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Everything posted by Limestone

  1. HAHAHAHA! The Best @Olrox and @Syouji! if you have plan to make a Ragnarok map making school, i'm the first person enrolled!
  2. Thank you so much. i'll post here if there are problems :3 god bless you my friend. // time limit (sec) of the instance per level - Normal, Hard, Hardcore, Nightmare setarray .timelimit[ 1 ], 1800, 2700, 3600, 4500; .max_players = 4; // max players in the party Done // Time (min) / round / difficulty setarray .time_Normal[ 1 ], 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10; setarray .time_Hard[ 1 ], 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20; setarray .time_Hardcore[ 1 ], 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30; setarray .time_Nightmare[ 1 ], 4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40; // Number ( monsters / round / difficulty ) initialized setarray .mob_init_Normal[ 1 ], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; setarray .mob_init_Hard[ 1 ], 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12; setarray .mob_init_Hardcore[ 1 ], 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13; setarray .mob_init_Nightmare[ 1 ], 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20; with mob ID / round / difficulty // Mob ID / round // Level : Normal setarray .mob_ID_Normal_round1[ 0 ], 1002,1005,1004;// poring, hornet, familiar setarray .mob_ID_Normal_round2[ 0 ], 1002,1005; setarray .mob_ID_Normal_round3[ 0 ], 1002,1005,1004; setarray .mob_ID_Normal_round4[ 0 ], 1002,1005,1004; setarray .mob_ID_Normal_round5[ 0 ], 1002,1005,1004,1005; setarray .mob_ID_Normal_round6[ 0 ], 1002,1005,1004; setarray .mob_ID_Normal_round7[ 0 ], 1002,1005,1004; setarray .mob_ID_Normal_round8[ 0 ], 1002,1005,1004; setarray .mob_ID_Normal_round9[ 0 ], 1002,1005,1004; setarray .mob_ID_Normal_round10[ 0 ], 1002,1005,1004; // Level : Hard setarray .mob_ID_Hard_round1[ 0 ], 1002,1005,1004; setarray .mob_ID_Hard_round2[ 0 ], 1002,1005,1004; setarray .mob_ID_Hard_round3[ 0 ], 1002,1005,1004; // Hero ( points / round / difficulty ) - using #hero_points variable setarray .hero_points_Normal[ 1 ], 100,110,120,130,140,150,160,170,180,200; setarray .hero_points_Hard[ 1 ], 120,140,160,180,200,220,240,260,280,300; setarray .hero_points_Hardcore[ 1 ], 150,180,210,240,270,300,330,360,390,420; setarray .hero_points_Nightmare[ 1 ], 200,250,300,350,400,450,500,550,600,700; Rank is weird here if the players can do the instance in party. Example : 4 players complete a round, they are all in top ranking -->> weird so I didn't put a rank script: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=N3x7cBG6 http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=9cUxYghF map: client_side.rar don't forget to update your mapcache.dat EDIT: I forgot the function dude, i have problem on your script ( i think ), because when i try to access the map i get always gravity error but i already update my map_cache and put the map files on my grf
  3. yes we know that, but sometimes it drops items w/o in the mob_db and set items in mapflag
  4. paid services? where? and who?
  5. Even in langtype 7 ai4rei.
  6. change your packet_db to default or 25
  7. It works but i have problem encrypting clientinfo, it reads the client but cannot connect to the server.
  8. can you show us screenies? coz it ok to me.
  9. if there's someone who can make this kind of script, a big thanks from me :3 LOL map: guild_vs3 • selection ( Normal, Hard, Nightmare, Hardcore ) - each difficulty have 10 levels - each difficulty have given time to finish the instance - for Normal: 30 minutes - for Hard: 45 minutes - for Nightmare: 60 minutes - for Hardcore: 90 minutes - Maximum of 4 members in a party only. if the member exceeds the maximum, the npc will ignore the leader - only the party leader can talk to npc in order to warp to the instance if a player have a party members, the number of monsters will increase depends on the player(s) in a party. (example: if 4 players in a party, for level 1 (normal) from 1 mob it will increase to 4 - for Normal • additional of 1 mob for each level depends on the party member count. - for Hard: • additional of 2 mobs for each level depends on the party member count. - for Nightmare: • additional of 3 mobs for each level depends on the party member count. - for Hardcore: • additional of 4 mobs for each level depends on the party member count. - if the time runs out, automatically warp the player to its savepoint and stop its instance - for every level, there are time limit given for the participant ( if time runs out, automatically warp the player to its save point and stop the instance ) - if the mobs for each level are all defeated, it will automatically go to the next level - 5 secs countdown for monster spawn for each level - for Normal: - Level 1: 1 minute - Level 2: 2 minutes - Level 3: 3 minutes - Level 4: 4 minutes - Level 5: 5 minutes - Level 6: 6 minutes - Level 7: 7 minutes - Level 8: 8 minutes - Level 9: 9 minutes - Level 10: 10 minutes - for Hard: - Level 1: 2 minutes - Level 2: 4 minutes - Level 3: 6 minutes - Level 4: 8 minutes - Level 5: 10 minutes - Level 6: 12 minutes - Level 7: 14 minutes - Level 8: 16 minutes - Level 9: 18 minutes - Level 10: 20 minutes - for Nightmare: - Level 1: 3 minutes - Level 2: 6 minutes - Level 3: 9 minutes - Level 4: 12 minutes - Level 5: 15 minutes - Level 6: 18 minutes - Level 7: 21 minutes - Level 8: 24 minutes - Level 9: 27 minutes - Level 10: 30 minutes - for Hardcore: - Level 1: 4 minutes - Level 2: 8 minutes - Level 3: 12 minutes - Level 4: 16 minutes - Level 5: 20 minutes - Level 6: 24 minutes - Level 7: 28 minutes - Level 8: 32 minutes - Level 9: 36 minutes - Level 10: 40 minutes - for each difficulty there are types of mobs ( custom mobs from my db ) - for Normal: - Level 1: 1 mob - Level 2: 2 mobs - Level 3: 3 mobs - Level 4: 4 mobs - Level 5: 5 mobs - Level 6: 6 mobs - Level 7: 7 mobs - Level 8: 8 mobs - Level 9: 9 mobs - Level 10: 10 mobs - for Hard: - Level 1: 2 mobs - Level 2: 3 mobs - Level 3: 4 mobs - Level 4: 5 mobs - Level 5: 6 mobs - Level 6: 7 mobs - Level 7: 8 mobs - Level 8: 9 mobs - Level 9: 10 mobs - Level 10: 12 mobs - for Nightmare: - Level 1: 3 mobs - Level 2: 4 mobs - Level 3: 5 mobs - Level 4: 6 mobs - Level 5: 7 mobs - Level 6: 8 mobs - Level 7: 9 mobs - Level 8: 10 mobs - Level 9: 11 mobs - Level 10: 13 mobs - for Hardcore: - Level 1: 5 mobs - Level 2: 6 mobs - Level 3: 7 mobs - Level 4: 8 mobs - Level 5: 9 mobs - Level 6: 10 mobs - Level 7: 12 mobs - Level 8: 14 mobs - Level 9: 16 mobs - Level 10: 20 mobs Prizes: - the prizes for each difficulty are depends on what level they finished for Normal: - Level 1: 100 Hero Points - Level 2: 110 Hero Points - Level 3: 120 Hero Points - Level 4: 130 Hero Points - Level 5: 140 Hero Points - Level 6: 150 Hero Points - Level 7: 160 Hero Points - Level 8: 170 Hero Points - Level 9: 180 Hero Points - Level 10: 200 Hero Points for Hard: - Level 1: 120 Hero Points - Level 2: 140 Hero Points - Level 3: 160 Hero Points - Level 4: 180 Hero Points - Level 5: 200 Hero Points - Level 6: 220 Hero Points - Level 7: 240 Hero Points - Level 8: 260 Hero Points - Level 9: 280 Hero Points - Level 10: 300 Hero Points for Nightmare: - Level 1: 150 Hero Points - Level 2: 180 Hero Points - Level 3: 210 Hero Points - Level 4: 240 Hero Points - Level 5: 270 Hero Points - Level 6: 300 Hero Points - Level 7: 330 Hero Points - Level 8: 360 Hero Points - Level 9: 390 Hero Points - Level 10: 420 Hero Points for Hardcore: - Level 1: 200 Hero Points - Level 2: 250 Hero Points - Level 3: 300 Hero Points - Level 4: 350 Hero Points - Level 5: 400 Hero Points - Level 6: 450 Hero Points - Level 7: 500 Hero Points - Level 8: 550 Hero Points - Level 9: 600 Hero Points - Level 10: 700 Hero Points Rankings: - for each level there are top 10 rank - menu's for ranking "Normal, Hard, Nightmare, Hardcore, Reset Rank" - Reset Rank shows in GM only format for Ranking, "<player name>","<level of difficulty>","<total time of finishing the instance>" Hope the Gods of scripting can make me this kind of script, Especially @AnnieRuru and @Emistry and also @goddameit Bump! bump! @AnnieRuru please help!
  10. yes.. you're right, but i wan't to suggest to add on your script. that if the player enchants its armor, if the refine fails, there are chance to destroy the armor, destroy the stone, revert the stone's enchant level. and there are chance that the stone will remain.
  11. Limestone

    Custom BG

    how can i make this automated?
  12. casp_dun01,279,262,1 script .#1 45,2,2,{ if ( quest_done & 1 << 0 ) warp "casp_dun02",133,114; else // warp "prontera", 27,40; mes "[ Caspen Gatekeeper ]"; mes "....."; close; warp "casp_dun01",275,265; end; } casp_dun01,273,269,1 script Unknown Stone 111,{ if ( quest_done & 1 << 0 ) { mes "............."; close; } else if ( quest == 3 ) { mes "Congratulations! "+strcharinfo(0)+","; mes "i wish you are the one who can defeat"; mes "^FF0000Draconus^000000"; next; mes "You can now enter Level 2 Dungeon"; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" can now access Caspen Dungeons Level 2! Congratulations!",bc_all; quest_done = quest_done | 1 << 0 ; quest = 0; // save memory; close; } else if ( quest == 0 ) { mes "[ Unknown Stone ]"; mes "God's given us powers to use it on good ways."; next; mes "[ Unknown Stone ]"; mes "But some monsters abuse it and use it in evil,"; mes "help us to defeat ^FF0000Draconus^000000,"; mes "and our world will be at in peace."; next; mes "[ Unknown Stone ]"; mes "Are you willing to help us on our problem?"; switch(select("No. I'm Scared:Yes! for Prosperity!")){ case 1: next; mes "[ Unknown Stone ]"; mes "Oh my.. I thought you are the chosen one."; mes "my big mistake..!"; close; case 2: next; mes "[ Unknown Stone ]"; mes "^FA5000Old Man, Theus^000000 knows all about the history"; mes "of this dungeon."; next; mes "[ Unknown Stone ]"; mes "Theus will ask you to find him some items and kill some monsters"; next; mes "[ Unknown Stone ]"; mes "Talk to ^FA5000Old Man, Theus^000000,"; mes "you can locate him in Caspen Fields."; next; mes "[ Unknown Stone ]"; mes "Good luck and Take care.!"; quest = 1; close; } if( quest == 1 ){ mes "[ Unknown Stone ]"; mes "You must ask ^FA5000Old Man, Theus^000000 on other informations."; close; } } } casp_fild01,186,55,4 script Old Man Theus 120,{ if ( item_need_req == 1 ){ mes "[ Theus ]"; mes "Oh.. you've returned!"; mes "isn't it difficult?"; switch(select("Piece of Cake.:LOL....")){ case 1: if(countitem(909) < 100){ next; mes "[ Theus ]"; mes "Insuficient item requirements"; mes "Come back again if you collect what i've said"; close; } else { next; mes "[ Theus ]"; mes "Ohh! Well done."; mes "here's my next request on you"; next; mes "[ Theus ]"; mes "You must Kill these Monsters."; mes "10 Poring"; mes "10 Fabre"; set monster_kill,1; close; } case 2: next; mes "[ Theus ]"; mes "...........??"; close; } mes "lalalala~~"; close; } else if ( monster_kill == 1 ) { if ( kill_monster_count < 10 && kill_monster_count2 < 10 ) { mes "kill not enough poring"; close; } mes "well done, go talk to npc1"; quest = 3; kill_poring_count = 0; close; if ( quest == 1 ) { mes "[ Theus ]"; mes "So you must be "+strcharinfo(0)+","; mes "the one who sent by our Gate keeper."; next; mes "[ Theus ]"; mes "So, are you ready to explore Caspen Dungeons?"; switch(select("No~ Thank you.:Yes, I'm excited.")){ case 1: next; mes "[ Theus ]"; mes "Don't Talk to me."; emotion e_shy; close; case 2: next; mes "[ Theus ]"; mes "Before you can Enter the Dungeon"; mes "you must finished my requirements to you"; next; mes "[ Theus ]"; mes "bring me these items."; mes "^00FF00100 Jellopies^000000"; set item_need_req,1; close; } mes "then go kill 10 poring"; quest = 2; close; } mes "lalalala~~"; close; OnNPCKillEvent: if ( quest == 2 && killedrid == 1002 && kill_monster_count < 10 ) if ( quest == 2 && killedrid == 1007 && kill_monster_count2 < 10 ) dispbottom "poring killed ["+ kill_monster_count++ +"/10]"; dispbottom "fabre killed ["+ kill_monster_count2++ +"/10]"; end; } } // Warp Portals casp_dun02,132,109,0 warp casp_dun1-1 1,1,casp_dun01,275,265 Here's my Modified Script @AnnieRuru.. please check what is my problem. prob 1: i can't click the npc2 "old man theus" after talking to "unknown stone" prob 2, how can i set the dispbottom to show 2 monsters? only shows one. Bump!
  13. I don't really understand thisyou said you want an enchantment script which immediately give out +10 str if the user has 3x +10 str stones and you mean if the user collected 3x +10 stones, if failed, they still getting +9 stats ??? sounds ridiculous hmm.. yes. but a chance only, a chance to revert, remain or vanish the enchant stone or vanish the item.
  14. Thanks for replying @AnnieRuru, how about if the refine fails, it will revert to its previous refine ex: from +5 if fails it will down to +4 thank you!
  15. yes. i know socket enchant but i wan't a refiner of those enchantment stones :3 for uniqueness? haha
  16. can i request a enchant refine npc, here are the details. first you need three same enchant stones ex: [3 +1Str Enchant stones] you talk to npc then you choose the ff: Str, Agi, Int, Dex, Vit, Luk if i choose Str, i will choose again what level of refine (range 1-10) if i choose 1, i need 3 level 1 str enchant stones if i dont have 3 stones, the npc dialogue will stop or close or saying insuficient stones. if i choose 3 i need 3 level 3 str enchant stones. and so on then here is the refine rate of the stones level 1: 100% level 2: 80% level 3: 70% level 4: 60% level 5: 50% level 6: 35% level 7: 25% level 8: 15% level 9: 10% level 10: 8% then if the refine fails, 20% chance that the stones will disappear else will stay on my inventory.
  17. try to use Putty#2 instead of Putty#Putty2
  18. if you want only philippine flag, use langtype 7 if you want all flags use langtype 0
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