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Posts posted by crazyarashi

  1. -	script	ItemCheck 	-1,{
    		if(.@map$!="2@mir") end;
    			if(countitem(501) > 0){
    			warp "prontera",156,191;
    2@mir	mapflag	loadevent

    For MapCheck.


    //================= Custom leveling warper level 1 - 10 only ======//
    prontera,150,177,6	script	Warper 1-10	858,{
    	if (BaseLevel > 10) {
    		mes "[ ^0065DFWarper^000000 ]";
    		mes " These Area is not for you ";
    			if(countitem(501) > 0){
    			mes "[ ^0065DFWarper^000000 ]";
    			mes "This Item is not allowed inside";
    	} else {	
    			mes "[ ^0065DFWarper^000000 ]";
    			mes "Would you like to enter?";
    			if (select("Yes!","No thanks.") == 2) close;
    			warp "2@mir",101,95;
    			waitingroom "Leveling Area 1-10",0;

    For NPC


    53 minutes ago, Erio-chan said:

    @Cyro also Not working...

    it does not check item and kick me out of the map when  consume potion/501.



  2. On 2017/6/10 at 6:49 AM, Kails12345 said:


    Hello Good rAthena community I come because a few days ago I saw a npc that changed the Stats of your customs It is like something strange I try to look everywhere and I did not find it and I thought that you could help me Thank you very much




    I attach a photo <3 

    Sin título.png

    I think this item have multiple item numbers with different effect and just delitem and getitem to the same item with different effect vary on the option selected. :))

  3. On 2017/6/10 at 2:04 PM, Alunder said:

    Hello everyone, I recently found myself in a dilemma, I could not fix the script of this item "TYR'S BLESSING ID: 14601: in any hypothesis.
    Actually no potion item that increases magical attack is working on my server.
    In this case, only the attack power is increased:

    A potion that possesses the spirit of Tyr, the god of battle.
    +20 ATK and MATK for 5 minutes. HIT + 30, Flee Rate + 30 
    Caution!- Item's active duration and ability will not work properly when it is being used with Honey Pastry, Sesame Pastry and Rainbow Cake.
    Item option disappears when its owner has drained all energy.
    Follow the script:
        Id: 14601
        AegisName: "Tyr's_Blessing"
        Name: "Tyr's Blessing"
        Type: 2
        Buy: 20000
        Weight: 100
        Upper: 63
        Script: <"
            sc_start SC_FOOD_BASICAVOIDANCE,300000,30; // (optional, I change this just to show a buff icon during use, similar script: sc_start SC_INCFLEE,300000,30;)
            sc_start SC_INCHIT,300000,30; // (Running normal, no buff icon, but, ok)
            sc_start SC_INCATKRATE,300000,20; // (In this case I modified to increase in %, but the right one is: sc_start SC_INCATK,300000,20;)
            sc_start SC_PLUSATTACKPOWER,300000,0; //
            sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER,300000,0; // (I put this just to show a buff icon during use, because that script is also not working, so I put the time and the effect "0".)


    Now about the question of the script to increase the magical attack does not work.
    So I tried to add:

    Script: <" sc_start SC_INCMATK,300000,20; ">


    Script: <" sc_start SC_INCMATKRATE,300000,20; ">


    Script: <" sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,300000,20; ">


    Script: <" sc_start SC_PLUSMAGICPOWER,300000,20 ">

    I already checked:


    But I did not find anything wrong.

    And in addition the character becomes petrified after using the potion, because of the magical damage effect script.

    If anyone can clarify the bug here, I appreciate it.

    Using Rageexe and Hexed 2014.

    What githash are you using? :))

  4. 2 hours ago, MrBlex said:

    Hi everyone,

    After digging some old files from my old CDs, I found this history tree by Tsuyuki (as stated on the diagram) for everyone reference. Although it is already outdated, you may find it is useful to reminisce the past emulators that helped shaping the present emulators. It is a long life learning journey. For my personal opinion, RO emulator was one of the reason I started to get interested with computer science in general. Thank you, RO devs :) 


    This is pretty cool :)) 

  5. On 5/30/2017 at 9:04 AM, Kambroz said:

    Three requests:
    1 ° the use of gettime, for an event every 3 hours.
    2 ° the use of gettime, for an event every 4 hours.
    3 ° the use of gettime, for an event every 6 hours.

      Hide contents
    if ( gettime(3) % 2 ) end;
    // event start every 2 hour

    So an event every 3 hours should be?
    Thank you, I hope you can help me.

    If you use OnMinute00 = Starts EveryHour / OnMinute30 = Starts every 30 minutes of an hour (1:30, 2:30, and so on)
    You can use OnClock1300 = 1PM or OnHour 23 :))

    • Upvote 2
  6. 	setarray .Castles$[0],
    		"your_cas01"; <-
    	setarray .EndLabel$[0],"ar01","ar02","ar03","ar04","ar05","sc01","sc02","sc03","sc04","sc05";
    	setarray .Days$[0],"Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday";
    	setarray .Regions$[0],"Prontera","Payon","Geffen","Aldebaran","Arunafeltz","Schwaltzvalt","Your Castle Area Name"; <-
    	setarray .Map$[0],"prt_gld","pay_gld","gef_fild13","alde_gld","aru_gld","sch_gld","castle_map_name"; <-
    	setarray .MapX[0],134,240,153,111,208,121,295,317,140,204,214,308,143,193,305,48, 95,142,239,264,158,83, 68,299,292,293,288, 97,137, 71,2000(X Coords); <-
    	setarray .MapY[0], 65,128,137,240,240,233,116,293,160,266, 75,240,240,278, 87,83,249, 85,242, 90,272,47,155,345,107,100,252,196, 90,315,2000(Y Coords); <-

    Check the parts that i have edited :))

  7. 1 hour ago, dubstep said:

    Hi there!

    May I request for a WoE Controller, same as Euphy's? I can't find any scripts that will trigger the Novice Castle's Guild War. I've been looking for this for almost 3 years :(

    Thank you in advance!

    Have you tried adding your castles in the array of castle in the woe controller? :))

  8. 2 hours ago, Ammyd said:

    Hi there rathena


    before i'm using 2010 client now i want to update my client into 2013


    my problem is when ever i put my all custom item in 2013 client


    all items are apple


    Some threads i read that you can convert your item into iteminfo.lub idk


    Please help me thankyou and more power rA!

    Diff your client to read iteminfo.lua (USE NEMO PATCHER), And add your custom item there.
    Follow the following format.


        [33500] = {  <- Item ID
            unidentifiedDisplayName = "Red Potion",
            unidentifiedResourceName = "빨간포션",
            unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "" },
            identifiedDisplayName = "Custom Item Number 1000", <- Item Display Name
            identifiedResourceName = "custom_item_sprite", <- item sprite
            identifiedDescriptionName = {
                "Custom Description.", <- Item description
                "Class:^0000FF Restorative item^000000",
                "Heal:^006600 45 ~ 65^000000 HP",
                "Weight:^006600 7^000000"
            slotCount = 4, <- Slot Count Display
            ClassNum = 3300 <- Item View ID if its a headgear


  9. 32 minutes ago, Rain408 said:


    I'm currently using the "[rAthena] Ragnarok Online offline newbie package 2017". I'm very familiar with recompiling an online server through putty, but I can't seem to do that here because I cannot connect to an offline server with putty.

    I next try to use visual studio 2017 to recompile the server. I simply open the entire rathena folder in visual studio, and tried to build a solution/debug every possible file that was an option only to fail.

    I tried building a solution/debug every file while running runserver_PRERE.bat and having it off. When runserver_PRERE.bat was on it simply ran into errors such as c1083 & etc... Mainly stated it was unable to located src files. When runserver_PRERE.bat was off, it tried to connect to server but couldn't.

    After exhausting all my options and looking through the forums. It seems to me, I'm not intelligent enough to figure out a solution on my own. May someone please provide a detail guide, because the current guides I found on rathena isn't suffice for me.

    Use Visual Studio 2013 :))

  10. Hi good day rathena, im currently looking for a developer to pass on a server. currently in a pinch due to sudden personal things and have to pass the server or else down it which is sad because there are good players and loyal people who stayed in the server. well just drop me a pm. :))

  11. 38 minutes ago, k1ngk1ng said:

    I can't find the #define RENEWAL_CAST on mmo.h

    it's not in mmo.h :)) you can find it in the config part of the src.

    just comment out this line
    #define RENEWAL_CAST

  12. 15 minutes ago, Chuckzxc said:

    can you guide me on how to do it on mapflag? thanks


    - script Punching Bag -1,{
    monster "izlude",248,104,"Punching Bag",1905,1,"Punching Bag::OnDummyKill";
    monster "izlude",256,104,"Punching Bag",1905,1,"Punching Bag::OnDummyKill3";
    monster "izlude",240,104,"Punching Bag",1905,1,"Punching Bag::OnDummyKill2";
    setmapflag( "izlude",mf_monster_noteleport );
    monster "isahollm",248,104,"Punching Bag",1905,1,"Punching Bag::OnDummyKill";
    monster "isahollm",240,104,"Punching Bag",1905,1,"Punching Bag::OnDummyKill2";
    monster "isahollm",256,104,"Punching Bag",1905,1,"Punching Bag::OnDummyKill3";
    if ( !@test_punch ) end;
    @dps_damage += @damage;
    // Mapflag
    izlude	mapflag	monster_noteleport

    For example you want to add it in izlude just use :))
    izlude    mapflag   monster_noteleport

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