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About krisnx

  • Birthday 11/14/1990

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  • Github: krisnn
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Community Answers

  1. change "1005" to 1005 , erase the quote " " izlude,168,64,0 script gcheck#1 -1,{ OnPCLoadMapEvent: getmapxy .@m$,.@x,.@y,0; if(.@m$ == "izlude") { if(getcharid(2) != 1005) { warp "prontera",155,182; Save "prontera",155,182; } } } izlude mapflag loadevent
  2. can you screenshoot your error ?
  3. thanks for share and make it compatible for rathena
  4. you must have .bmp file for view on mini map .gat , .rsw , .gnd file for your map don't forget to check your warp point for warp to house (npc etc) if using new client update your Towninfo.lua in folder System (clientside) for postition npc on your mini map
  5. i think this script has been check if you has been finish the quest you can look in here else if (GUNS_Q == 6) { mes "[Wise Bull Horn]"; mes "AAh, long time no see."; mes "I hope that you become"; mes "a smart beast, and use"; mes "your powers as a Gunslinger to protect what is good and just."; close; } else { mes "[Wise Bull Horn]"; mes "Zzzzzz~"; mes "^333333*Phew*^000000"; close; }
  6. simply design , i like it 8/10 make 3 green bullet for server status server, char, and login sir
  7. krisnx


    set the mapflag for vending sir ..
  8. krisnx

    DB Error

    upgrade your sql script sir
  9. moroccx,152,134,0 script School of Fish 844,{ if (isequipped(2764)) && (isequipped(2775)){ specialeffect2 EF_BUBBLE; set .@fcast,7; if (isequipped(2550)) { //Fisher's_Muffler set .@fcast,.@fcast - 3; } if (isequipped(2443)) { //Fish_Shoes set .@fcast,.@fcast - 2; } progressbar "ffffff",.@fcast; if (rand(1,20) == 2) { getitem 13550,10; //Big Fish specialeffect EF_BUBBLE; mapannounce "allstar","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught a Fish Slice Box!!!",bc_map,"0xff77ff"; end; } set .@rhea_ran,rand(1,70); if (.@rhea_ran < 20) { getitem 7420,5; //Fresh Fish } else if (.@rhea_ran == 20) { getitem 13604,1; //Spawn } else if (.@rhea_ran == 21) { getitem 13592,1; //Jellopy } else if (.@rhea_ran == 22) { getitem 13578,1; //Sharp_Scale } else if (.@rhea_ran == 23) { getitem 13596,1; //Gill } else if (.@rhea_ran == 24) { getitem 13572,1; //Marlin } else if (.@rhea_ran == 25) { getitem 13574,1; //Sticky_Webfoot } else if (.@rhea_ran == 26) { getitem 13891,1; //Nipper } else if (.@rhea_ran == 27) { getitem 13892,1; //Garlet } else if (.@rhea_ran == 28) { getitem 13893,1; //Sticky_Mucus } else if (.@rhea_ran == 29) { set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + 5; // <-- Cashpoint } else if ((.@rhea_ran > 29) && (.@rhea_ran < 40)) { getitem 13894,1; //Rotten Fish } else { mes "Nothing was caught."; close; } if (rand(1,200) == 3) { getitem 13550,10; //Gift_Box mapannounce "allstar","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught a Fish Slice Box!!",bc_map,"0x00ffff"; } if (rand(1,500) == 3) { getitem 12106,1; //Old_Blue_Box mapannounce "allstar","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught an Jewelry Box!!",bc_map,"0x00ffff"; } if (rand(1,3000) == 3) { getitem 12106,1; //Old_Violet_Box mapannounce "allstar","" + strcharinfo(0) + " has caught an Jewelry Box!!",bc_map,"0x44ff44"; } end; } else { mes "Fish are swimming in the water."; close; } }
  10. try to delete line 1 to 13 , and you only use this - script Hour_Reward_Points -1,{ OnInit: set .TimeInMinutes,5; //Check at 5 Minutes set .WhatRewardHour,1; //Reward at 1 Hour set .ItemIDReward,5012; //Reward ID, 5012 set .ItemRewardAmount,1; //Reward Amount end; OnPCLoginEvent: dispbottom "Hourly Rewards have been started for this character."; while(1) //Must Leave it run constantly. { sleep2 60000*.TimeInMinutes; //5 Minutes == Will Check Players activity after this time in milliseconds. if ( checkidle() > 300) //Check if player has been active or not. { if ( checkvending() == 2 ) end; //Check if Auto Vending. while ( checkidle() > 1 ) //Pause count while player is inactive, also checks for activity. sleep2 1000; } else { set .@ActiveTime, .@ActiveTime + .TimeInMinutes; //Count Total Time Active Within the hour. if ( .@ActiveTime == .WhatRewardHour ) //Player has been active for .WhatRewardHour throughout the login time. { mes "You have been awarded an Apple for your activity."; close2; getitem .ItemIDReward,.ItemRewardAmount; //When Player has been active for One Hour set .@ActiveTime,0; //Reset Time Active. } } } OnPCLogoutEvent: end; }
  11. F18: setarray @c[0],181,240,195,270,235,202,188,215,205,144,245,223,180,206,196,208; Disp("Mjolnir Field 5:Mjolnir Field 6:Mjolnir Field 7:Mjolnir Field 8:Mjolnir Field 9:Mjolnir Field 10:Mjolnir Field 11:Mjolnir Field 12"); Pick("moc_fild05","moc_fild06","moc_fild07","moc_fild08","moc_fild09","moc_fild10","moc_fild11","moc_fild12");
  12. - script RewardPointConvertnew -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: query_sql("SELECT `credits` FROM `cp_votes` WHERE account_id="+getcharid(3)+" LIMIT 1",.@cash); if (!.@cash) end; query_sql("UPDATE `cp_votes` SET credits=(credits-"+.@cash+") WHERE account_id='"+getcharid(3)+"'"); set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS+.@cash; dispbottom "Cash Point updated! Total: "+#CASHPOINTS; dispbottom "Please relogin ~"; end; } -[TAB]script[TAB]RewardPointConvertnew[TAB]-1,{ in first line check TAB , if error in line 1
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