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Posts posted by iFoxkun

  1. Agreed dont worry my tutorials will cover everything mentioned above :D

    Yeah, I really don't understand getarg(), on the other hand, I know what "set arrays" does, but how would be use it. Do you have to always get the size of the array? o_o How would I use it. Examples pl0x

  2. iFoxKun, if you create the TXT of what I say, I can upload those as Captions into the videos, and they can still follow along the tutorial and just watch and read as it goes through (see video #1 and video #2) for captions I have already done)

    Alright. Ill get it done. ~

  3. I meant vps hosting for server xD

    Oh. But i don't wanna spend money D:. I'm poor you know xD. And my server, I don't like making people buy their equips with money. After my previous servers, which for their "support" constantly only says reinstall the server. Really? They only were after money. And didn't even give refunds etc if people lost credits due to bugged NPCs.

    So if I end up paying, I'd have to make a donation system which I dislike.


    having a server

    you need to spend money too

    don't always go with free

    since free has disadvantages too


    so is your problem fixed?

    or not yet?

    Actually it didn't work.

    All WAN IP won't let me login to the server at all.

  4. I meant vps hosting for server xD

    Oh. But i don't wanna spend money D:. I'm poor you know xD. And my server, I don't like making people buy their equips with money. After my previous servers, which for their "support" constantly only says reinstall the server. Really? They only were after money. And didn't even give refunds etc if people lost credits due to bugged NPCs.

    So if I end up paying, I'd have to make a donation system which I dislike.

  5. My scripts are to simple :). Must take precautionary actions, must increase script difficulty ;_________; xD

    I'd suggest you to create minigames, like poring catcher or things alike, and everytime you need a script, TRY to make your own instead of using one from eA or any other related website. That helped me a lot when I started, and now ..I'm pretty good.

    I don't use scripts from the old eAthena anymore considering this is more active. And I make my own scripts now, ;_;, and have someone else review it c: (Emistry) xD jk o-o

    <3 Z3R0 accepts my newbieness c:

  6. Basically getarg Gets the Arguments of some type of calling action. For example:

    mes "[Man]"
    mes "Gimme a number!";
    input @number;
    if (callfunc("OddFunc",@number)) mes "It's Odd!";
    if (getarg(0)%2==0) return 0;// it's even
    return 1;// it's odd

    This is the example from the script_commands.txt And basically it will allow you to send multiple sets of data through one line. With this Callfunc, it will call the function "OddFunc" and the first Argument is "@number" which was set 1 line before the callfunc. So the script then jumps to the function for "OddFunc" and uses the 1st Argument, as getarg(0). The 2nd argument would have been getarg(1) and so on and so forth (Same basic principle with arrays).

    The funtion then will do whatever you want, in this case it will check if its an Even number, if not it will return 1 to where the calling action is And in this case, if(1) is true, so it will mes "It's Odd!"

    I did not understand 1 bit xD. That one confuses me :)

  7. @TCG SHOP

    I think it would be nice if its like a real shop. not a script code that ur going to talk to the npc and pick bla bla . THANKS :)


    DarkRO version . do you guys have one ?

    A TCG Shop made by Emistry o_o from old eAthena Forums

    prontera,138,183,5 script TCG Uppers 793,{
    mes .name$;
    mes "You currently have "+countitem(.tcg_item)+" TCG.";
    mes "Would you like to look at the shop?";
    if(select("Yes:No") == 2) {close;}
    callshop "TCG_SHOP",1;
    npcshopattach "TCG_SHOP";
    dispbottom "You currently have "+countitem(.tcg_item)+" TCG.";
    for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize(@bought_nameid); set @i,@i+1) {
    for(set @j,0; @j < getarraysize(.TCG_ITEMS); set @j,@j+1) {
    if(.TCG_ITEMS[@j] == @bought_nameid[@i]) {
    set @itemcost,(.ITEMPRICE[@j]*@bought_quantity[@i]);
    set @totalcost,(@totalcost+@itemcost);
    if(@totalcost > countitem(.tcg_item)) {
    dispbottom "You don't have enough TCG.";
    } else {
    for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize(@bought_nameid); set @i,@i+1) {
    getitem @bought_nameid[@i],@bought_quantity[@i];
    delitem .tcg_item,@totalcost;
    dispbottom "Thank you for shopping.";
    dispbottom "You now have "+countitem(.tcg_item)+" TCG left.";
    set @totalcost,0;
    deletearray @bought_nameid[0],128;
    deletearray @bought_quantity[0],128;
    npcshopdelitem "TCG_SHOP",909; // Leave this alone
    set .name$,"[TCG Uppers]";
    set .tcg_item,7227; // Input TCG ID
    setarray .TCG_ITEMS[0],20001; // Item IDs - 128 max
    setarray .ITEMPRICE[0],30; // Item prices - Should followe ID's order
    for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.TCG_ITEMS); set .@i,.@i+1) {
    npcshopadditem "TCG_SHOP",.TCG_ITEMS[.@i],.ITEMPRICE[.@i];
    - shop TCG_SHOP -1,909:20

    zOmg Thank you . Now i Need a broadcaster :D

    The TCG script credits go to Emistry.

    I'm testing out my broadcaster, wait 5 mins ~

    Okay , xDD

    http://pastebin.com/rCTjz5YB Done ;D

  8. @TCG SHOP

    I think it would be nice if its like a real shop. not a script code that ur going to talk to the npc and pick bla bla . THANKS :)


    DarkRO version . do you guys have one ?

    A TCG Shop made by Emistry o_o from old eAthena Forums

    prontera,138,183,5 script TCG Uppers 793,{
    mes .name$;
    mes "You currently have "+countitem(.tcg_item)+" TCG.";
    mes "Would you like to look at the shop?";
    if(select("Yes:No") == 2) {close;}
    callshop "TCG_SHOP",1;
    npcshopattach "TCG_SHOP";
    dispbottom "You currently have "+countitem(.tcg_item)+" TCG.";
    for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize(@bought_nameid); set @i,@i+1) {
    for(set @j,0; @j < getarraysize(.TCG_ITEMS); set @j,@j+1) {
    if(.TCG_ITEMS[@j] == @bought_nameid[@i]) {
    set @itemcost,(.ITEMPRICE[@j]*@bought_quantity[@i]);
    set @totalcost,(@totalcost+@itemcost);
    if(@totalcost > countitem(.tcg_item)) {
    dispbottom "You don't have enough TCG.";
    } else {
    for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize(@bought_nameid); set @i,@i+1) {
    getitem @bought_nameid[@i],@bought_quantity[@i];
    delitem .tcg_item,@totalcost;
    dispbottom "Thank you for shopping.";
    dispbottom "You now have "+countitem(.tcg_item)+" TCG left.";
    set @totalcost,0;
    deletearray @bought_nameid[0],128;
    deletearray @bought_quantity[0],128;
    npcshopdelitem "TCG_SHOP",909; // Leave this alone
    set .name$,"[TCG Uppers]";
    set .tcg_item,7227; // Input TCG ID
    setarray .TCG_ITEMS[0],20001; // Item IDs - 128 max
    setarray .ITEMPRICE[0],30; // Item prices - Should followe ID's order
    for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.TCG_ITEMS); set .@i,.@i+1) {
    npcshopadditem "TCG_SHOP",.TCG_ITEMS[.@i],.ITEMPRICE[.@i];
    - shop TCG_SHOP -1,909:20

    zOmg Thank you . Now i Need a broadcaster :D

    The TCG script credits go to Emistry.

    I'm testing out my broadcaster, wait 5 mins ~

  9. @TCG SHOP

    I think it would be nice if its like a real shop. not a script code that ur going to talk to the npc and pick bla bla . THANKS :)


    DarkRO version . do you guys have one ?

    A TCG Shop made by Emistry o_o from old eAthena Forums

    prontera,138,183,5 script TCG Uppers 793,{
    mes .name$;
    mes "You currently have "+countitem(.tcg_item)+" TCG.";
    mes "Would you like to look at the shop?";
    if(select("Yes:No") == 2) {close;}
    callshop "TCG_SHOP",1;
    npcshopattach "TCG_SHOP";
    dispbottom "You currently have "+countitem(.tcg_item)+" TCG.";
    for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize(@bought_nameid); set @i,@i+1) {
    for(set @j,0; @j < getarraysize(.TCG_ITEMS); set @j,@j+1) {
    if(.TCG_ITEMS[@j] == @bought_nameid[@i]) {
    set @itemcost,(.ITEMPRICE[@j]*@bought_quantity[@i]);
    set @totalcost,(@totalcost+@itemcost);
    if(@totalcost > countitem(.tcg_item)) {
    dispbottom "You don't have enough TCG.";
    } else {
    for(set @i,0; @i < getarraysize(@bought_nameid); set @i,@i+1) {
    getitem @bought_nameid[@i],@bought_quantity[@i];
    delitem .tcg_item,@totalcost;
    dispbottom "Thank you for shopping.";
    dispbottom "You now have "+countitem(.tcg_item)+" TCG left.";
    set @totalcost,0;
    deletearray @bought_nameid[0],128;
    deletearray @bought_quantity[0],128;
    npcshopdelitem "TCG_SHOP",909; // Leave this alone
    set .name$,"[TCG Uppers]";
    set .tcg_item,7227; // Input TCG ID
    setarray .TCG_ITEMS[0],20001; // Item IDs - 128 max
    setarray .ITEMPRICE[0],30; // Item prices - Should followe ID's order
    for(set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize(.TCG_ITEMS); set .@i,.@i+1) {
    npcshopadditem "TCG_SHOP",.TCG_ITEMS[.@i],.ITEMPRICE[.@i];
    - shop TCG_SHOP -1,909:20

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