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  1. what about this one if(bac_so = 1 && dop_pel = 2 && kh_d01 = 3 && than_t = 4 && sbh_fbh = 5 && may_an = 6 && golden_t = 7 && tao_gunk = 8 && dev_ling = 9 && gr1_gr1 = 10 && tgen_tgen = 11) goto gloom; will this work? im trying to make the final npc check if it talked to the other npc's before going to the final quest, but im having that missing ) error again. Updated: Fixed now my problem is how to trigger npc's when i completed the quest like example they are on hiding then they will unhide and do some special effects.
  2. I switch between the two. but mostly I use rathena.
  3. Tried it annie I get this error?
  4. Does anyone have something like this? something simple and doesn't consume too many lines.
  5. Thanks again annie, Your a big help to me again ill try this and see what I could still add on it .
  6. Thanks annie, Gonna try this The link your provided me its not working it redirects me to the forums
  7. Thanks annie managed to make it work no more errors, one more how can I make the event end when there are no players on the map and what do I add if I want to make traps to players. Update played around with it and I got this error Script //=========================================================== - script KOHannouncer -1,{ OnEnable: mapannounce "mjolnir_04","The one who will reach the end of the bridge found at the top of the Hill will win the event",16; announce "Get Ready... Countdown will begin at 5",bc_map; sleep2 1000; announce "4",bc_map; sleep2 1000; announce "3",bc_map; sleep2 1000; announce "2",bc_map; sleep2 1000; announce "1",bc_map; sleep2 1000; donpcevent "freezer::OnEvent"; //areawarp "mjolnir_04",72,307,82,300,"mjolnir_04",77,304; announce "GO!",bc_map; end; } mjolnir_04,146,208,5 script Finish Line!::kohfinish 111,2,2,{ if ($started == 0) end; OnTouch: if (.winner == 1) { mes "We now have a winner!."; end; } if (.winner == 0) { mes "You win !!"; set .winner,1; close2; } announce strcharinfo(0)+" is the King of the Hill!!",bc_all; getitem 7227,5; getitem 674,20; set $started,0; atcommand "@doommap"; atcommand "@warp prontera,150,150 "+strcharinfo(0); set .winner,0; cleararray $kohplayers[0],0,getarraysize($kohplayers); disablenpc "kohfinish"; end; } mjolnir_04,0,0,0 script freezer 111,2,2,{ OnEvent: for (set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize($kohplayers); set .@i, .@i + 1) { attachrid($kohplayers[.@i]); atcommand "@option 0 0 0"; } end; }
  8. Here's one more when I run the event the 2nd npc KingOfHillRace npc wont show up its suppose to show up when i start the event. Update: Managed to make it work but still having this error
  9. Here's a koth script I have I'm having errors on running it on eathena can anyone help me? script KOHannouncer -1,{ OnInit: disablenpc "KingOfHillRace"; disablenpc "kohfinish"; end; } quiz_00,26,111,5 script Koth Assistant 56,{ if ($started == 1) donpcevent "KingOfHill::Onregister"; if (getgmlevel()>=60) goto L_GAMEMASTER; mes "^FF0000Scripted by: Fantomexâ„¢^000000"; mes "[King Of Hill]"; mes "Only Freedom RO GameMaster's can open the race"; L_no: close; L_GAMEMASTER: mes "[Koth Assistant]"; mes "Good day, Would you like to start the KOTH event?"; menu " - Yes",-,"- No",L_no; close2; cleararray $kohplayers[0],0,getarraysize($kohplayers); announce "King Of Hill Event Has started",0; enablenpc "KingOfHill"; enablenpc "kohfinish"; set $started,1; sleep2 10000; announce "Please proceed to the upper part of Prontera if you want to participate",0; sleep 10000; announce "Enter the portal before it closes",0; initnpctimer; close; OnTimer30000: announce "King Of Hill event will start in 30 seconds",0; sleep2 5000; announce "Hurry before the portal closes",0; end; OnTimer50000: announce "King Of Hill Portal is now closed",0; end; OnTimer51000: donpcevent "KOHannouncer::OnEnable"; stopnpctimer; disablenpc "KingOfHillRace"; end; } //=========================================================== prontera,156,220,5 script KingOfHillRace 905,{ Onregister: if ($started == 1) { mes "Hello would you like to register to join the race?"; next; menu " -Yes",-," -No",L_no; next; mes "Thankyou for registering " + strcharinfo(0) + ", Remember Run as fast as your can and Have fun!"; if (getarraysize($kohplayers) == 0) setarray $kohplayers[0], getcharid(3); else setarray $kohplayers[getarraysize($kohplayers)], getcharid(3); atcommand "@option 255,0,0"; warp "mjolnir_04",77,304; end; } end; L_no: close; end; } //=========================================================== - script KOHannouncer -1,{ OnEnable: mapannounce "mjolnir_04","The one who will reach the end of the bridge found at the top of the Hill will win the event",16; announce "Get Ready... Countdown will begin at 5",bc_all; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "4",bc_all; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "3",bc_all; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "2",bc_all; sleep2 1000; mapannounce "1",bc_all; sleep2 1000; donpcevent "freezer::OnEvent"; //areawarp "mjolnir_04",72,307,82,300,"mjolnir_04",77,304; mapannounce "GO!",bc_all; end; } mjolnir_04,135,208,5 script Finish Line!::kohfinish 111,2,2,{ if ($started == 0) end; OnTouch: if (.winner == 1) { mes "We now have a winner!."; end; } if (.winner == 0) { mes "You win !!"; set .winner,1; close2; } announce strcharinfo(0)+" is the King of the Hill!!!",bc_all; getitem 7227,3; getitem 674,30; getitem 7608,5; set $started,0; atcommand "@doommap"; atcommand "@kill "+strcharinfo(0); set .winner,0; cleararray $kohplayers[0],0,getarraysize($kohplayers); disablenpc "kohfinish"; end; } mjolnir_04,0,0,0 script freezer 111,2,2,{ OnEvent: for (set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize($kohplayers); set .@i, .@i + 1) { attachrid($kohplayers[.@i]); atcommand "@option 0 0 0"; } end; } //=================MapFlags============================= mjolnir_04 mapflag noteleport mjolnir_04 mapflag nosave SavePoint mjolnir_04 mapflag nobranch mjolnir_04 mapflag restricted.txt mjolnir_04 mapflag gvg mjolnir_04 mapflag nomemo mjolnir_04 mapflag nowarpto mjolnir_04 mapflag noreturn mjolnir_04 mapflag noskill mjolnir_04 mapflag novending mjolnir_04 mapflag monster_noteleport Here's the error
  10. With Control Panel For GM's 60 above DISABLE/ENABLE NPC // Hides or Unhide NPC Extra reward option on pvp battles Registration NPC will require: You will pay 1 tcg per player to enter NPC with option of 1 vs 1 , 3 vs 3 , and 5 vs 5 Party names will be registered opposing team/player to write the enemy party name(enemy name) vice versa // To know who to fight Both party leader will write name on npc after registration of party both leader will pick a map // if map is not the same to the opposing team event will not continue until both team select same map 6 maps to choose only //instance map if possible 3 gvg enabled 3 pvp enabled option to choose pvp or gvg map On map: There will be a Betting npc both leaders/players will bet items and zeny winner takes all Choice to disable GTB Card
  11. not working , has error on line 20 and 25
  12. Does anyone have a Simbang Gabi Script like in PRO? http://ragnarok.levelupgames.ph/main/simbang-gabi-event-2013/
  13. prontera,146,237,4 script Chii 716,{ if (Chii == 0) { mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "Silver bells,"; mes "silver bells ..."; mes "it's christmas time in the city"; next; emotion e_ho; mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "Oh~ Hi there!"; mes "can you feel the essence"; mes "of christmas here?"; mes "everything is totally amazing!"; mes "and i reeeally luv it!!!"; next; mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "Although things are great"; mes "seeing other people's smile"; mes "but, facing also the"; mes "fact that i can't be with "; mes "my partner right now"; mes "is the saddest part"; next; mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "i wish that she's with me"; mes "and hoping that Santa would hear"; mes "all my wishes"; next; emotion e_omg; mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "Ooops! speaking about santa,"; mes "have you noticed"; mes "why people talking 'bout him?"; next; menu "I dunno, why?",TEST1,"lol, don't care",TEST2; TEST1: mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "Well, i won't be telling secrets"; mes "to anyone i don't even know"; mes "especially to you"; next; mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "BUUUUUUUT!"; mes "if you really want to know"; mes "there are conditions"; mes "before i will tell you this"; next; mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "The next time you'll talk to me"; mes "just bring"; mes "5 Lunatic cards"; mes "5 Poring cards"; mes "5 Fabre cards"; set Chii,4; close; TEST2: mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "Okay! Get lost!"; mes "i don't need you!"; next; warp "xmas_fild01",0,0; close; } if (Chii == 4) { mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "Hello! You're back!~"; mes "so are you ready to know"; mes "what is going on right now?"; next; switch(select("Please tell me:I better go")) { case 1: if ((countitem(4006) > 4) && (countitem(4001) > 4) && (countitem(4002) > 4)) { mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "That's great! You did it"; mes "so, here it is,"; mes "but please don't tell anyone about this okay?"; delitem 4006,5; delitem 4001,5; delitem 4002,5; next; mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "People are talking about Santa"; mes "because rumors says"; mes "that he's coming to town"; mes "and he'll be giving gifts"; mes "to those who have his hat"; next; mes "[^ff8f1a" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000]"; mes "What kind of hat is that?"; mes "and where can i find that one"; next; mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "Rumors says that"; mes "there's an old man"; mes "living on payon who makes"; mes "that hat"; next; mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "But all i know is, he only accepts"; mes "requests as soon as you bring"; mes "with you his precious stone"; next; mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "And people says that"; mes "his precious stone"; mes "can only be found at"; mes "the seven desert of morocc"; mes "and its veeeery rare"; next; mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; emotion e_heh; mes "And guess what?"; mes "i think i found iiiiit!"; mes "nyaaaaaaaahaha!"; mes "do you want this too?"; next; mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "Nah! You can have this"; mes "but its not for free"; mes "maybe if you can bring me"; mes "the items i need too"; next; mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "Here's all i need"; mes "200 red gemstone"; mes "200 yellow gemstone"; mes "200 blue gemstone"; mes "and 150 battle badges"; next; mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "Just come back"; mes "here if you have it all"; mes "Byeeeee!"; set Chii,2; close; } mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "Oh! i thought"; mes "5 Lunatic cards,"; mes "5 Poring cards,"; mes "and 5 Fabre cards are already with you"; emotion e_swt; close; case 2: mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "Naah! if you change"; mes "your mind,"; mes "you can just find me here"; next; mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "laa la laaa"; mes "lalalal laaaaa"; mes "..."; emotion e_ho; close; } } if (Chii == 2) { mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "Are you ready to have"; mes "this precious stone"; mes "and make that rare hat?"; next; if ((countitem(7773) > 99) && (countitem(716) > 199) && (countitem(715) > 199) && (countitem(717) > 199)){ mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "Here you go..."; mes "please don't lost it okay?"; next; delitem 7773,100; delitem 716,200; delitem 715,200; delitem 717,200; getitem 6084,1; specialeffect2 852; mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "Before you go,"; mes "let me remind you"; mes "always bring that stone"; mes "coz he won't make hats"; mes "if you don't have his stone"; set Chii,3; emotion e_no1; close; } mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "Ooops!~"; mes "i thought you bring"; mes "your items with you"; next; mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "nah~"; mes "next time, always check your items"; mes "before talking to me"; mes "coz i find hard"; mes "counting all your stuff"; close; } if (Chii == 3){ mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "You can find that old man"; mes "at payon and his name is"; mes "Carlo and he was known"; mes "to be the greatest blacksmith"; mes "at his time"; next; mes "[^07ad14Chii^000000]"; mes "Well,"; mes "good luck to your journey"; mes "til we meet our destiny again~"; close; } } payon,138,146,6 script Carlo 765,{ if (Carlo == 0) { if (countitem(6084) > 0){ mes "[Carlo]"; mes "That's what im looking for!"; mes "finally!"; mes "talk to me later kid,"; delitem 6084,1; set Carlo,1; close; } emotion e_swt; mes "[Carlo]"; mes "..."; next; mes "[Carlo]"; mes "......."; next; mes "[Carlo]"; mes "....."; next; emotion e_wah; mes "[Carlo]"; mes "I lost"; mes "my very precious stone"; close; } if (Carlo == 1){ mes "[Carlo]"; mes "So you're the one who"; mes "founded my lost"; mes "precious stone"; mes "so, what is your name?"; next; input $name$; mes "[Carlo]"; mes "Ah,"; mes "so you are ^FF0000"+$name$+"^000000"; mes "nice to meet you"; next; mes "[Carlo]"; mes "I am known to be"; mes "the greatest blacksmith"; mes "i can forge weapons"; mes "and armor up to +20"; mes "before at my times"; next; mes "[Carlo]"; mes "But sad to say"; mes "i can no longer carry my tools"; mes "anymore so i can't do"; mes "what i usually do before"; next; mes "[Carlo]"; mes "That's why,"; mes "at this time"; mes "i only make"; mes "rare headgears"; mes "by the way, why are you here?"; next; switch(select("I'm looking for a hat:Shut up!")) { case 1: mes "[Carlo]"; mes "Ooh!"; mes "what hat are you"; mes "looking for?"; next; mes "[^FF0000" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000]"; mes "A hat that looks"; mes "like a Santa Hat"; mes "but it has two heads"; mes "at the bottom of it"; next; mes "[Carlo]"; mes "Aha! You're looking for"; mes "a Twin pompom hat?"; mes "i have lots of collection"; mes "of that hat here"; next; mes "[Carlo]"; mes "I can give you 2"; mes "of it but, if only"; mes "you can pass my challenge"; mes "to you"; next; mes "[Carlo]"; mes "I will give you time"; mes "to decide"; mes "so come back to me"; mes "when you are ready"; close; case 2: mes "[Carlo]"; mes "How dare you"; mes "to talk to me"; mes "that way!!!"; mes "taste my fist!!!"; specialeffect 650; sleep2 500; specialeffect 651; sleep2 500; specialeffect 260; sleep2 1000; specialeffect 408; sleep2 100; specialeffect 510; sleep2 100; atcommand "@nuke "+strcharinfo(0); emotion e_gg; close; } } } Can anyone continue this? its for a Christmas chain quest npc , I need around 5 more NPC's and the last one should be santa he'll give out a prize item ID: 21108 and 5381 Hope you could continue this. Thanks
  14. Please contact your webhosting provider as soon as possible, also you can disable that line in index.php by commenting this line: // Set time limit. set_time_limit((int)Flux::config('ScriptTimeLimit')); to // Set time limit. //set_time_limit((int)Flux::config('ScriptTimeLimit')); now your done!
  15. Good website, design. very simple, easy to use.
  16. Hello Elias, Please check your groups.conf if there is a id: 99 { id: 99 name: "Admin" level: 99 inherit: ( "Support", "Law Enforcement" ) commands: { /* not necessary due to all_commands: true */ } log_commands: true permissions: { can_trade: true can_party: true all_skill: false all_equipment: false skill_unconditional: false use_check: true use_changemaptype: true all_commands: true channel_admin: true can_trade_bounded: true item_unconditional: false /* all_permission: true */ } }
  17. Hola Akioinozuka, Si aún no tiene un sitio web puede utilizar username_M o F al iniciar sesión. Si desea modificar una cuenta GM a tu base de datos y el Ragnarok buscar tabla de inicio, edite el group_id, a continuación, si no sabes que poner de su svn/conf/grupos. conf
  18. Hello gyroguevarra! Check mo po yan dito texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/item/ kunwari name ng file name ng custom item mo is "runes.bmp" Kailangan yung sa texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/item/ at texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/collection/ iisa ang file name at file format. Yung sa sinasabi ni LuLu na idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt Item name yun na lalabas sa in-game. Try mo tong sinabi ko para makasure ka
  19. Hello Elias! I have few questions that can answer your questions. 1. Did you compile your Client's Date in src/common/mmo.h? 2. Are you using the correct packet version? (You can know what packet version you need to use, just restart your server and wait until it says that you are not using the right packet version) 3. Answer number 2 and 3.
  20. Please try this, as my example I use monster "creamy" because we all know that creamy has a teleportation skill. now this is line is from rathena/trunk/db/re/mob_skill_db.txt As you can see the code below the number 26 is the skill id of teleportation skill, then the other number is the skill level. 1018,Creamy@AL_TELEPORT,attack,26,1,500,0,5000,yes,self,myhpltmaxrate,30,,,,,,, To disable: 1018,Creamy@AL_TELEPORT,attack,0,0,500,0,5000,yes,self,myhpltmaxrate,30,,,,,,, See the Difference? You can also use the "mapflag". mapname<tab>mapflag<tab>monster_noteleport Just Do restart your entire server to make changes. No need to recompile due to recompiling is just for SRC editing (Custom Map Also).
  21. Euphy on the last revision, when you use edp your attack will increase, but now in new revision no more increase but the damage is works. (increased)
  22. In that case, i just stopping my server for 5x by using ./athena-start stop, then just wait for few minutes then restarting my server and it works.
  23. Um no, you didn't get my point, on past revision of rathena it includes renewal EDP /// renewal enchant deadly poison algorithm /// /// leave this line to enable the renewed EDP algorithm /// under renewal mode: /// - damage is NOT increased by 400% /// - it does NOT affect grimtooth /// - weapon and status ATK are increased #define RENEWAL_EDP Now i am using the latest revision 17694 no more setting for renewal edp.
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