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Everything posted by Premmy

  1. Hello. I don't know much... but if helps. you can basicly insert a NPC into a item thus script... i.e... you can make an usable item that "if ( countitem blablabla) {delitems, get item}
  2. don't know how to delete the post... so... Solved, my server is pre-renew. I made work adding a "costume" to transclasses as 3rd costumes and worked. love you guys, sorry the bother and Happy Xmas guys
  3. Hello guys, sorry the bother. I didn't found the solution by myself and searchs.... So I'm here to ask about... I'v downloaded and but if I use the option to change to jRO costume , I get this error in char selection ( in-game works fine ) and bonus question, where can I found like the IDs for this costumes to make an "changebase" item or something like that ty your attention
  4. Uh, gotcha. But sadly I'm just learning and guess I can't help with this I mean... I can try to search what you want to change, but I'm afraid if other sources may need this in order and all... if you want to, can message me at discord to check if I can do anything to help you. but seens to be better to wait someone with that acknowled
  5. Uh.... just to I try to help something.... So you want to be Renewal but with atk and def to be PRE-RE? or you just want to be everything PRE-RE. sorry I get a little confused here
  6. Using last version ? can you paste your renewal.hpp ?
  7. Hello ! I'm just a newbie learning. I was reading a bit about src and found somethings may do what you want... need some test and stuff, but if you want to you can try this: src/map/battle.c #ifndef RENEWAL if (skill_id == ASC_BREAKER) { //Breaker's int-based damage (a misc attack?) struct Damage md = battle_calc_misc_attack(src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, wd->miscflag); wd->damage += md.damage; to #ifndef RENEWAL if (skill_id == ASC_BREAKER) { //Breaker's int-based damage (a misc attack?) struct Damage md = battle_calc_misc_attack(src, target, skill_id, skill_lv, wd->miscflag); wd->damage = md.damage;
  8. Hello. not sure about some functions, but I'll give a try. hope it helps anything. any issue just let me know if you want to correct the level < 60 to heal about the vip and class if (.@price && !vip_status(1)) to set @eah, eaclass; if ( !vip_status(1)) && @eah&EAJL_2 About the buff thing, you can add another condition here, like if (.Buffs) { specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,600000,10; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,600000,10; } to if (.Buffs) { specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,600000,10; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,600000,10; } if(vip_status(1)) { //add buffs here } about the daily thing I don't understood very well time commands and not sure exactly what you want. hope helped a little
  9. Hello. I'm kinda newbie and not good. but if helps anything. an easy way to do is check the class in the start of script and just end it... you can just set like... if( eaclass() == EAJ_TAEKWON){ end;} Else at the start of the script. not an "worth" way. but may do just what you need
  10. Olá. eu sou supeeer leigo, mas pelo pouco que eu sei, a maneira mais simples e viável é um simples "if" Qualquer coisa desculpa se estiver falando besteira >_> Exemplo... { script que teleporta } if (freewarp == 0), {script cobrando} Else (freewarp == 1) {script teleportando} (Script confirmando pagamento) Set freewarp, 1; aí no caso se tiver uma horária específica, vc pode botar um "&& (gettime)" Se for um passe temporário ( tipo que dura X horas ) acho que o mais viável seria cobrar ter uma "moeda" com rentitem ou algo do tipo
  11. Vlw mano. desculpa a demora. tinha desanimado porque não funcionava de forma alguma. to tentando olhar. To tendo problema com o hexed. não tava conseguindo achar onde baixar e fazer funcionar. vou tentar esse link desse vídeo aí ;-;
  12. Olá. Tava tentando começar um servidor. Mas to completamente perdido na parte dos executáveis e esse tipo de coisa. Não to achando nada e não sei como fazer. Será que alguém pode dispor um pouco de tempo e me ajudar com esse tipo de coisa ? Coisas que to tendo dificuldades: Hexeds, Dlls , Data. Resumindo, o básico para sequer abrir o jogo, não to conseguindo realizar =/
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