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Everything posted by Microsoft

  1. Check your inter_athena.conf, check all the userdb, sqlpassword, and the database.
  2. Hey. Check this out! http://rathena.org/board/topic/80830-endless-tower-reset/ This is for endless tower http://rathena.org/board/topic/69306-endless-tower-cooldown/
  3. Autopot software? Hmmm you are in the wrong forums I think? But let's see if somebody knows about that autopot software.
  4. My fault. Sorry. How about the Load ItemInfo.lua before lub?
  5. //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= eAthena Jobchanger AKA Job Master //===== By: ================================================== //= eAthena Dev Team [Ori:LunatikBunnie] [Cur:Lance] //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.5a //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= eAthena SVN Trunk 6674 //===== Description: ========================================= //= Changes your job without asking too much //= For other info, please contact me at [email protected] //= Editted menu to avoid button mashing. //= 1.3 Added TK/SL/SG, thanks to Haplo. Fixed minor bugs [Lupus] //= script leaves grabage variable: 'lastJob' //= 1.4 Added NJ/GS, changed all job numbers to Job_* constants. //= All credits go to pxxx [Skotlex] //= 1.5 Rewrite everything from scratch. [Lance] //= 1.5a fixed Baby -> Super Baby change. Switched to JobName() [Lupus] //============================================================ prontera,153,193,6 script Job Master 123,{ mes "^ff0000[Job Master]^000000"; if(Upper == 1 && Class >= Job_Lord_Knight) goto L_noReq; if(SkillPoint != 0){ mes "I'm sorry, please use up all your skill points before changing jobs"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; } if(JobLevel < 10) goto L_LvError; switch(Class){ case Job_Novice_High: case Job_Baby: case Job_Novice: skill 142,1,0; skill 143,1,0; mes "Welcome, please select the job you wish to change into"; if(lastJob != 0 && Class == Job_Novice_High){ switch(lastJob){ case Job_Knight: case Job_Crusader: set @target_job, Job_Swordman_High; break; case Job_Monk: case Job_Priest: set @target_job, Job_Acolyte_High; break; case Job_Alchemist: case Job_Blacksmith: set @target_job, Job_Merchant_High; break; case Job_Rogue: case Job_Assassin: set @target_job, Job_Thief_High; break; case Job_Wizard: case Job_Sage: set @target_job, Job_Mage_High; break; case Job_Hunter: case Job_Bard: case Job_Dancer: set @target_job, Job_Archer_High; break; } } else { switch(select("Swordsman","Mage","Archer","Acolyte","Merchant","Thief", "Super Novice","Taekwon","Gunslinger","Ninja")){ case 7: if(Class == Job_Novice_High) goto L_noReq; if($@JC_SupNovM > BaseLevel) goto L_BvError; if(Upper == 2) set @target_job, Job_Super_Baby; else set @target_job, Job_SuperNovice; break; case 8: if(Class == Job_Novice_High) goto L_noReq; if(Upper == 2) goto L_noReq; set @target_job, Job_Taekwon; break; case 9: case 10: if(Class == Job_Novice_High || Upper == 2) goto L_noReq; set @target_job, @menu + 15; break; default: set @target_job, @menu; if(Class == Job_Novice_High) set @target_job, @target_job + 4001; break; } } mes "Are you sure you want to change to " + JobName(@target_job) + "?"; if(select("No","Yes") == 2){ callfunc "Job_Change", @target_job; if(@target_job == Job_Gunslinger || @target_job == Job_Ninja || @target_job == Job_Taekwon) { callfunc "F_ClearJobVar"; } else { if($@JC_Plat) goto L_GivePlat; } } close; break; default: if(JobLevel < $@JC_MinimumJB) goto L_LvError; deletearray @job_opt, getarraysize(@job_opt); if(Class < Job_Knight || Class == Job_Taekwon || (Class > Job_Baby && Class < Job_Baby_Knight) || (Class > Job_Novice_High && Class < Job_Lord_Knight)){ if(lastJob != 0){ set @target_job, lastJob + 4001; } else { switch(Class){ case Job_Swordman_High: case Job_Baby_Swordman: case Job_Swordman: set @job_opt[0], Job_Knight; set @job_opt[1], Job_Crusader; break; case Job_Mage_High: case Job_Baby_Mage: case Job_Mage: set @job_opt[0], Job_Wizard; set @job_opt[1], Job_Sage; break; case Job_Archer_High: case Job_Baby_Archer: case Job_Archer: set @job_opt[0], Job_Hunter; if(Sex == 0) set @job_opt[1], Job_Dancer; else set @job_opt[1], Job_Bard; break; case Job_Acolyte_High: case Job_Baby_Acolyte: case Job_Acolyte: set @job_opt[0], Job_Priest; set @job_opt[1], Job_Monk; break; case Job_Merchant_High: case Job_Baby_Merchant: case Job_Merchant: set @job_opt[0], Job_Blacksmith; set @job_opt[1], Job_Alchemist; break; case Job_Thief_High: case Job_Baby_Thief: case Job_Thief: set @job_opt[0], Job_Assassin; set @job_opt[1], Job_Rogue; break; default: set @job_opt[0], Job_Star_Gladiator; set @job_opt[1], Job_Soul_Linker; break; } mes "Welcome, please select the job you wish to change into"; set @target_job, @job_opt[select(JobName(@job_opt[0]), JobName(@job_opt[1]))-1]; if(Class > Job_Novice_High && Class < Job_Lord_Knight) set @target_job, @target_job + 4001; } mes "Are you sure you want to change to " + JobName(@target_job) + "?"; if(select("No","Yes")==2){ callfunc "Job_Change", @target_job; if(@target_job == Job_Star_Gladiator || @target_job == Job_Soul_Linker) { callfunc "F_ClearJobVar"; } else { if($@JC_Plat) goto L_GivePlat; } } close; } if(checkfalcon() || checkcart() || checkriding()) goto L_remove; if((Class >=Job_Knight) && (Class <=Job_Crusader2)){ mes "Do you want to reborn?"; if(select("Yes","No")==1){ if(BaseLevel < 99 || JobLevel < 50) goto L_cantCh; set lastJob, Class; if(Class == Job_Knight2){ set lastJob, Job_Knight; } else { if(Class == Job_Crusader2){ set lastJob, Job_Crusader; } } jobchange Job_Novice_High; resetlvl(1); skill 142,1,0; skill 143,1,0; } close; } } mes "I'm sorry, there are no further classes for your job."; close; L_GivePlat: if (BaseClass==Job_SuperNovice) goto L_sSuperN; if (BaseClass==Job_Swordman) goto L_sSword; if (BaseClass==Job_Mage) goto L_sMage; if (BaseClass==Job_Archer) goto L_sArcher; if (BaseClass==Job_Acolyte) goto L_sAcolyte; if (BaseClass==Job_Merchant) goto L_sMerchant; if (BaseClass==Job_Thief) goto L_sThief; close; L_sSuperN: skill 142,1,0; close; L_sSword: skill 142,1,0; skill 144,1,0; skill 145,1,0; skill 146,1,0; close; L_sMage: skill 142,1,0; skill 157,1,0; close; L_sArcher: skill 142,1,0; skill 147,1,0; skill 148,1,0; close; L_sAcolyte: skill 142,1,0; skill 156,1,0; close; L_sMerchant: skill 142,1,0; skill 153,1,0; skill 154,1,0; skill 155,1,0; close; L_sThief: skill 142,1,0; skill 149,1,0; skill 150,1,0; skill 151,1,0; skill 152,1,0; close; L_cantCh: mes "I'm sorry, you do not meet the requirements to change"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_LvError: mes "I'm sorry, you do not seem to have enough Job Levels"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_BvError: mes "I'm sorry, you do not seem to have enough Base Levels"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_noReq: mes "I'm sorry, you do not meet the requirements to change"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; L_remove: mes "Please remove your cart,falcon or peco"; mes "Please come again soon!"; close; OnInit: // Variable Setup set $@JC_MinimumJB, 40; //Minimum job level for changing between 2nd and advance Class (Default : 40) set $@JC_Plat, 1; //Give Platinum skills on Jobchange (Default : 1-yes) set $@JC_SupNovM, 45; //Base Level to change into Super Novice (Default : 45) end; } Credits to eAthena.
  6. Gender I think? Hmm. Never been encountering this problem.
  7. No problem. Just say thanks if it works.
  8. Check your clientinfo.xml and look for <version></version> The server said that you are using <version>47</version> change it to <version>45</version>
  9. 1. make sure your client doest read data folder 1st / read lua before lub 2. check your system folder iteminfo.lua or iteminfo.lub 3. get your updated lub files here http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Lua_Project/lubs/
  10. Did you put you client's date in mmo.h?
  11. go to trunk/npc/scripts_athena.conf, search for this line. npc: npc/other/poring_war.txt disable it. // restart your server.
  12. If you are hosted with linux vps. Skip the step 2
  13. Got the same problem but it's already solved. cache your mapcache, use weemapcache. load the izlude.gat then recompile. Put all the izlude files inside your grf. Maybe the izlude.gat in your mapcache is the newest then your izlude inside your grf is the old one. Try to merge the izlude.grf in ctro.grf
  14. This is my first time using 2013 client. I am using 2013-06-05Ragexe with 2013-06-05Ragexe.xdiff Any solution? Topic Close, Fixed issue.
  15. PUt your VPS ip in char_athena.conf and map_athena.conf, in inter_athena use
  16. Client problem I think, What client are you using?
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