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Everything posted by Sryx

  1. 1. Change the 3 to the current day of your server ( 0 = Sun to 6 = Sat ) 2. Advance the OnClock to your server time ( 10 mins or more )
  2. Try these.. OnClock1100: OnClock2000: if(gettime(4) == 3){ // 3 = Wed gvgon "guild_vs1"; announce "The King of Emperium Hill has begun!", bc_all; .start = 1; enablenpc "The King#KoE"; disablenpc "Get Your Prize Here#KoE"; $koegid = 0; donpcevent "::OnRevKoE"; maprespawnguildid "guild_vs1", $koegid, 7; monster "guild_vs1",49,49,"EMPERIUM",1288,1,"KoE::OnEmpDead"; } end; L_end: OnClock1130: OnClock2030: if(gettime(4) == 3){ // 3 = Wed gvgoff "guild_vs1"; announce "The King of Emperium Hill is over!", bc_all; } end;
  3. I think you wan't to make the box as ITEM instead of EQUIP? If yes then open you item_db then change the Type to 2. // ID,AegisName,Name,Type,Buy,Sell,Weight,ATK,DEF,Range,Slots,Job,Class,Gender,Loc,wLV,eLV[:maxLevel],Refineable,View,{ Script },{ OnEquip_Script },{ OnUnequip_Script }
  4. Check you servertype. Then try to set your langtype to 1 or 0.
  5. Try to diff your client with Extend Chat Box/Extend Chat Room Box/Extend PM it will increase you input from 70 to 234.
  6. Put it inside your RO Folder then update your DATA.INI. [Data] 0=SEVER_GRF.grf 1=PALLETE.GRF 2=data.grf 3=rdata.grf
  7. Here, just select your OS. https://github.com/rathena/rathena/wiki/installations
  8. dispbottom "Your total cash points is "+#ROK_POINTS+"."; Change the #ROKPOINTS to #ROK_POINTS
  9. You will get plain host/server, but you need to learn linux command and yes its much cheaper. I recommend this one. http://digitalocean.com
  10. Sryx

    Special Buffs

    - script kdsfksdjhfksdj -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "buffall", strnpcinfo(0) +"::Onbuff",99,99; end; Onbuff: //it also came from annieruru script freeloop(1); while ( getusers(1) > .@count ) { .@nb = query_sql("SELECT `account_id`,`name` FROM `char` WHERE `online` = 1 ORDER BY `account_id` LIMIT 128 OFFSET "+ .@count, .@aid,.@name$ ); .@i = 0; while ( .@i < .@nb ) { if ( !checkvending( .@name$[.@i] ) ){ skilleffect 34,0; sc_start SC_BLESSING,600000,10; skilleffect 29,0; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,600000,10; } .@i++; } .@count += 128; } freeloop(0); end; } Didn't test it, tell me if it doesnt work.
  11. You need mob_dbs and item_dbs for your FluxCP. You can also use SQL as your database instead of .txt
  12. Sryx

    Hourly Points

    #RP += .point_amt; #acctick = gettimetick(2) + .online_time; dispbottom "Gained " + .point_amt + " " + .point_name$ + ". Total " + #RP + " points."; Find this line then change the #RP to #CASHPOINTS.
  13. Sryx

    Hourly Points

    You can find the CashPoint variable on acc_reg_num. Post your script so people here in rA can check your script.
  14. Update the script and use tab, should be like this. pay_fild10.gat,182,157,5 script Kimuel 900,{ pay_fild10.gat,182,157,5<tab>script<tab>Kimuel<tab>900,{ Do the rest in the next npc, If you want you may remove the .gat,
  15. 1. GRF Editor 2. Thor Patcher http://thor.aeomin.net/
  16. Thor Patcher can. 1. Generate encrypted thor using GRF Editor 2. Patch it using Thor Patcher
  17. Try sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/newRO/data/* If didn't work. sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/newRO/data/tmp sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/newRO/data/logs
  18. If you want it globally or all monster with that %. Edit your mob_db, change all drop % to 1. Then the drops.conf will multiply the % to 1 Here's the reference. // Note 2: Value is in percents (100 means 100%)
  19. Try this. //my addiiton //prontera,156,196,6 duplicate(WoE Information) Warper#woe3-1 837 turbo_room,100,123,6 duplicate(WoE Information) Warper#woe2-1 837 payon,118,238,6 duplicate(WoE Information) Warper#woe4-1 837 prontera,144,109,6 duplicate(WoE Information) Warper#woe5-1 837 prontera,270,219,4 duplicate(WoE Information) Warper#woe6-1 837 prontera,147,314,5 duplicate(WoE Information) Warper#woe7-1 837 prontera,124,69,5 duplicate(WoE Information) Warper#woe8-1 837 morocc,146,255,6 duplicate(WoE Information) Warper#woe9-1 837 morocc,148,114,6 duplicate(WoE Information) Warper#woe10-1 837 izlude,116,127,4 duplicate(WoE Information) Warper#woe11-1 837 amatsu,125,108,3 duplicate(WoE Information) Warper#woe12-1 837 alberta,63,247,3 duplicate(WoE Information) Warper#woe13-1 837 alberta,126,74,3 duplicate(WoE Information) Warper#woe14-1 837 geffen,120,29,3 duplicate(WoE Information) Warper#woe15-1 837 geffen,180,108,6 duplicate(WoE Information) Warper#woe16-1 837 hugel,87,151,6 duplicate(WoE Information) Warper#woe17-1 837 gonryun,159,144,4 duplicate(WoE Information) Warper#woe18-1 837 yuno,164,147,3 duplicate(WoE Information) Warper#woe19-1 837 Also use tab instead of space. <map location><tab><duplicate><tab><npc name><tab><sprite>
  20. Find this line, and change the 25000 to 6379 set .MHReward, 25000; // reward
  21. // Max Players Per Map setarray .MaxPlayers,0,50,10,36,50; Try to find this line and change the "0" to your desired max player. Also if there's console error, post it.
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