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Posts posted by crazyarashi

  1. 		if (gh_instance == 1) { // Already Did OGH Before
    			getitem 6607,1; //Temporal_Crystal
    			getitem 6608,1; //Coagulated_Spell
    		} else { // Haven't Done OGH Before
    			getitem 6607,5; //Temporal_Crystal
    			getitem 6608,5; //Coagulated_Spell
    			set gh_instance,1; // Adds Value to gh_instance making it = 1


    • Upvote 1
  2. For Max JobLvl 

    statpoint calculation.

    /// Renewal status point cost formula
    #define PC_STATUS_POINT_COST(low) (((low) < 100) ? (2 + ((low) - 1) / 10) : (16 + 4 * (((low) - 100) / 5)))

    for drop rate
    comment out renewal_drop

    #define RENEWAL_DROP
    //#define RENEWAL_DROP



    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Nerks said:

    Good day to all,

    Guys please lend me your suggestion what windows VPS hosting is the as best as of now with a powerful ddos protection?


    Your suggestion is highly appreciated.

    Thank you very much in advance.

    God bless

    OVH or Vultr // If you're planning to run in SEA Server/Japan Server it's very hard to find a VPS with DDOS Protection.

  4. 6 hours ago, Vicious said:

    Hi people, I using this npc:

    //===== 3CeAM Script =========================================
    //= 3CeAM Custom Stylist NPC
    //===== By: ==================================================
    //= Rytech
    //===== Current Version: =====================================
    //= 1.0
    //===== Compatible With: =====================================
    //= 3CeAM r791+
    //===== Description: =========================================
    //= A new generation stylist that offers enhanced style
    //= options and dressing room for character dye/style preview.
    //= Stylist also detects the server's max dyes/styles settings
    //= and also auto adjusts maxes between jobs as needed.
    //===== Additional Comments: =================================
    //= 1.0 First release. [Rytech]
    prontera,162,184,4	script	Super Stylist	509,{
    	mes "[Super Stylist]";
    	mes "Hey there. Im a super stylist. Want to try out my services?";
    	mes "I can customize your character's appearance in a hand full of ways.";
    	menu "Sure.",Laccessroom, "No Thanks.",Lbye,"Super Stylist???",Lwhoareyou;
    	// Open the dressing room and sets the dye/style max's depending on the job.
    	set @hairdyemax,8;
    	set @hairstylemax,85;
    	set @bodydyemax,2;
    	// Summoner's only have 6 hair styles.
    	if (BaseClass != Job_Summoner)
    		set @hairstylemax,MaxHairStyle;
    		set @hairstylemax,6;
    	// Only 3rd job's have access to a 2nd body style.
    	// Note: Not all of the new body styles are out. Best to limit only to jobs that do have them.
    	if (
    //	BaseThird == Job_Rune_Knight || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Warlock || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Ranger || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Arch_Bishop || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Mechanic || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Guillotine_Cross || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Royal_Guard || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Sorcerer || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Minstrel || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Wanderer || 
    //	BaseThird == Job_Sura || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Genetic || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Shadow_Chaser
    		set @bodystylemax,MaxBodyStyle;		
    		set @bodystylemax,1;
    	if (
    //	BaseThird == Job_Rune_Knight || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Warlock || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Ranger || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Arch_Bishop || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Mechanic || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Guillotine_Cross || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Royal_Guard || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Sorcerer || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Minstrel || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Wanderer || 
    //	BaseThird == Job_Sura || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Genetic || 
    	BaseThird == Job_Shadow_Chaser
    		set @hairstylemax,MaxHairStyle;
    		set @hairstylemax,85;
    	mes "[Super Stylist]";
    	mes "Ok step this way. A dressing room window should open. Use this to decide what you want and then select in the menu what your interested in.";
    	menu "All Dyes And Styles",Lalldyestyle,"Hair Dye Only",Lhairdye,"Hair Style Only",Lhairstyle,"Body Dye Only",Lbodydye,"Body Style Only",Lbodystyle,"Im done.",Lbye;
    	mes "[Super Stylist]";
    	mes "Enter the dyes/styles you want in the 4 input boxes in order....";
    	mes "Max Hair Dyes = "+@hairdyemax+"";
    	mes "Max Hair Styles = "+@hairstylemax+"";
    	mes "Max Body Dyes = "+@bodydyemax+"";
    	mes "Max Body Styles = "+@bodystylemax+"";
    	input @hairdye;
    	if (@hairdye < 0 || @hairdye > @hairdyemax) set @hairdye,0;
    	input @hairstyle;
    	if (@hairstyle < 0 || @hairstyle > @hairstylemax) set @hairstyle,0;
    	input @bodydye;
    	if (@bodydye < 0 || @bodydye > @bodydyemax) set @bodydye,0;
    	input @bodystyle;
    	if (@bodystyle < 0 || @bodystyle > @bodystylemax) set @bodystyle,0;
    	setlook 6,@hairdye;
    	setlook 1,@hairstyle;
    	setlook 7,@bodydye;
    	setlook 13,@bodystyle;
    	goto Lmain;
    	mes "[Super Stylist]";
    	mes "Enter the dye you want.";
    	mes "Max Hair Dyes = "+@hairdyemax+"";
    	input @hairdye;
    	if (@hairdye < 0 || @hairdye > @hairdyemax) set @hairdye,0;
    	setlook 6,@hairdye;
    	goto Lmain;
    	mes "[Super Stylist]";
    	mes "Enter the style you want.";
    	mes "Max Hair Styles = "+@hairstylemax+"";
    	input @hairstyle;
    	if (@hairstyle < 0 || @hairstyle > @hairstylemax) set @hairstyle,0;
    	setlook 1,@hairstyle;
    	goto Lmain;
    	mes "[Super Stylist]";
    	mes "Enter the dye you want.";
    	mes "Max Body Dyes = "+@bodydyemax+"";
    	input @bodydye;
    	if (@bodydye < 0 || @bodydye > @bodydyemax) set @bodydye,0;
    	setlook 7,@bodydye;
    	goto Lmain;
    	mes "[Super Stylist]";
    	mes "Enter the style you want.";
    	mes "Max Body Styles = "+@bodystylemax+"";
    	input @bodystyle;
    	if (@bodystyle < 0 || @bodystyle > @bodystylemax) set @bodystyle,0;
    	setlook 13,@bodystyle;
    	goto Lmain;
    	mes "[Super Stylist]";
    	mes "Ok then. Ill be here whenever you need to change your look.";
    	mes "[Super Stylist]";
    	mes "Never herd of us?";
    	mes "We super stylist are a new generation of stylist that are able to provide character appearance customization to players.";
    	mes "But the difference between us and regular stylist is that we have a dressing room that allows you to try out different styles and dyes freely all together.";
    	mes "This allows you to get a full preview of what your char will look like if you applied all the styles and dyes selected before finalizing what you want.";
    	mes "Better then doing one at a time.";
    	mes "Super stylist can also change the appearance of the outfit you wear. We call them body styles. However, only 3rd job characters are offered this service at the moment.";
    	mes "Also we don't have outfits ready for all of these jobs yet since this service is still very new and designs are still being worked on.";
    	mes "Be sure to check back later if a style isnt available for your job as were releasing them one by one.";
    	goto Lintro;


    the dressroom does not show any outfit for 2nd jobs because not have, but  the 2nd jobs when chose "bodystyle only": 1  the client search the sprite and crash.






    I want to know:

    how I can restrict the use of bodystyle option for 2nd jobs? add any message  "I don't have another Outfit for you.";
    "Come back again, with another character" or something...

    pd:sorry for my bad english.

    you can just remove the bodystyle from the menu. :))

    menu "All Dyes And Styles",Lalldyestyle,"Hair Dye Only",Lhairdye,"Hair Style Only",Lhairstyle,"Body Dye Only",Lbodydye,"Body Style Only",Lbodystyle,"Im done.",Lbye; // Old Menu
    menu "All Dyes And Styles",Lalldyestyle,"Hair Dye Only",Lhairdye,"Hair Style Only",Lhairstyle,"Body Dye Only",Lbodydye,"Im done.",Lbye;
    // Bodystyle Menu Removed.


  5. 19 minutes ago, NotKappa said:

    How can we add a new variable type

    I know that there is account bound variable and char bound variable.

    What about IP bound variable how would it be possible to implement that

    query_sql should do the trick :))

  6. 54 minutes ago, Profile said:

    Hi, I would like to create a check to check if all the players in a map (they will be in a party) are dead.

    If all players in the party are dead, It will teleport all players back to savepoint.

    However, It will do nothing if only one player dies or if is ressurected.

    I have already set mapflag so that players can't leave party.

    Could anybody assist me?



    May I Ask if is this running on an instance? :))

  7. 11 minutes ago, kolikan36 said:

    sorry :/

    Here it is : [Info]: request connect - account_id:1/login_id1:131563907/login_id2:559163282

    you shouldn't use the id 1 for logging in to your character XD That's for server login//
    you should create another account in your my sql db login starting in the id 2000000 // GM Account 

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