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Everything posted by iFoxkun

  1. yay. back out of my hiatus!

  2. set #New_Player,1; if(#New_Player == 1 || Class!=Job_Novice ) goto L_Done; This is your problem, You have to set the variable after every case you make before the "close;" command or it won't run the rest of the script. Also, you must have the "if" command checker in the beginning of the script to check, if put at the end it will run it at the end, or if put after the "close;' command it won't run at all.
  3. Something like, (I.E. I haven't made any scripts in months, im rusty again.) mes "Would you like to enter"; next; if(select("Yes:No")==2) close; announce getcharid(2) + " has entered the PvP Room."; warp "map",x,y; end;
  4. ._. I checked the time-stamp, he posted 4 seconds ahead. = = 881
  5. This is basically an NPC which starts an event, as in broadcasting, creating warps, closing warps, etc. This doesn't actually do the whole event. This is more or less because you either edited something important in the script, or you did not change the location [map,x,y,direction] of the NPC
  6. Seven Hundred Thirty Four.
  7. Seven + Three + One != 731
  8. Try clicking out of the client then back, probably that's the case.
  9. A Script for this would be like... map,x,y,direction <TAB> script <TAB> NPC Name <TAB> NPC Sprite.{ if(getcharid(2) != "<Guild ID For this>") close; sc_start .... }
  10. I can make this script, but you will need to make a monster "Treasure Box" to drop the item. **Edit** Here is a rough script that I made, it has not been tested yet, Sorry! I'm sleepy right now ._. prontera,157,190,4 script Garden Entrance 793,{ OnInit: set .@garden$,maze // <Customizable> set .@x,50; // <Customizable> set .@y,55; // <Customizable> set .playersmax,15; // <Customizable> set .playersin,0; disablenpc "Garden Entrance"; end; if(gettime(4)==6) && (gettime(3)==12) { enablenpc "Garden Entrance"; Announce "The Mystical Gate of the Secret Garden has opened! Fifteen players may enter.",bc_all || bc_blue; mes "Rumor has it that there was once an ancient secret garden located near prontera!"; if(countitem(7559) < 1) close; next; mes "I see that you have the key... Very well, since you have the key, I can warp you to the gate."; next; mes "Do you want me to? Only [" + .playersmax - .playersin + "] can enter."; next; if(select("Yes:No") == 2) close; if(.playersin == .playersmax) { mes "Sorry the max players has been reached."; } else { warp ".@garden$",.@x,.@y; set .playersin,.playersin + 1; close; } } else { disablenpc "Garden Entrance"; } maze,60,60,4 script Ancient Hero of the Garden 793,{ OnInit: set .@spawn,1902; // <Customizable> set .@garden$,maze // <Customizable> disablenpc "Ancient Hero of the Garden"; end; if(getmapusers(maze) == 15) { monster "maze",0,0,"Treasure of the Secret Garden",.@spawn,10,"Ancient Hero of the Garden::L_MDeath"; } else { end; } if(getmapmobs(.@spawn) == 0) { mes "I see you have found the treasure ..."; next; if(.@first == 1 ) { goto L_First; } else if(.@second == 1 ) { goto L_Second; } else if(.@third == 1 ) { goto L_Third; } else if(.@rand > 3) { mes "I see that you did not get the sacred mark of the treasure..."; } end; L_First: mes "Wow... You got the ultimate mark of the treasure ..."; next; mes "I believe this is yours then..."; getitem 2862; set zeny, zeny + 100000; close; L_Second: mes "Wow... You got the legendary mark of the treasure ..."; next; mes "I believe this is yours then..."; getitem 5682; set zeny, zeny + 50000; close; L_Third: mes "Wow... You got the holy mark of the treasure ..."; next; mes "I believe this is yours then..."; set zeny, zeny + 20000; close; L_MDeath: set .@rand, rand(1,15); if(.@rand == 1) { set .@first,1; } else if(.@rand == 2) { set .@second,1; } else if(.@rand == 3) { set .@third,1; } else if(.@rand > 3) { end; }
  11. Added Game Master Event Starter Script. Made Public due to a server using it as a "this server-only" script.
  12. This will require Source Edits I believe :/
  13. You could create an NPC that would allow that GM to create an item with the function of disabling some items from being in it. Here's a rough script I made, though it hasn't been tested. prontera,157,190,4 script Item Creator 793,{ if(getgmlevel()<60) end; if(Created >= .MaxCreate) end; mes "Hello GM "+ strcharinfo(0) +"!"; dispbottom "You currently have " +(.MaxCreate - @Created)+" item creations left."; next; mes "Please input the Item you would like to create."; next; input .@item; if(.@item == .Blacklist) { mes "Sorry, that item has been banned by the creator"; close; } else { mes "Your item has been created"; getitem .@item,1; set @Created, @Created + 1; close; } OnInit: setarray .@Blacklist,1599,2199; for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@Blacklist); set .@i, .@i +1 ) set .Blacklist, .Blacklist + (.@Blacklist$[.@i]); set .MaxCreate,15; end; OnClock0000: set Created,0; end; }
  14. I'm pretty sure that the monster script runs only if the castle isn't taken. IF that is the problem, all you have to do is go into every castle type @killmonster & get every castle.
  15. You can do this by using the atcommand command: Ex. atcommand "@cash 500"; This will add 500 to their cash points.
  16. To make a character variable, you don't need to add any prefix. Ex. set Novice, 1; <- This would make the character variable become 1.
  17. OMFG I FIXED IT D:. for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.gmevents$); set .@i, .@i +1 ); had a ";" i removed it. everything showed up. ;_; maybe the problems is here ? try this switch( select( .gm_menu$ ) ){ ionno on my previous script i was told to do that. and it worked o-o
  18. I updated my script, but still no use. Can't find the problem, i'm trying to use my other script as a reference as well.
  19. you didnt close this line with a semi column... ( ; ) ASDFGHJKL; Woah I didn't see that, but now for the menu it shows 1 option "0"
  20. I have everything set up, but the menu doesn't show up; prontera,161,179,3 script Events 793,{ if(getgmlevel() < 1 ) end; mes "Hello there GM " + strcharinfo(0) + " !"; next; set .menu$, select(.gm_menu$); switch(.menu$) { case 1: // Question & Answer next; mes "I will now create warps, announce, & warp you."; close2; warp "quiz_02",45,366; Announce "There will be a 'Question & Answer' Event Held!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 5000; Announce "If you want to join, the warp will be open in Prontera. It will be open for 1 minute!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 1000; enablenpc "quizevent"; initnpctimer; goto L_Timer; end; case 2: // Death by Dice next; mes "I will now create warps, announce, & warp you."; close2; warp "g_room1-1",55,91; Announce "There will be a 'Death by Dice' Event Held!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 5000; Announce "If you want to join, the warp will be open in Prontera. It will be open for 1 minute!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 1000; enablenpc "diceevent"; initnpctimer; goto L_Timer; end; case 3: // Bomb Porings?! next; mes "I will not create warps, announce, & warp you."; close2; warp "g_room1-1",237,270; Announce "There will be a 'Bomb Porings?!' Event Held!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 5000; Announce "If you want to join, the warp will be open in Prontera. It will be open for 1 minute!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 1000; enablenpc "bombevent"; initnpctimer; goto L_Timer; end; case 4: // Player vs Monster next; mes "I will now create warps, announce, & warp you."; close2; warp "quiz_02",337,74; Announce "There will be a 'Player vs Monster' Event Held!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 5000; Announce "If you want to join, the warp will be open in Prontera. It will be open for 1 minute!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 1000; enablenpc "pvmevent"; initnpctimer; goto L_Timer; end; case 5: // Party vs Party next; mes "I will now create warps, announce, & warp you."; close2; warp "06guild_08",50,50; Announce "There will be a 'Party vs Party' Event Held!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 5000; Announce "If you want to join, the warp will be open in Prontera. It will be open for 1 minute!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 1000; enablenpc "pvpevent"; initnpctimer; goto L_Timer; end; case 6: // Go Pikachu! next; mes "I will now create warps, announce, & warp you."; close2; warp "quiz_02",249,365; Announce "There will be a 'Go Pikachu!' Event Held!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 5000; Announce "If you want to join, the warp will be open in Prontera. It will be open for 1 minute!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 1000; enablenpc "pikachuevent"; initnpctimer; goto L_Timer; end; case 7: // Tarot? next; mes "I will now create warps, announce, & warp you."; close2; warp "g_room1-1",230,368; Announce "There will be a 'Tarot?' Event Held!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 5000; Announce "If you want to join, the warp will be open in Prontera. It will be open for 1 minute!",bc_all | bc_blue; sleep2 1000; enablenpc "tarotevent"; initnpctimer; goto L_Timer; end; } L_Timer: OnTimer00000: Announce "Timer has started!",bc_all; end; OnTimer30000: Announce "Thirty Seconds Have Passed By!",bc_all; sleep2 5000; Announce "Hurry to Prontera if you want to join!",bc_all; end; OnTimer40000: Announce "Twenty seconds left!",bc_all; end; OnTimer50000: Announce "Ten seconds left!",bc_all; end; OnTimer55000: Announce "5!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; Announce "4!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; Announce "3!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; Announce "2!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; Announce "1!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; Announce "0!",bc_all; sleep2 1000; disablenpc "quizevent"; disablenpc "diceevent"; disablenpc "bombevent"; disablenpc "pvmevent"; disablenpc "pvpevent"; disablenpc "pikachuevent"; disablenpc "tarotevent"; stopnpctimer; end; OnInit: setarray .gmevents$,"Question & Answer","Death by Dice","Bomb Porings?!","Player vs Monster!","Party vs Party!","Go Pikachu!","Tarot?"; for ( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.gmevents$); set .@i, .@i +1 ); set .gm_menu$, .gm_menu$ + (.gmevents$[.@i]) +":"; disablenpc "quizevent"; disablenpc "diceevent"; disablenpc "bombevent"; disablenpc "pvmevent"; disablenpc "pvpevent"; disablenpc "pikachuevent"; disablenpc "tarotevent"; end; } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // To -> Event Warps //== Question & Answer prontera,155,180,0 warp quizevent 2,2,quiz_02,45,366 //== Death by Dice prontera,155,180,0 warp diceevent 2,2,g_room1-1,55,91 //== Bomb Porings?! prontera,155,180,0 warp bombevent 2,2,g_room1-1,237,270 //== Player vs Monster prontera,155,180,0 warp pvmevent 2,2,quiz_02,337,74 //== Party vs Party prontera,155,180,0 warp pvpevent 2,2,06guild_08,50,50; //== Go Pikachu! prontera,155,180,0 warp pikachuevent 2,2,quiz_02,249,371 //== Tarot? prontera,155,180,0 warp tarotevent 2,2,g_room1-1,230,368 // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // In-Event //== Question & Answer // "True" quiz_02,32,362,0 warp quizeventroom1 1,1,quiz_02,32,357 // "False" quiz_02,59,362,0 warp quizeventroom2 1,1,quiz_02,59,357 //== Death by Dice // Number 1~ g_room1-1,37,84,0 warp diceeventroom1 1,1,quiz_02,38,73 // Number 2~ g_room1-1,49,84,0 warp diceeventroom2 1,1,quiz_02,49,73 // Number3~ g_room1-1,61,84,0 warp diceeventroom3 1,1,quiz_02,61,73 // Number 4~ g_room1-1,73,84,0 warp diceeventroom4 1,1,quiz_02,73,73 //== Bomb Poring // Bomb Spammer g_room1-1,236,276,4 script Bomb Spammer 793,{ if(getgmlevel() < 1) end; if(select("Bomb Porings:None") == 2) close; areamonster "g_room1-1",221,292,233,280,"Bomb Poring",1904,10,"Bomb Spammer::BombKilled"; areamonster "g_room1-1",221,261,233,273,"Bomb Poring",1904,10,"Bomb Spammer::BombKilled"; areamonster "g_room1-1",252,261,240,273,"Bomb Poring",1904,10,"Bomb Spammer::BombKilled"; areamonster "g_room1-1",252,292,240,280,"Bomb Poring",1904,10,"Bomb Spammer::BombKilled"; end; BombKilled: warp "prontera",155,180; end; } //== Go Pikachu! - script Pokemon Field 793,{ OnInit: setcell "quiz_02",240,367,259,364,cell_walkable,0; end; }
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