","All"; end; } return; case 2: if($poring_active == 0) end; if(getmapusers(.poring_map$) == 0){ announce "[ Poring Catcher ] : All participants have been eliminated. There is no winner in this event.",0; $poring_active = 0; $poring_kill = 0; $poring_enter = 0; mapwarp "novice","midgard",156,191; killmonster "poring_c01","All"; end; } return; case 3: if(getmapusers(.poring_map$) == 0){ announce "[ Poring Catcher ] : The Poring Catcher Event has now ended. Thank you for participating.",0; $poring_active = 0; $poring_kill = 0; $poring_enter = 0; mapwarp "novice","midgard",156,191; killmonster "poring_c01","All"; end; } return; } } function count_player { if(getmapusers(getarg(0)) == 0){ announce "[ Poring Catcher ] : The event has been cancelled due to lack of registration.",0; end; } return; } function get_count { .@count = getmapusers(getarg(0)); if(.@count <= 4){ return 1; } .@count_poring = (.@count/.poring_multiplier); return .@count_poring; } function poring_start { sleep 3500; mapannounce .poring_map$,"[ Poring Catcher ] : The event rules are simple.",0; sleep 3500; mapannounce .poring_map$,"[ Poring Catcher ] : There will be 100 wrong Poring and "+getarg(0)+" correct Poring.",0; sleep 3500; mapannounce .poring_map$,"[ Poring Catcher ] : Kill the correct Poring to win "+.reward_amount+" "+getitemname(.reward_id)+".",0; sleep 3500; mapannounce .poring_map$,"[ Poring Catcher ] : If the Poring is not killed in 3 minutes the event will finish without a winner.",0; sleep 3500; mapannounce .poring_map$,"[ Poring Catcher ] : The event will start in a few seconds.",0; sleep 2000; mapannounce .poring_map$,"[ Poring Catcher ] : 3.",0; sleep 2000; mapannounce .poring_map$,"[ Poring Catcher ] : 2.",0; sleep 2000; mapannounce .poring_map$,"[ Poring Catcher ] : 1.",0; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnSummonPoring"; end; } } poring_c01 mapflag nowarp poring_c01 mapflag nowarpto poring_c01 mapflag noteleport poring_c01 mapflag nosave poring_c01 mapflag nomemo poring_c01 mapflag nobranch poring_c01 mapflag noloot poring_c01 mapflag noskill poring_c01 mapflag nopenalty poring_c01 mapflag nodrop
  18. How to make this work? Thank you!!! ~~~ Please help me to this script ~~~
  19. Thanks, @Chun3!!! Commend this man!!! 100% Helpful
  20. still not working.. CAN YOU DO TEAMVIEWER? ?
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