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Everything posted by en_dev

  1. The s1/p1 has to be an id 1 Then login by doing testing_M (Male) or testing_F (female) for username then type password any password you want, thats just for creating a new account. You cant use s1/p1 to login cuz thats only accessed by the server itself.
  2. Theres a config on your patcher inside your website, i think the file name was main.cfg something.
  3. Or prolly the pins that were bent ? even though you fixed it, some pins has to be in exact straight position. processor is really sensitive, when it fails your computer will not run even with the light on thats why its giving you no signal/connection on your monitor screen.
  4. hmm not sure, but i think sacrifice do miss vs high agi players.
  5. Sorry, i havent use pre renewal, so idk the mechanics.
  6. conf/battles/status.conf change : pc_luk_status_def: 300 mob_luk_status_def: 300 according to your max stats. As i recall, correct me if im wrong.
  7. I would recommend to make an installer to you're currently using client, then let them download the full version of it. Otherwise, patch your latest grf. I'd still go having them download full installer again since you got new stuffs and they got old ones.
  8. modify your mmo.h and set the packetver to 20120410, dont forget to set db/packet_db.txt those two must match your client, or else you'll get that kind of issue.
  9. can you explain further more, sorry that i'm kinda confused what you're trying to achieve.
  10. src. maybe. no. ok, thanks, great script. might try it.
  11. try this. { bonus bAllStats,5; if(BaseClass==Job_Mage||BaseClass==Job_Gunslinger){ bonus bMaxHPrate,20; bonus bFlee,50; } else if(Class==4008||Class==4014||BaseClass==Job_Merchant) {bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,LK_PARRYING,1,100; }else if(Class==4015||Class==4022) {bonus bMaxHPrate,10; }else if(Class==Job_Stalker) {bonus bFlee2,10; bonus bMaxHPrate,10; }else if(BaseClass==Job_Bard||BaseClass==Job_Dancer){ bonus2 bSkillAtk,BA_MUSICALSTRIKE,25; }else if(Class==4013){ bonus bFlee,20; bonus bFlee2,7;}},{},{}
  12. does it need any source modification to reach +20 refines ?
  13. thank you hmm i wonder, what other things should i add on that site.
  14. it only takes awhile to load at first, but when you visit again, its fast. and actually, i use tools.pingdom.com and yslow and other website speed performance test on that site, pretty much good grades. and btw, im not using any flux cp or default ragnarok control panel. thank you though
  15. http://xrovolution.com/ What can ya say ? Any rates?
  16. on linux command, do make clean then make sql , type it twice if it didnt run at first. let it recompile, then run your server using linux command. ./athena-start start
  17. eathena files is pretty much different from rathena files specially when it comes to database, merging them together requires a lot of work not just doing copy and paste.
  18. Thanks for the response, but it doesnt have the client 20102212 that im looking for ;(
  19. Anyone knows any link for that client ? thanks.
  20. hmm, okay, i prolly forget then ;(
  21. if you set one of ur settings to read database mobs, revert it. Its better to use db/mobs txt
  22. hmm, not sure but try clientxml, where your client settings are. I remember I did change that before and points to my website.
  23. How about,go inside the server folder that u want to update, right click->SVN Checkout-> paste your SVN url directories ( where the updates your getting from ) ex https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/ then hit ok.
  24. right click, tortoiseSVN->repo browser, set your url to where you want to get updates. ( not sure, I havent played with tortoiseSVN atm, worth a try. )
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