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Everything posted by SlashGeeGee

  1. Welcome back rAthena SlashGeeGee
  2. here : http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2665-original-prontera-model-texture-files/ SlashGeeGee
  3. How can I integrate this to my script ? If the players select's swordsman. he will be asked again to what job change he want it's either Lord Knight or Paladin. thanks SlashGeeGee BUMP !
  4. i don't know any comands in putty but you need to relocate the repository here's the link for the latest updates in the svn : http://svn.code.sf.net/p/rathena/svn/ SlashGeeGee
  5. Hello rAthena. I've got this freebies script which turns the player into 1st class jobs only. what I want to be modified is when he selected "Swordsman Class" he will be asked again to chose between "Lord Knight" and "Paladin". the same goes for other classes like Merchant Class . to "Blacksmith" or "Creator" and so on. lastly it gives base 99 and job 70 lvl. and the normal skills points for this job. here's my script: mes .@n$; mes "Good Luck on your adventure Citizen of Midgard !"; mes "Which path do you wish to take?"; switch(select("^76EE00Swordman^000000:^76EE00Archer^000000:^76EE00Magician^000000:^76EE00Acolyte^000000:^76EE00Merchant^000000:^76EE00Thief^000000")) { case 1://Swordsman jobchange 4002; getitem 12256,1; break; case 2://Archer jobchange 4004; getitem 12256,1; break; case 3://Mage jobchange 4003; getitem 12256,1; break; case 4://Acolyte jobchange 4005; getitem 12256,1; break; case 5://Merchant jobchange 4006; getitem 12256,1; break; case 6://Thief jobchange 4007; getitem 12256,1; break; } getitem 12214,5; // Convex mirror 5pcs. getitem 12210,5; // Bubble gum 5pcs. getitem 12263,5; // Manual 5pcs. set baselevel,99; set joblevel,50; skill 1,9,0; set #New_Player,1; next; mes .@n$; mes "Start your awesome journey today."; mes "If you need help. Please search for GM Team. Thank You."; cutin "",255; close; } end; BUMP !
  6. Remove it in RO Folder/System/towninfo.lua SlashGeeGee
  7. what client do you use ? and where did you get packets for it ? SlashGeeGee
  8. Thor patcher can patch a file to go to the directory BGM. SlashGeeGee
  9. From Mstream : Did you do this => just copy the new cash shop packets in the 2012-04-10's packets so it would work. SlashGeeGee
  10. You need ragexe client. here's one in the client release section. using the same 2012-04-10 packets. just copy the new cash shop packets in the 2012-04-10's packets so it would work. http://rathena.org/board/topic/81747-2012-04-10aragexe/ SlashGeeGee
  11. Copy the HShield.rar and extracted it in my Ro Folder. ( Done ) Placed the Ragexe client in my Ro Folder. ( Done ) Starting Client After Patching This error came up. SlashGeeGee
  12. conf / battle / client.conf // Valid range of dyes and styles on the client. min_hair_style: 0 max_hair_style: 46 // <-- change this one min_hair_color: 0 max_hair_color: 263 // <-- change this one min_cloth_color: 0 max_cloth_color: 553 // <-- change this one
  13. ANOTHER BUMP ! any spriter there who's willing to help me ?
  14. Hi rAthena, Can someone fix these sprite for me. As you look at the screenshot the Zangetsu Sword is placed properly but the Rainbow Sword is not. so can someone fix it ? the rainbow sword only works only for female characters. but not for male. Screenshot : Here's the sprite : http://spriterepository.com/files/file/552-rainbow-sword/ Thanks in Advance ! SlashGeeGee BUMP ! Anyone ?
  15. i changed it and recompiled. but now a poring shows up when disguise SlashGeeGee
  16. how to increase it judas ? i thought it was implented already on r17242 #define npcdb_checkid(id) ( ( (id) >= 46 && (id) <= 125) || (id) == HIDDEN_WARP_CLASS || ( (id) > 400 && (id) < MAX_NPC_CLASS ) || (id) == INVISIBLE_CLASS || ( id > 10000 && id < 10049 ) ) SlashGeeGee
  17. Hi rAthena. I have an issue regard the new npc's id's as soon as I heard that it was implemented the 10000+ id's I tested it out ingame but after using @disguise 10005 my character became a girl novice ? why ? and it's supposed to disguise to this one : I'm using 2012-04-10 Client. and npcidentity.lub is quite updated with these npc's here's a screenshot ingame : disguise applied. then undisguise thank's for helping SlashGeeGee
  18. Hi rAthena, I'm using Arcenceil's 300 Monster Challenge Script, and I modified only the prize on OnMyMVPDead Label and the number of players in a party in the config. But when I killed the last monster the boss. I got a error on my map-server. I'm having this error : here's my script : http://upaste.me/2f7b5618ee75310f thanks for helping EDIT : SOLVED By Read the 300 Monster Challenge Topic again. my bad /sigh . please close SlashGeeGee
  19. use search next time. it's in the board already http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2843-pin-code-buttons-and-guild-buttons/ SlashGeeGee
  20. use version 28 in clientinfo. packet_db_ver: 30 SlashGeeGee
  21. use search next time it's here in the board already http://rathena.org/board/topic/70962-recommended-client-setup/ SlashGeeGee
  22. here : prontera,150,150,5 script Server Time 100,{ end; OnInit: while( 1 ){ delwaitingroom; waitingroom " "+gettimestr( "%H:%M:%S %p",21 ),0; sleep 1000; } end; }
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