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Posts posted by crazyarashi

  1.         switch (.@equip_id) {
            case 22000: //Temporal_Str_Boots
            case 22001: //Temporal_Int_Boots
            case 22002: //Temporal_Agi_Boots
            case 22003: //Temporal_Vit_Boots
            case 22004: //Temporal_Dex_Boots
            case 22005: //Temporal_Luk_Boots
    	case 22006: //Temporal_Str_Boots[1]
            case 22007: //Temporal_Int_Boots[1]
            case 22008: //Temporal_Agi_Boots[1]
            case 22009: //Temporal_Vit_Boots[1]
            case 22010: //Temporal_Dex_Boots[1]
            case 22011: //Temporal_Luk_Boots[1]

    Add the slotted temporal ID's into your enchanters script :)) 

  2. you can merge it into your grf/or manually add it since it's in GRF Form. you can use GRF Editor for merging the files.
    and as for server side
    you need to increase the maximum color/style in conf/battle/client.conf in these following lines. 


    min_hair_style: 0
    max_hair_style: 27
    min_hair_color: 0
    max_hair_color: 8
    min_cloth_color: 0 
    max_cloth_color: 4
    min_body_style: 0
    max_body_style: 1


  3. setarray .vip_day,7,14,31; // 7 days, 14 days, 31 days
    setarray .vip_item,33110,33111,33112; //item for 7 days is currently 33110, 14 days is 33111 = Change this line to edit the item needed


  4. prontera,255,55,5	script	Premium Changer	456,{
    	mes "^0055FF[ Premium Exchanger ]^000000";
    	mes "Good day, Im Riza and I can make you a premium user";
    	mes "For a premium ticket";
    	mes "^0055FF[ Premium Exchanger ]^000000";
    	mes "A premium user will be able to use the premium buffs of the healer and other boosts";
    	mes "It includes Imposition Manus/Assumptio/+10 Food Buffs/Soul Link Buffs";
    	mes "and a boost of drop rate by 50%";
    	mes "^0055FF[ Premium Exchanger ]^000000";
    	mes "Do you want to be a premium user?";
    		switch(select("Yes!:No Im just looking around.")) {
    			Case 1:
    				goto Ontalk;
    			Case 2:
    				mes "^0055FF[ Premium Exchanger ]^000000";
    				mes "Okay, Have a nice day!";
    	.@npc$ = "^0055FF[ Premium Exchanger ]^000000"
    		if ( vip_status(0) ) {
    			mes ".@npc$";
    			mes "You're already a [Premium User]";
    			mes ".@npc$";
    			mes "Come back when your Premium already expired!";
    	} else {
    			.@i = select(
    			.vip_day[0] + "Days",
    			.vip_day[1] + "Days",
    			.vip_day[2] + "Days" ) - 1;
    			mes ".@npc$";
    			mes "Your account will be premium for "+.vip_day[.@i]+" Days";
    			mes "You will need a .vip_item[.@i] for that.";
    				switch(select("Yes i want to exchange my ticket:No Im just looking around.")) {
    					case 1:
    						if (countitem(.vip_item) > 0)
    						delitem .vip_item[.@i],1
    						vip_time ( .vip_day[.@i] * 1440 );
    						mes ".@npc$";
    						mes "You are now a Premium User for "+.vip_day[.@i]+" Days!";
    					case 2:
    						mes ".@npc$";
    						mes "Okay, Have a nice day!";
    		if (vip_status(0)) {
    			dispbottom "Expire Time : "+vip_status(3);
    		setarray .vip_day,7,14,31;
    		setarray .vip_item,33110,33111,33112; //Set The VIP Item here
    		bindatcmd("vipstatus", strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCheck");

    Use this one just add the items needed  in the array :o 
    Credits to Emistry for the script :))

    • Upvote 2
  5. 2 minutes ago, iAmGnome said:

    I used zack's lua files. Am I missing something? Can you guide me on this?

    Other than zack's lua files? what else needs to be used for mine to be successful?

    I am using rAthena's latest git by the way.

    what is your problem by the way it doesnt show in skill bar? / unlearnable :o

    • MVP 1
  6. use zackdreavers translation files to show it in skill tab.


    14 minutes ago, iAmGnome said:

    I think advance skill not yet coded.

    it is already added by default in rA database

    Note: This requires 2016-12-28 onwards based on my testing :))


  7. 2 hours ago, MelMel said:

    Hi guys,

    Just like the title say.

    i am facing an error when i summon homonculus, it's either the sprite is wrong or when i summon filir my client instantly close down.

    Below are the list of my error

    vanilmirth sprite become - poring
    Amistr sprite become - poring cannot feed or delete
    Lif sprite become - show loki but can be delete
    filir - error close client

    -the client date that i use = 2015-11-04a

    -i did not apply custom homonculus diff.


    List of things i've tried:

    -i tried on a fresh server without any editing too but the same things happen.

    -i tried roenglish data folder the latest without anything edited on it but just changing ip , lang 55 version 1 and that's it. But the same error happen.

    but just for info i am using Gepard. Could gepard cause something like this?


    I hope some one help me with this issues please.

    did you edit anything server side?

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