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Everything posted by Capuche

  1. Capuche

    Party Recall

    An item with this option already exist 12212,Giant_Fly_Wing,Giant Fly Wing,2,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ callfunc "F_CashPartyCall"; },{},{}
  2. - script ghjkl -1,{ OnPCDieEvent: if( getgmlevel() > 0 && killerrid ) { .@acc_id = getcharid(3); attachrid( killerrid ); if( getgmlevel() < 1 ) announce "GM " + rid2name( .@acc_id ) + " has been kill by Player " + strcharinfo(0) + " !",0; } end; } ahAH ! XD >> Whatever you're right it's better to use OnPCKillEvent
  3. Example 1283,Katar_Of_Speed,Katar Of Speed,4,20,,0,175,,1,0,0x00001000,7,2,34,4,0,0,16,{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,"AS_SONICBLOW",25; bonus bAspdRate,3; },{},{} Search sonic blow in the link of Emistry, look at the associated line then search spear soomerang and look at the line. Then complete n in bonus2 bSkillAtk,n,x; It's very easy !
  4. Sorry your request is incomprehensible
  5. trunk/npc/custom/jobmaster.txt Replace this line set .@i, select(" ~ ^0055FFRebirth^000000:"+((.ThirdClass)?" ~ ^FF0000Third Class^000000":"")+": ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"); to set .@i, select(" ~ ^0055FFRebirth^000000:"+((.ThirdClass && Class > 21)?" ~ ^FF0000Third Class^000000":"")+": ~ ^777777Cancel^000000"); Change this line : set .Platinum,1; // Get platinum skills automatically? (1: yes / 0: no)
  6. autobonus "{ bonus bBaseAtk,100; }",100,10000,BF_WEAPON,"{ specialeffect2 EF_ENHANCE; }"; 5010,Indian_Hair_Piece,Indian Fillet,5,20,,100,,5,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,0,1,96,{ set MaxWeight, MaxWeight + 5000; },{},{}
  7. Use codebox http://rathena.org/board/forum-32/announcement-3-codeboxes/ Well there are some step you didn't understand. I will try to explain. • gettimetick(2) get the server time in seconds. You don't need to change this ! • If you want to set variable to account instead of player, change quest_step to #quest_step • In set #quest_step, gettimetick(2) + 3 * 86400; 3 * 86400 seconds means 3 days. It's the delay you wanted before taking the new (same) quest. Otherwise it seems working.
  8. quest_step = attached to character #quest_step = attached to player account You can find more informations in your doc/script_commands.txt folder http://svn.rathena.org/svn/rathena/trunk/doc/script_commands.txt (this link is for rAthena user~)
  9. Just replace ALL variable quest_step to #quest_step
  10. OnPCDieEvent can be use when you are killed by player if the doc doesn't lie. It's not a bug. Just to point it out XD
  11. Yes it is. btw you can remove set .DelayMin,rand(60);
  12. It's a bit paradoxical but I think you mean after 3 days that the player finish the quest, he could do the same quest. Also do you mean player or account ? Player
  13. atcommand.c isn't revised with this mapflag so @mapflag won't work with this one. The same with script.c, setmapflag won't work with this mapflag either. @donkeyg You should ask in source support for these options.
  14. 6 players are allowed to enter :
  15. prontera,150,150,5 script Broadcaster 456,{ mes "[broadcaster]"; mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0); mes "If you want to broadcast some messages,"; mes "type ^ff0000NPC:Broadcaster^000000 in the"; mes "Whisper Box, then type ^ff0000Global#<Text>^000000, or ^ff0000Map:<Text>^000000"; mes "in the Text Box."; next; mes "[broadcaster]"; mes "Example:"; mes "[WhisperBox:] NPC:Broadcaster"; mes "[TextBox:] Global#Hi Guys!"; mes ""; mes "The message 'Hi Guys' will be"; mes "announced to everyone on the Server."; mes "If I had put 'Map' instead of 'Global'"; mes "the message would be announced to the"; mes "current Map your on."; next; mes "[broadcaster]"; mes "A Global Broadcast costs "+.global_price+" Zeny."; mes "A Map Broadcast costs "+.map_price+" Zeny."; close; OnInit: set .map_price,75000; set .global_price,150000; end; OnWhisperGlobal: if(@whispervar0$ == "Global") { if(@whispervar1$ != "") { if(Zeny < .global_price) { dispbottom "You don't have enough Zeny."; end; } set Zeny, Zeny - .global_price; announce "(From "+strcharinfo(0)+"): "+@whispervar1$+"",bc_yellow; } else announce "You didn't put a message.",bc_self|bc_red; end; } else if(@whispervar0$ == "Map") { if(@whispervar1$ != "") { getmapxy(@mapn$,@mapx,@mapy,0); if(Zeny < .map_price) { dispbottom "You don't have enough Zeny."; end; } set Zeny, Zeny - .map_price; mapannounce @mapn$,"(From "+strcharinfo(0)+"): "+@whispervar1$+"",bc_yellow; } else announce "You didn't put a message.",bc_self|bc_red; end; } end; } Doc whisper system : http://svn.rathena.org/svn/rathena/trunk/doc/whisper_sys.txt and it's working
  16. No it's working. Your code works also with gettime(0) 0 % 2 == 0 and Just to point it out
  17. lol my apologies. Do you have used Whisper to activate the NPC like AnnieRuru said ?
  18. Miss one bracket sorry !
  19. i couldnt click the npc, nothing response after load the npc This uptade works with rAthena only (I guess you have eAthena) and it works perfectly.
  20. You have got several options : 1/ Change to rAthena or 2/ Change .variable = 666; into set <variable>,<expression>; - script ghjkl -1,{ OnPCDieEvent: if( getgmlevel() > 0 && killerrid ) { set .@acc_id, getcharid(3); attachrid( killerrid ); if( getgmlevel() > 0 ) end; attachrid( .@acc_id ); announce "GM " + strcharinfo(0) + " had been kill by Player " + rid2name( killerrid ) + " !",0; } end; }
  21. No problem. You know, I hesitated to post a link about basic scripting ! XD (I'm kidding)
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