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Everything posted by Schrwaizer

  1. Yeah, that's what I was planning to do. But he said "whatever the amount is. the guild leader gets". I'm wondering if it wins despite any result, because if it is like that, the dice is somewhat pointless.
  2. Even using the emoticon "/dice", there's no way to guess beyond a script which number has came from it. If I make this NPC to you, it will have to use random numbers that may not match to the emoticon numbers. Anyway, I got some doubts while reading your topic. Well, whatever number comes out, the guild leader will get his prize? I didn't got it. Can you explain well?
  3. You pasted an incomplete debug message. Please, post some lines that are above those you posted, They're probably saying which script command has received too many arguments.
  4. bMatk is was outdated deprecated since god-knows-when 4 years ago. The correctly equivalent command must be bMatkRate, if I recognize well. @edit Forgot to say, it doesn't increase your Magic Attack Rate in a "rate", but in the number you writte on it. Just like: bMatkRate, 100; It will not increase 100% of your Matk, but on only 100 points. @edit 2 Hulled.
  5. If you READ THE WHOLE TOPIC AND ANSWERS you will discover it!
  6. Take a look: http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?autocom=bugtracker&showbug=4764&&st=0
  7. I did it that way because she said to store it on Database. I was expecting her to make a query that updates the old value plus the new "time" value, so there woudn't be problems on reseting the variable everytime the players logon again. As I said, "I'll let the queries part up to you!"...
  8. @login_time will be deleted after "end;" And, yes, it would be a better idea to store it on an account variable.
  9. You can start by save the login time tick in a variable, just like this: OnPcLoginEvent: set tick, gettimetick(2); When the player logs out, you can subtract the setted tick with an actual tick, then sum it with the value on DB, just like this: OnPcLogoutEvent: set time, gettimetick(2) - tick; This will give you the time (in seconds) that the player were online. I'll let the queries part up to you!
  10. Search for a source-patch to correct this error. I'm not sure if you can find it here, at rAthena. Stop bumping your topics, that's really annoying
  11. I'm not pretty sure of how you can do this, but it isn't with NPC Scripts. I guess it needs some sprite and source customizations.
  12. You're at the scripting request area... asking for a map? I didn't catch it. If it is a map that you want, try requesting it on this area. Else, try to be more clear asking for the script you want.
  13. On a script, you can put only one OnPcLoginEvent... not only for semantic reasons. I'm not sure if there's actually a limit of this rotule usage, but nothing seems to cause crash in your script. And if you mute a character, it wont be able to run script atcommand, and your 'atcommand "@unmute "+strcharinfo(0);' will turn useless. Everyway, there are a lot of optimizations to do in this script. Check out my methods: 1. Create a not-so-gentle group in groups.conf with the following atributes: { id: <your choose> name: "pwd_group" inherit: ( ) leve: -1 comands: () permissions: { disable_commands_when_dead: true } }, 2. Add this block-action script part at the beggining of your script: set @old_group,getgroupid(); atcommand "@option 1"; atcommand "@hide"; atcommand "@adjgroup <that choose>"; This will block: • Movement; • Commands (Alt + M @Go shortcuts); • Hability to Drop/Trade items; 3. Optimize your script (I'll help you in this further ahead...) 4. Add the limits reversion if the player matches the pass: atcommand "@option 0"; atcommand "@hide"; atcommand "@adjgroup "+@old_group; Quite complicated, isn't it? I had bad times programming segund-password systems... long time ago. To end, you can change this switch(select("Blab:La")) { case 1: case 2: } To this if(select("Blab:La") == x) { dothis } else { dothat } I apologize the oversized reply.
  14. @deehrox If you're new to scripting, I guess you shoudn't be using Rafael Perella's CashLib system... In Cronus, it exists to turn the job of making cash related events easier, requiring an average knowledge on scripting. Try using the optimized Pixel's VIP System (Você já é do Cronus, então não vai ser difícil encontrar o sistema do Pixel). Also, Rafael said to me that his system has lots of future optimizations coming up, that turns the actual into a kind of "Beta".
  15. You can set two arrays with the same index for the correspondent coordinates. Just like this: setarray @x_axis[0],150,158,163,173; setarray @y_axis[0],184,182,189,199; set @map$,"prontera"; set @rand,rand(getarraysize(@x_axis) -1); //-1 prevents the rand() do get an non-existent array index warp @map$,@x_axis[@rand],@y_axis[@rand]; Think this should work.
  16. Schrwaizer

    Hi to all

    Switch set @i,0; To set .@i,0; In the whole script.
  17. You want a script that can Generate accounts directly on the phpmyadmin, by inputting its information on querysql command data, right? The available parameters to the command "querysql" are SELECT, DROP, UPDATE and DELETE. I'm not pretty sure if it's possible to a script to introduce an account in the "login" table with these commands. You'll need an already-made account to set its Gm level to the Staff numbers. This is the most probably thing that this kind of script may do.
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