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Everything posted by Schrwaizer

  1. I can almost see the 999/800 expansion... Gravity is really running out of ideas. I guess that there is about 90% of chance of a ton of formulas about to be changed. But those new skills seems to be really nice. I'm anxious to take a look at 'em. :3
  2. I guess it is supposed to show those buttons after doing what you've done... Have you tested it in-game?
  3. @@Capuche I've started scripting it just like this suggestion of yours, but I've changed it to AttachRid 'cause of the array size limit...
  4. O'right, I'll edit it to loop the quantity of existent accounts ASAP. ><
  5. Basically: - scrip PmThisScript -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: if(getgroupid != 99) end; if(!@whispervar0$) { dispbottom "Be sure to tell me the ID of the item you want to prize all the online characters."; dispbottom "[PM to npc:PmThisScript] : <item_id>#<item_quantity>"; dispbottom "Example:"; dispbottom "npc:PmThisScript | 999#10"; dispbottom "This will give 10 "+getitemname(999)+" to all online characters."; end; } if( ! (.@give_this_id = atoi(@whispervar0$)) || ! (.@at_this_quantity = atoi(@whispervar1$) || ! getitemname(.@give_this_id) ) { dispbottom "The given ID couldn't be processed."; dispbottom "Be sure to use only numeric values and checked item IDs."; end; } .@return_to = getcharid(3); // After-checking, let's do the dirty job! query_sql("SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` DESC LIMIT 0,1", .@num); for( .@i = 2000000; .@i < .@num[0]; .@i++) { if( isloggedin(.@i) ) { attachrid(.@i); getitem .@give_this_id, .@at_this_quantity; } } if( ! attachrid(.@return_to) ) { debugmes "The Administrator couldn't be contacted through the ACCOUNT_ID["+.@return_to+"]!"; end; } dispbottom .@at_this_quantity+" "+getitemname(.@give_this_id)+" had been successfully given to all online characters!"; end;I hadn't tested it, be sure to tell me if it doesn't work or if you want a modification on it.@Edit: Script fixed accordingly @@Capuche loop-warning. Thank him! Also removed unnecessary detachrid, as the rid is automatically detached with a new instance of the attachrid command. -- yet not tested --
  6. Please, post log-server and char-server screenshots. It is not easy to tell which problem is happening with the actual given information.
  7. Which rAthena revision are you using? bMatk was implemented somewhat recently, and it was absent until so.
  8. If you want it to be triggered when the player log in a map, use this: - /tab/ script /tab/ item_checker /tab/ -1,{ OnPcLoadMapEvent: if(strcharinfo(3) == "prontera" && countitem(7227) ) { warp "Save",0,0; } end; } prontera /tab/ mapflag /tab/ loadevent You can just replace "common npc header" with your npc header, it has anything special on it. Also, if you will still use the previous script, remove the "!" before "countitem"... it shouldn't be there. Ask me if it don't work.
  9. Ooh, I just had misunderstanding... just replace the getitem command to warp command, like this: common npc header,{ set .@your_item_id, <here>; if(!countitem(.@your_item_id)) { warp "Save",0,0; } end; }
  10. common npc header,{ set .@your_item_id, <here>; set .@your_item_qt, <here>; if(!countitem(.@your_item_id)) { getitem .@your_item_id, .@your_item_qt; } end; } This will work, but if the player stores the item, it can get more. If you want to change this, tell me.
  11. I see... so, forget that. I thought it would be treated like a normal NPC. xD
  12. I guess it needs Ontouch... because if the players clicks the portal, the effects will trigger. x_x I don't think that it is the point of a portal anw, just for semantic reasons. So, you can just add this to Annie's awesome script: prontera,156,172,1 script portal1 45,2,2,{ end; // Do nothing when the player clicks OnTouch: // Execute script when the player approaches switch ( rand(3) ) { default: getitem 606,10; break; case 1: getitem 608,20; break; case 2: getitem 607,20; } warp "Save", 0,0; end; } @edit: fixed typo at my bbcode
  13. You're probably using incompatible lua files related to your hexed.
  14. Why don't you use warp "SavePoint",0,0; Instead of and atcommand?
  15. You can configure it on db/item_stack.txt, there's no need of script to this task.
  16. Topic "Solved", I'm supporting Donkeyg through IM.
  17. Don't bump your posts so early! Also, this is Scripting Support Area. Refer yourself to Installation Support.
  18. Download the last revision and reconfigure it all over again.
  19. Have you asked him the result the dice emoticon displayed? I've tested this script with some friends couple WoEs and it turned out to be flawless. @edit: Oh, sorry! It's really permitting only one chance, I completely forgot this! Change the following parts in the script: This: mes .@n$+"\rLet's roll!"; close2; sleep2 1000; set @rdice, rand(1,6); setarray .@dicemots[1],58,59,60,61,62,63; emotion .@dicemots[@rdice]; sleep2 2000; mes .@n$+"\rHere it is!"; getitem .@id,@rdice; set .hasget, 1; close; Into this: mes .@n$+"\rLet's roll!"; close2; sleep2 1000; set @rdice, rand(1,6); setarray .@dicemots[1],58,59,60,61,62,63; emotion .@dicemots[@rdice]; sleep2 2000; getitem .@id,@rdice; set .hasget, 1; mes .@n$+"\rHere it is!\rLet's roll once again!"; close2; set @rdice, rand(1,6); sleep2 1000; mes .@n$+"\rHere it is!"; getitem .@id,@rdice; set .hasget, 2; close;
  20. Uh-oh! I just read the error you said from your map-serv! Another NPC have bugs, and you'll probably get an error with it later. Do you have it's name from map-server debug?
  21. Since bMatk was reimplemented in r16981, you don't have it, as I thought. You got three choices: • Update your revision to 16981 or the lastest; • Get the trac diff and implement bMatk at your own risk; • Use bMatkRate
  22. Disabled when logged and when WoE Starts, but it is enabled when WoE ends.
  23. Here it is! prontera,150,150,6 script WoE Prize 403,{ set .@n$, "[WoE Prize]"; // NPC name set .@id, 13825; // Prize ID set .@gid, getcharid(2); // Character's GuildID set .@gnm$, strcharinfo(2); // Character's GuildNAME set .@gld$, getguildmaster(.@gid); // Character's GuildMasterName set .@gcas, getcastledata("your castle here",1); // ID of the guild castle owner if( .hasget ) { mes .@n$+"\rThe prize has already been taken!"; close; } if( .@gcas != .@gid ) { mes .@n$+"\rYour guild isn't this castle owner!"; next; mes .@n$+"\rOnly the Guildmaster of this castle owner guild can have access to the prize!"; close; } if( strcharinfo(0) != .@gld$ ) { mes .@n$+"\rYou're not the "+.@gnm$+"'s Guildmaster."; next; mes .@n$+"\rOnly the Guild Master have access to the Prize!"; close; } mes .@n$+"\rHello, "+.@gnm$+" Guildmaster!"; mes "I'm the WoE Prizer NPC, it looks like that you haver won this last WoE, huh!"; next; mes .@n$+"\rAs the owner of this castle, you have the bonification of getting a prize."; next; mes .@n$+"\rI'll do you a sortition with /dice..."; next; mes .@n$+"\rDon't be afraid, you don't have one-to-six chance to win!"; next; mes .@n$+"\rYou will be rewarded wherever result comes out, the dice is just to define the quantity of it!"; next; mes .@n$+"\rMay I start, then?"; next; mes .@n$+"\rLet's roll!"; close2; sleep2 1000; set @rdice, rand(1,6); setarray .@dicemots[1],58,59,60,61,62,63; emotion .@dicemots[@rdice]; sleep2 2000; mes .@n$+"\rHere it is!"; getitem .@id,@rdice; set .hasget, 1; close; OnAgitEnd: enablenpc strnpcinfo(3); end; OnAgitStart: OnInit: disablenpc strnpcinfo(3); set .hasget, 0; end; } I apologize my lateness, yesterday was reveillon party. If there's any error with the script, call me. Don't forget to change it's coordinates and "your castle here" (I used prtg_cas03 to test it).
  24. bMatk was deprecated approximately four years ago, since eA (https://trac.paradox...changeset/13809 | https://trac.paradox...changeset/13809 | https://trac.paradox...changeset/10032). Reimplemented in rA 16981, as said by Euphy. If his revision as being rA is under rev 16981, this is most probably the problem, because he hasn't told us his emulator and it's revision...
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