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  1. Actually, I use this for my regular woe.. I'm trying to add a custom castle to run 24/7.. How would I add a castle or at least copy the maps from another castle and add an emp to that map?
  2. I apologize if this isn't what you mean, but I tried this and when I say "19816" It changes my headgear to nothing. - script Dyna -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: // == No Sprite if(isequipped(19805)) { if(@whispervar0$ == "None") { atcommand "@changelook 2 0"; end; } else { if(@whispervar0$ == "19816") { atcommand "@changelook "+getiteminfo(atoi(@whispervar0$),14); end; } } } }
  3. I apologize for posting multiple topics. How would I edit the Kriemhild castle, so it's always running and never stops unless server shut down or GM stopped it? Seems like a noob question, but I'm not very good with the castle scripts /Edit: Actually, better solution.. How would I add my own castle with custom flag, but use the warp to Kriemhild castle.
  4. I'm not sure what it's called, but in other servers it was called "Dyna". If wearing an item, you can whisper a NPC and change to your desired look. Example - Wearing Bunny hat( Item ID 19805 ) whisper NPC:Dyna, saying "*Name of item*", then it will change to that look.. I've tried this, but when I type in the name, it doesn't change my look..? "None" works though. - script Dyna -1,{ OnWhisperGlobal: // == No Sprite if(isequipped(19805)) { if(@whispervar0$ == "None") { atcommand "@changelook 2 0"; end; } else { if(@whispervar0$ == "Elemental Wings") { atcommand "@changelook 2 19810"; end; } } } }
  5. There's not really a specific screenshot for the error.. I type @go 15, which is training grounds and this happens
  6. I tried warping to @go 15, which was the training grounds (new_1-1) or whichever map it was called. I got an error and my client froze and shut off. Anyone know how I can fix this? Anyone?
  7. I fixed it, thanks SureOneHit. Just recheck your lua files, make sure you have the correct name for the item and correct number in the item_db.
  8. I followed the wiki, and the item ID is correct. The item shows correctly in my inventory, but when I put it on or try viewing my equips my client shuts off.. What could be the problem? Wrong .spr/.act files, maybe? No one can help me? >.> Anyone? D: Some of them don't show up correctly in my inventory, but when they do I error on equip.
  9. Please refrain from editing your question and not posting a solution. Others may have the same issue and would like to know how to fix it. Rules I apologize. Solution: In accname.lua, I found which line was causing the error and removed it.
  10. Hello, I'm attempting to create the barricades that are currently in WoE SE I believe? Except, I'd like to have them in a different map and position? Would anyone mind helping me with this? I got this, but it doesn't accomplish much.. - script Barricade 78,{ OnInit: donpcevent "Barricade::OnSpawn"; end; OnSpawn: setcell "phang_cas01",69,34,73,34,cell_walkable,0; //non walkable monster "phang_cas01",69,34,""+getmonsterinfo(1905,0)+"",1905,1,"Barricade::OnBossDead"; monster "phang_cas01",70,34,""+getmonsterinfo(1905,0)+"",1905,1,"Barricade::OnBossDead"; monster "phang_cas01",71,34,""+getmonsterinfo(1905,0)+"",1905,1,"Barricade::OnBossDead"; monster "phang_cas01",72,34,""+getmonsterinfo(1905,0)+"",1905,1,"Barricade::OnBossDead"; monster "phang_cas01",73,34,""+getmonsterinfo(1905,0)+"",1905,1,"Barricade::OnBossDead"; set $@monster_Barricade1,5; //need to destroy all barricades for enter OnBossDead: set $@monster_Barricade1, $@monster_Barricade1-1; if($@monster_Barricade1==0) { mapannounce "phang_cas01","First Gate Destroyed! ",0,0x6CC6666;} setcell "phang_cas01",69,34,73,34,cell_walkable,1; //walkable sleep2 120000; monster "phang_cas01",71,37,""+getmonsterinfo(3927,0)+"",3927,1,"Barricade::OnBossDead2"; end; } /Edit: I'm adding these to a different map, which will be a wall of barricades. The people will have to break the barricades to pass through. I changed the entire script, so I just have the barricade along with a setwall.. It doesn't allow me to attack the barricade though?
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