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  1. Hi! You can check it at: src/map/skill.c: case DC_SCREAM: sc_start(bl,SC_STUN,(25+5*skilllv),skilllv,skill_get_time2(skillid,skilllv)); break; The script sounds fine, they can't stun probally by the renewal mechanics.
  2. Nicko

    Attach Party

    What? Can you explain it a little bit different?
  3. Wrong place? It's suposed to be in off-topic in my opinion. Anyways, i still playing because, is my favorite game. Just that, is a good kill-time.
  4. I'm not sure about the formula, but in Rathena, i found this: case SC_FEINTBOMB: skillratio += 100 + 100 * skill_lv; break; I don't see anyting saying about DEX here. Anyways, if you wan't change the damage of this formula above, just add the command where you wan't: sstatus->vit sstatus->dex sstatus->str Change str, vit, dex by what you wan't,
  5. High Jump is a teleporting skill. Everymap where you can't use, the wings(Can't remember the name, but is the iten that teleport you on a randon place), tje High Jump won't will work.
  6. Hi! You mean duplicate like this: HI HI THIS IS RAGNAROK HI HI THIS IS RAGNAROK Instead of: HI HI THIS IS RAGNAROK If it's, the notice content is smaller than the box. I don't know how Thor Patcher is working now, but, check if it have a option like: Repeat and change it for: Repeat=false Or No-Repeat Or Try doing a small notice box. Good Luck!
  7. Hi First: // Malaya Port 2309,Bungisngis@BS_HAMMERFALL,attack,110,5,1000,1500,5000,no,target,always,0,,,,,,, This monster isn't loaded, he's commented, fix doing this: // Malaya Port 2309,Bungisngis@BS_HAMMERFALL,attack,110,5,1000,1500,5000,no,target,always,0,,,,,,, Second: 2320,Bakonawa@WZ_METEOR,attack,83,11,10000,0,1000,yes,target,always,0,,,,,,, // 2329,Buwaya Egg@NPC_EMOTION,idle,197,1,2000,0,5000,yes,self,always,0,19,,,,,, 2329,Buwaya Did you see the error? The Monster ID and name, are in another line, and they'r commented, fix doing this: 2320,Bakonawa@WZ_METEOR,attack,83,11,10000,0,1000,yes,target,always,0,,,,,,, 2329,Buwaya Egg@NPC_EMOTION,idle,197,1,2000,0,5000,yes,self,always,0,19,,,,,, Do this for everyting you find like this, until the errors stop.
  8. getitem 15012,1; mes "[Lenneth]"; mes "Here is ^3355FFDark Armor^000000, may it serve you well."; close; L_NOTENOUGH: Change for getitem 15012,1; mes "[Lenneth]"; mes "Here is ^3355FFDark Armor^000000, may it serve you well."; close; getitem 15012,1; L_NOTENOUGH:
  9. Hi db/re/skill_db: Change the 3 as you wish. The same for Bio Canibalize.
  10. Hi! Renewal mechanics changed all the game, that means, HP, SP, def, matk, doesn't matters if you have a low attack number, the monsters hp and users HP are lower on renewal. Now, the ATK is based on STR + LUK + DEX 1 str = 1 atk 5 dex = 1 atk 3 luk = 1 atk So assuming that you have 400 on all stats, you have: Atk base = 400 ->Using 400 str + 400/5 = 80 atk + 400/3 = 133 Final attack: 613 Note: If you use a BOW like weapon, change str for dex.
  11. But it will remove the water requeriment for all classes. I just wan't remove the requeriment for the Expanded super novice class.
  12. Nicko

    how to fix this

    Did you tried to change the Timezone in the configs? Like GTM+4, GTM-6....
  13. Hi rAthena! I just need a small source change, but i really don't know how to do it. I need that the class Expanded Super Novice, can use the skill WZ_WATERBALL without the water requeriments, but this change can't effect mages, that means: *Expanded super novice, can use it without water. *Mages need water for use it. Thanks, so much for the help! Kisses!
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