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Everything posted by Haziel

  1. There's none. All of them were made from scratch by their respective owners.
  2. Greetings, You can use the script function getstatus: *getstatus(<effect type>{,<type>{,<char_id>}}) Retrieve information about a specific status effect when called. Depending on <type> specified the function will return different information. Possible <type> values: - 0 or undefined: whether the status is active - 1: the val1 of the status - 2: the val2 of the status - 3: the val3 of the status - 4: the val4 of the status - 5: the amount of time in milliseconds that the status has remaining If <type> is not defined or is set to 0, then the script function will either return 1 if the status is active, or 0 if the status is not active. If the status is not active when any of the <type> fields are provided, this script function will always return 0. And check if SC_FUSION is active.
  3. Hello. I wrote a complete guide on Encrypting using GRF Editor. If you read it carefully, you'll notice several errors of conduct on your procedure. I encrypt my main grf before and already generate cps.dll.. Not wrong here, but you should test everything before using it in a live server. But after that, I decided to decrypt in since I cannot update encrypted grf files via thor patcher.. You can send Encrypted GRFs and Encrypted Files via Thor Patcher using GRF Editor to create the patches, see the Guide above about that. So, I decrypt the grf files.. So.. to edit, I no longer need to input my encrypt password and my grf files can updated with thor patcher.. Couldn't understand what you did neither why you did that. My problem is, when I delete or rename cps.dll, my client wont run and said cps.dll is missing.. How do I fix it? Any idea? Already check diff with nemo that custom dll is not load.. RO has an official cps.dll, it needs to be used encrypting stuff or not. GRF Editor generates a CUSTOM one to be used. There's no need to touch cps.dll, even if you're not using Encrypted stuff anymore, unless you've changed the password. Get the official cps.dll on any DATA folders releases somewhere in the forum or generate a new one using the same password you used before, also, same .exe name. And, to finish the answer, to decrypt a GRF you just need to use the same menu that encrypts it if you know the password.
  4. I'm sorry, rAthena team has no knowledge of modifications present on eAmod or any of it's branches.
  5. Haziel


    Isn't he Professor Grass?
  6. Haziel


    It's a bit noisy here, is it the weather? @Akkarin Try rebooting and starting the engine again, @Chemical Crush !
  7. Hello @AsiaGenius. A nice project you have there. I would love to see a test of it against the well known cheating softwares of RO. The best of luck!
  8. The Wiki can be found on the upper menu, under Docs > Wiki.
  9. You can use getcastledata command: *getcastledata("<map name>",<type of data>) *setcastledata "<map name>",<type of data>,<value>; This function returns the castle ownership information for the castle referred to by its map name. Castle information is stored in `guild_castle` SQL table. Types of data correspond to `guild_castle` table columns: 1 - `guild_id` - Guild ID. 2 - `economy` - Castle Economy score. 3 - `defense` - Castle Defense score. 4 - `triggerE` - Number of times the economy was invested in today. 5 - `triggerD` - Number of times the defense was invested in today. 6 - `nextTime` - unused 7 - `payTime` - unused 8 - `createTime` - unused 9 - `visibleC` - Is 1 if a Kafra was hired for this castle, 0 otherwise. 10 - `visibleG0` - Is 1 if the 1st guardian is present (Soldier Guardian) 11 - `visibleG1` - Is 1 if the 2nd guardian is present (Soldier Guardian) 12 - `visibleG2` - Is 1 if the 3rd guardian is present (Soldier Guardian) 13 - `visibleG3` - Is 1 if the 4th guardian is present (Archer Guardian) 14 - `visibleG4` - Is 1 if the 5th guardian is present (Archer Guardian) 15 - `visibleG5` - Is 1 if the 6th guardian is present (Knight Guardian) 16 - `visibleG6` - Is 1 if the 7th guardian is present (Knight Guardian) 17 - `visibleG7` - Is 1 if the 8th guardian is present (Knight Guardian) All types of data have their meaning determined by War of Emperium scripts, with exception of: - `guild_id` that is always considered ID of the guild that owns the castle, - `defense` that is used in Guardians & Emperium HP calculations, - `visibleG` that is always considered to hold guardian presence bits. The 'setcastledata' command will behave identically, but instead of returning values for the specified types of accessible data, it will alter them and cause them to be sent to the char-server for storage. Changing Guild ID or Castle Defense will trigger additional actions, like recalculating guardians' HP. In a Script, set an array with the list of all castles and make a loop checking the ID of the castle owner match the desired Guild check.
  10. if( agitcheck() || .@woe$ == "prtg_cas01" ) { What you're checking here is read is: IF war is happening OR the player is on "prtg_cas01", give points. | | symbol represents OR, so, IF would work if one of the following conditions is met.
  11. Specifically the custom ones, right? Have you tried to leave the texture files inside and outside a custom/ subfolder under texture/?
  12. Well, for those models, you'll need to HEX the model files changing the version from 5 to 4.
  13. As far as my research comes to, it seems that some clients won't support models with version 5 on their headers. Is your map using any of the new models from Prontera, Lasagna or other recent updates in an 2013 client or something?
  14. Then it may be several factors. Have acquired the correct LUA files for using the bodystyle command? Check the requirements for the Bodystyle feature here.
  15. As far as I can remember, it won't read subfolders, files must be under model/ and texture/.
  16. Greetings. Your post has far insufficient info. Please, detail how it happens, post the code you're currently using and check if there's any error on Server's console.
  17. Usually, under root folders of each, custom models under models/ and textures under textures/.
  18. Greetings. Honestly, I have never even heard of that error, but we can investigate it's cause. First step is: can you open it on Browedit and check if the console displays any errors?
  19. The official lightmaps are generated by other softwares, the way Browedit does it is saved on that .extra file he generates upon saving. There's no known way to get the original information, of course, because it was not generated by the same tool.
  20. Very well, I had some spare time, so. - script hourly_point_main -1,{ OnInit: .max_hour = 5; .duration = 3600; .npc_name$ = strnpcinfo(3); bindatcmd "hourly", .npc_name$ + "::OnCheck"; end; OnClock0000: query_sql( "DELETE FROM acc_reg_num` WHERE `key` = '#daily_hour_count' AND `account_id` IN ( SELECT `account_id` FROM `char` WHERE `login` = 0 GROUP BY `account_id` ) " ); addrid(0); #daily_hour_count = -1; OnUpdate: deltimer .npc_name$+"::OnUpdate"; #daily_hour_count++; switch ( #daily_hour_count ) { case 1: #CASHPOINT += 1; getitem 512,1; break; case 2: #CASHPOINT += 2; getitem 512,2; break; case 3: #CASHPOINT += 3; getitem 512,3; break; case 4: #CASHPOINT += 4; getitem 512,4; break; case 5: #CASHPOINT += 5; getitem 512,6; break; default: break; } OnPCLoginEvent: if ( #daily_hour_count < .max_hour ) { @timer = gettimetick(2) + .duration; addtimer ( .duration * 1000 ), .npc_name$+"::OnUpdate"; } if ( #daily_hour_count ) dispbottom "[ Hourly Rewards ] " + #daily_hour_count + "/" + .max_hour + " hour" + ((#daily_hour_count > 1)?"s":"") + " played!",0x9ae2d7; end; OnCheck: .@min = (@timer - gettimetick(2))/60; .@sec = (@timer - gettimetick(2))%60; dispbottom "[ Hourly Rewards ] Your next reward will be achieved in " + ((.@min)? "[ " + .@min + " ] minute" + ((.@min > 1)?"s":""):"") + ((.@min && .@sec)? " and ":"") + ((.@sec)? "[ " + .@sec + " ] second" + ((.@sec > 1)?"s":""):"") + "!",0x9ae2d7; end; } I've made it on my own coding and aesthetic taste, adapt it as you wish. Use @hourly to check time left
  21. That should work, have you tested it?
  22. Haziel

    HI !

    Everything you need to know to start, step by step, can be found on our GitHub Wiki!
  23. Haziel

    HI !

    Hello, @Cyric! Welcome to rAthena!
  24. View File [Arcturus] Lightning Guardian Hello again, rAthena. Years before the release of Ragnarök Online, Gravity made an RPG game called Arcturus. Due the similarities of the styles and structures, some content can be brought back to life on our beloved RO. Today I presente you one new Foe or Boss for your fields, instances or yet, quests: The Lightning Guardian! This is a free release, use it as you wish, but please, don't claim my work as yours, it took quite some effort to make this conversion. I'll try to make a release weekly, contact me if you want to support me by any way. Hope you all like it. Regards, Haziel Submitter Haziel Submitted 11/28/16 Category Monster Sprites Content Author  
  25. Version 1.0.0


    Hello again, rAthena. Years before the release of Ragnarök Online, Gravity made an RPG game called Arcturus. Due the similarities of the styles and structures, some content can be brought back to life on our beloved RO. Today I presente you one new Foe or Boss for your fields, instances or yet, quests: The Lightning Guardian! This is a free release, use it as you wish, but please, don't claim my work as yours, it took quite some effort to make this conversion. I'll try to make a release weekly, contact me if you want to support me by any way. Hope you all like it. Regards, Haziel
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