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Everything posted by alternate

  1. Hello everyone, i have a simple question. I'm using SQL db, so for me to add the item_db.txt and mob_db.txt i'll have to manually enter the values for each individual mob and item on my tables? and if so the way to do this is just fill in the values following the SQL table structure? *img to illustrate*
  2. Primeiro vc precisa configurar ou adicionar um item de ticket vip com o devido script do item, dps disso adiciona um npc que faz a função com OnPcLoginEvent prontera,5,5,5 script LOGIN 111,{ OnPcLoginEvent: if(!#PACKINICIAL) { #PACKINICIAL = 1; getitem 666,6 // exemplo de item que vc quer colocar, 6 unidades } end; }
  3. Hello @Almond Snicker, would you mind to share where you changed your subnet? think im having the same issue here.
  4. Hi guys its me again... well i got a small problem using some skills more specifically the skill Bash the deal is that my swordsman walk to the monster to use Bash but stops just one cell before reaching the monster, sometimes it reaches the monster and its alright but sometimes it just stops right in front of the monster, just 1 cell away... i think maybe its a distance problem/bug
  5. Alright! thanks for the explanation _Okuz_ i got it! now i got something else to report as i iniciate the game, the points are alright but when i break any stone the counter at the corner of the window disappears any thoughts? @edit maybe its an hexed bug?
  6. Hi guys, i downloaded and tried to use goddameit's custom bg script and got the map working but the npc doesnt start any new conversation when i click on it. code //Author-Script Goddameit My forum : http://bit.ly/MDuQ9F //Author-Map TrojanWorm //Version 2012-10-31 //Don't re-release in anywhere and anyway ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// endless_war mapflag battleground 2 endless_war,218,86,0 script #BattleGroundwarpA2 100,{ end; OnInit: waitingroom "Join Team A(Click)",2,"#BattleGroundwarpA2::OnJoin",1; end; OnJoin: if(!$@bg_id_a) set $@bg_id_a,waitingroom2bg("endless_war",205,85,"",""); else waitingroom2bg_single($@bg_id_a,"endless_war",205,85,"#BattleGroundwarpA2"); warpwaitingpc "endless_war",205,85; end; } endless_war,40,86,0 script #BattleGroundwarpB2 100,{ end; OnInit: waitingroom "Join Team B(Click)",2,"#BattleGroundwarpB2::OnJoin",1; end; OnJoin: if(!$@bg_id_ set $@bg_id_b,waitingroom2bg("endless_war",53,85,"",""); else waitingroom2bg_single($@bg_id_b,"endless_war",53,85,"#BattleGroundwarpB2"); warpwaitingpc "endless_war",53,85; end; } endless_war,165,86,0 script #BattleGroundwarpA1 45,2,2,{ warp "endless_war",161,86; end; } endless_war,90,86,0 script #BattleGroundwarpB1 45,2,2,{ warp "endless_war",94,86; end; } prontera,150,180,4 script Battle Ground 100,{ if(.status==2) { mes "Game is running."; close; } if(.status==1) { if(.playernm>=128) { mes "Sorry, full"; close; } select("Join"); if(!.playerid[1]) { //callsub OnEndd; initnpctimer; } set .playernm,.playernm+1; set .playerid[.playernm],getcharid(0); mes "Complete"; close; } end; OnClock0100: OnClock0300: OnClock0500: OnClock0700: OnClock0900: OnClock1100: OnClock1300: OnClock1500: OnClock1700: OnClock1900: OnClock2100: OnClock2300: callsub OnActive; end; OnActive: callsub OnEndd; set .status,1; Announce "[Battle Ground]:Someone active the game! Go to prontera,150,180 and join us!",0; end; OnTimer60000: if(.playernm<=32) { Announce "[Battle Ground]:Sorry, player amount isn't enough",0; callsub OnEndd; end; } Announce "[Battle Ground]:Event is ready!",0; for(set .@i,1;.@i<=.playernm;set .@i,.@i+1) { if(.@i%2==0) warpchar "endless_war",218,86,.playerid[.@i]; else warpchar "endless_war",40,86,.playerid[.@i]; } callsub OnEnab2; end; OnTimer90000: set .status,2; Announce "[Battle Ground]:Go!",0; bg_monster $@bg_id_a,"endless_war",128,120,"A",1907,"Battle Ground::OnAdestory"; bg_monster $@bg_id_b,"endless_war",127,46,"B",1907,"Battle Ground::OnBdestory"; callsub OnEnab1; end; OnTimer190000: if(.point[1]>.point[2]) { Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team A Win!",0; }else if(.point[2]>.point[1]) { Announce "[Battle Ground]:Team B Win!",0; }else { Announce "[Battle Ground]:Draw!",0; } sleep2 3000; callsub OnEndd; end; OnBdestory: set .point[1],.point[1]+5; set .point[2],.point[2]-3; bg_updatescore "endless_war",.point[1],.point[2]; detachrid; sleep2 10000; bg_monster $@bg_id_b,"endless_war",127,46,"B",1907,"Battle Ground::OnBdestory"; end; OnAdestory: set .point[2],.point[2]+5; set .point[1],.point[1]-3; bg_updatescore "endless_war",.point[1],.point[2]; detachrid; sleep2 10000; bg_monster $@bg_id_a,"endless_war",128,120,"A",1907,"Battle Ground::OnAdestory"; end; OnEndd: set .status,0; bg_destroy $@bg_id_a; bg_destroy $@bg_id_b; set $@bg_id_a,0; set $@bg_id_b,0; setarray .point[1],0,0; killmonsterall "endless_war"; bg_updatescore "endless_war",.point[1],.point[2]; deletearray .playerid[0],128; mapwarp "endless_war","prontera",150,180; callsub OnDisa; return; OnEnab1: enablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpA1"; enablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpB1"; return; OnEnab2: enablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpA2"; enablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpB2"; return; OnDisa: disablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpA1"; disablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpB1"; disablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpA2"; disablenpc "#BattleGroundwarpB2"; return; OnInit: sleep2 10000; setwall "endless_war",218,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA21"; setwall "endless_war",219,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA22"; setwall "endless_war",219,86,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA23"; setwall "endless_war",219,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA24"; setwall "endless_war",218,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA25"; setwall "endless_war",217,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA26"; setwall "endless_war",217,86,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA27"; setwall "endless_war",217,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpA28"; setwall "endless_war",40,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB21"; setwall "endless_war",41,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB22"; setwall "endless_war",41,86,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB23"; setwall "endless_war",41,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB24"; setwall "endless_war",40,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB25"; setwall "endless_war",39,85,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB26"; setwall "endless_war",39,86,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB27"; setwall "endless_war",39,87,1,1,0,"BattleGroundwarpB28"; callsub OnEndd; end; OnPCKillEvent: if(strcharinfo(3)=="endless_war" && $@bg_id_a && $@bg_id_ { if(getcharid(4) == $@bg_id_a) { set .point[1],.point[1]+1; }else set .point[2],.point[2]+1; bg_updatescore "endless_war",.point[1],.point[2]; } end; } i suppose the problem may be on this part prontera,150,180,4 script Battle Ground 100,{ if(.status==2) { mes "Game is running."; close; } if(.status==1) { if(.playernm>=128) { mes "Sorry, full"; close; } select("Join"); if(!.playerid[1]) { //callsub OnEndd; initnpctimer; } set .playernm,.playernm+1; set .playerid[.playernm],getcharid(0); mes "Complete"; close; }
  7. Any lights on my issue guys? i still cant refine any weapon or equipment... i guess the npc wont recognize them
  8. Guys, im using latest rev and i got no errors compiling the changes but when i run my servers it show this msg: : DB error - Unkown column 'extended_vending_item' in 'field list'[Debug] at ..\src\vending.c:654 - SELECT 'id', 'account_id', 'char_id', 'sex', 'title', 'body_direction', 'head_direction', 'sit', 'extended_vending_item'FROM 'vendings' WHERE 'autotrade' =1 AND (SELECT COUNT('vending_id') FROM 'vending_items' WHERE 'vending_id' = 'id') > 0 ORDER BY 'id' ; any lights on this issue? @edit Also i tried to open a shop and i my hexed stopped working when i was about to open it.
  9. item_db 984,Oridecon,Oridecon,11,1100,,200,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ callfunc( "F_RefineSystem",984,3,0,10,20000 ); },{},{} 985,Elunium,Elunium,11,1100,,200,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ callfunc( "F_RefineSystem",985,0,0,10,20000 ); },{},{} ~~ ~~ 1010,Phracon,Phracon,11,200,,200,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ callfunc( "F_RefineSystem",1010,1,0,10,1000 ); },{},{} 1011,Emveretarcon,Emveretarcon,11,1000,,200,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ callfunc( "F_RefineSystem",1011,2,0,10,2500 ); },{},{} i attached the npc txt also, can you please tell me if i did anything wrong? F_RefineSystem.txt
  10. Solved! just had to add some other changes that were missing. At this topic ^
  11. Hi y'all as i had to search and made some modifications there you go, credits to the script makers i just made it better and working with last rAthena //===== Hercules Script ======================================= //= Shop Street //===== By: ================================================== //= ThyroDree (Shopstreet) - Renew Mall Script //= Virtue(All in 1 Mall NPC) //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 [ThyroDree] //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena SVN //= Hercules SVN //= Judas SVN //===== Description: ========================================= // Mall in One NPC //============================================================ prontera,162,171,3 script All in one trader 564,{ mes "[All in one trader]"; mes "Welcome to ^FF0000ragnarok^000000 ^000088All in one Trader^000000."; mes "Hello there ^FF0000" + strcharinfo(0) + "^000000."; mes "Please spend money"; switch(select("^FF0000~Sell Items^000000:Consumables:Armors:Weapons:Etc:Nothing")) { case 1: callshop "Toools", 2; end; case 2: callshop "Consumablez", 1; end; case 3: switch(select("Armor:Shield:Footgear:Garment:Lower Headgears:Middle Headgears:Upper Headgears:Accessories")) { case 1: callshop "Armorz", 1; end; case 2: callshop "Shieldz", 1; end; case 3: callshop "Footgearz", 1; end; case 4: callshop "Garm", 1; end; case 5: callshop "LowerH", 1; end; case 6: callshop "MiddleH", 1; end; case 7: callshop "UpperH", 1; end; case 8: callshop "Acces", 1; end; } case 4: switch(select("Katars:Mace:Knuckle:Whips:Instruments:Books:Guns:Fuuma:One-Handed Swords:Two-Handed Swords:Spears:Dagger:Axes:Bows:Staffs")) { case 1: callshop "Katarz", 1; end; case 2: callshop "Macez", 1; end; case 3: callshop "Knucklez", 1; end; case 4: callshop "Whip", 1; end; case 5: callshop "Instrumentz", 1; end; case 6: callshop "Bookz", 1; end; case 7: callshop "Gunz", 1; end; case 8: callshop "Fuumaz", 1; end; case 9: callshop "OneSwords", 1; end; case 10: callshop "TwoSwords", 1; end; case 11: callshop "Spears", 1; end; case 12: callshop "Daggerz", 1; end; case 13: callshop "Axesz", 1; end; case 14: callshop "Bowsz", 1; end; case 15: callshop "Staffsz", 1; end; } case 5: switch(select("Ammunition:Alchemist:Miscellaneous:Arrows:Ninja:Gunslinger:PetFoods:PetAcc:StreetDealer")) { case 1: callshop "AmmunitionS", 1; end; case 2: callshop "AlchemistS", 1; end; case 3: callshop "Miscellaneouz", 1; end; case 4: callshop "Arrowz", 1; end; case 5: callshop "Ninjaz", 1; end; case 6: callshop "Gunslingerz", 1; end; case 7: callshop "Pet Foodz", 1; end; case 8: callshop "Pet Accessoriez", 1; end; case 9: callshop "StreetDealer", 1; end; } case 6: next; mes "[ Quick Mall ]"; mes "Okay,come back when you need me."; close; } } //shops - shop Miscellaneouz ,985:50000,984:50000,715:600,717:600,716:600,999:5000,1000:5000,990:5000,991:5000,992:5000,993:5000,994:20000,995:20000,996:20000,997:20000,1025:2000,612:2000,613:3000,614:5000,615:10000,970:10000,929:5000,1059:5000 - shop Arrowz ,1750:2,1751:3,1766:50,1767:30,1755:5,1754:5,1761:30,1752:3,1759:30,1765:50,1764:50,1753:20,1756:5,1757:5,1758:30 - shop Ninjaz ,13250:4,13252:20,13253:40,13254:100,2117:10000,7522:150,7523:150,7524:300 - shop Gunslingerz ,13150:3000,13102:20000,13151:17500,13154:12000,13155:32000,13163:40000,13165:56000,13168:76000,13200:1,13201:15,13202:30 - shop Pet Foodz ,508:40,511:10,507:18,537:1000,534:10000,531:10000,1002:20000,532:20000,7766:20000,7824:20000,6098:20000,6108:20000,6106:20000,6105:20000,12192:20000,5065:20000,6094:20000 - shop Pet Accessoriez ,10012:20000,10002:20000,10015:20000,10003:20000,10014:20000,10017:20000,10010:20000,10003:20000,10019:20000,10018:20000,10009:20000,10008:20000,10006:20000,10011:20000,10020:20000,10035:20000,10025:20000,10032:20000,10027:20000,10028:20000,10037:20000,10034:20000,10026:20000,10030:20000,10029:20000,10033:20000,10031:20000,10024:20000,10022:20000,10023:20000,10021:20000,10038:20000 - shop Consumablez ,601:60,602:300,506:40,547:3000,545:300,645:1000,656:1500,657:3000,1065:100,522:8500,505:5000,610:5000,12020:1000,523:500,713:500,12070:15000,14579:15000,12045:15000,12050:15000,12055:15000,12060:15000 - shop Toools ,501:-1 - shop Armorz -,2304:10000,2306:20000,2308:20000,2310:50000,2311:50000,2313:50000,2315:75000,2317:100000,2322:20000,2326:60000,2331:75000,2342:100000,2353:75000,2364:150000,2367:100000,2399:50000 - shop Shieldz -,2102:10000,2106:60000,2108:60000,2110:85000,2114:30000,2116:30000,2123:50000,2124:50000 - shop Footgearz -,2404:10000,2406:20000,2409:30000,2412:50000,2417:50000,2418:50000,2424:50000,2425:20000 - shop Macez -,1502:10000,1505:20000,1511:20000,1514:-1,1517:-1,1520:50000,1522:100000,1523:25000,1528:50000,1529:50000,1531:50000 - shop Knucklez -,1802:20000,1804:50000,1806:60000,1808:75000,1810:70000,1812:60000,1813:100000,1814:100000,1822:150000 - shop Whip -,1951:10000,1953:20000,1955:30000,1962:20000,1963:50000,1972:10000,1974:10000,1976:50000 - shop Instrumentz -,1902:10000,1904:20000,1906:-1,1908:50000,1913:50000,1914:50000,1915:50000,1916:50000,1917:50000 - shop Bookz -,1550:30000,1551:60000,1552:51000,1559:25000,1561:75000,1564:25000,1568:70000,1569:70000,1570:70000,1571:70000,1572:50000 - shop Gunz -,13103:60000,13105:100000,13106:200000,13101:10000,13150:6000,13152:30000,13153:50000,13155:60000,13156:100000,13154:30000,13159:250000,13157:150000,13161:300000,13162:500000 - shop Fuumaz -,7522:500,7521:500,7523:500 - shop OneSwords -,1108:10000,1117:10000,1120:100000,1124:50000,1130:100000,1131:50000,1133:50000,1138:200000,1139:200000,1145:-1,1149:50000 - shop TwoSwords -,1155:50000,1158:90000,1163:120000,1164:50000,1165:50000,1166:75000,1168:50000,1169:500000,1172:200000,1175:75000 - shop Spears -,1405:20000,1408:50000,1415:100000,1417:75000,1421:75000,1422:25000 - shop Daggerz -,1208:20000,1211:20000,1217:20000,1223:50000,1231:75000,1235:75000,1236:75000,1237:75000 - shop Axesz -,1302:10000,1306:20000,1307:45000,1309:75000,1352:20000,1355:30000,1358:75000,1363:50000,1364:50000,1365:50000,1366:50000,1371:100000 - shop Acces -,2621:-1,2622:-1,2624:30000,2618:10000,2625:30000,2626:30000,2674:10000,2648:50000,2649:50000,2627:-1,2701:75000 - shop Bowsz -,1702:20000,1705:50000,1708:20000,1720:50000,1723:75000,1724:75000,1725:75000 - shop Staffsz -,1602:20000,1605:20000,1608:20000,1611:45000,1618:85000,1620:85000,1622:50000,1624:50000,1625:50000,1626:50000 - shop Garm -,2504:10000,2506:40000,2507:82000,2508:56000,2514:50000,2518:60000,2519:60000,2528:85000,2531:10000,2553:10000 - shop Katarz -,1251:50000,1253:100000,1255:75000,1261:125000,1262:20000,1263:20000,1265:100000,1275:100000,1276:100000,1277:100000,1278:100000 - shop LowerH -,2218:10000,5096:30000,2267:5000,5107:100000,2265:5000,2266:50000,2269:50000,2270:50000 - shop MiddleH -,2201:5000,2203:4000,2205:3500,2212:5000,2225:10000,2229:50000,2231:50000,2234:50000,2235:50000,2281:25000,2292:50000,2296:50000 - shop UpperH -,2210:1000,2211:1000,2213:10000,2214:20000,2217:10000,2221:5000,2223:10000,2246:75000,2256:75000,2264:100000,2280:20000,2299:30000 - shop Headgear1 -,5380:40000,5382:40000,2269:5000,2270:5000,5107:15000,5110:15000,2247:30000:5206:10000,2245:30000,2286:35000,2296:15000,2258:45000,5161:200000,5104:40000,2295:20000,5026:30000,5032:100000,5038:30000,5229:65000,5227:65000,5228:65000,5198:50000,5058:300000,5253:80000,5252:60000,5296:100000,5231:300000,5232:300000,5233:300000,5230:300000,5234:300000,5076:50000 - shop Headgear2 -,5059:100000,5235:75000,5236:75000,5237:75000,5293:150000,5303:35000,5304:65000,5312:65000,5315:45000,5317:45000,5319:75000,5320:120000,5323:588888,5336:50000,5337:50000,5338:50000,5339:50000,5346:50000 - shop Headgear3 -,5181:300000,5102:500000,5016:75000,5349:150000,5013:700000,5022:500000,5171:1250000,5135:500000,5029:50000,5033:65000,5040:100000,5047:35000,5065:65000,5068:50000,5074:50000,5084:75000,5086:150000,5108:350000,5121:100000,5133:50000,5137:100000,5138:150000,5140:55000,5146:75000,5151:75000,5152:150000,5170:150000,5173:75000,5174:75000,5175:75000,5184:50000,5185:45000,5187:75000,5188:50000,5191:25000,5192:25000,5193:25000,5194:25000,5195:25000,5196:25000,5197:25000 - shop Headgear4 -,5200:75000,5205:100000,5211:75000,5226:50000,5238:75000,5239:75000,5240:75000,5241:75000,5242:75000,5243:50000,5325:75000,5254:100000,5255:65000,5257:50000,5297:100000,2202:45000,5258:35000,5298:50000,5276:50000,5273:50000,5275:50000,5274:50000,5259:50000,5271:250000,5272:50000,5284:50000,5286:75000,5288:50000,5289:50000,5291:55000,5292:55000,5294:55000,5352:50000,5324:100000,5359:50000,5360:50000 - shop Headgear5 -,5340:50000,5341:50000,5342:50000,5343:50000,5344:50000,5345:50000,5354:50000,5355:50000,5361:65000,5365:50000,5373:75000,5374:350000,5379:50000,5383:60000,5384:88888,5390:88888,5388:50000,5411:50000,5393:75000,5397:35000,5399:50000,5800:175000,5801:300000,5802:150000 - shop AmmunitionS -,1766:50,1755:20,1750:10,1754:20,1761:20,1752:20,1760:20,1759:20,1772:100,1757:30,1770:20,1769:30,1765:40,1763:30,1762:30,1767:30,1764:30,1751:20,1768:30,1753:30,1756:30,1758:30,1771:1000,13200:50,13202:100,13201:300,13206:500,13203:500,13207:500,13204:500,13205:500,13252:50,13254:500,13251:100,13253:300,13250:50,13256:50,13259:50,13258:50,13255:50,13257:50 - shop AlchemistS -,715:600,716:600,717:600,1025:200,7136:500,7135:500,7136:500,7137:500,7138:500,7139:500 - shop StreetDealer -,678:5000,505:-1,506:40,610:4000,545:150,546:600,547:1650 allinone.txt
  12. Correct me if im wrong, this part // Usage: (ItemType, must set to 11) // callfunc( "F_RefineSystem",1010,1,0,10,1000 ); // Phracon // callfunc( "F_RefineSystem",1011,2,0,10,2500 ); // Emveretarcon // callfunc( "F_RefineSystem",984,3,0,10,20000 ); // Oridecon // callfunc( "F_RefineSystem",985,0,0,10,20000 ); // Elunium should go in the same npc.txt ?? i got the usable ores but when i use it if i keep that part uncommented in the npc.txt my ores dont pop up no window and when i remove those lines i get just a blank window with no options to refine it
  13. I got it almost working, except that the npc isnt converting the item to costume, it only changes the costume to regular item and it can make duplicates also.
  14. Thanks for the answer guys! @Technoken & @Elsa Mist Tried your suggested changes and it worked for that problem. what i found out now is that it recognizes the item correctly but it wont change the item into costume, the command @costumeitem is working, ill try to find out whats wrong. i appreciate the attention and any more suggestions @edit i managed it to make the npc restore an costume item to normal item but i cant make it change a normal item to costume, also if i have the same costume and item equipped it will duplicate the item without deleting the costume item any ideas? Hi Elsa, i have tested your script, i removed the garment part from the script and i found out that it wont change the normal item to costume, and when i try to convert a costume to regular it gives me the normal item without removing the costume from my alt q... i think its pretty much the same think happening at the other script... any thoughts?
  15. Well hi guys, my first post hope im doing everything correct. I managed to make the @costumeitem command work for my rAthena but when i enable this costume npc it wont find any headgears that im using, in exchange it can find my weapons... anybody can point out where is the error?? prontera,149,214,4 script Costumer#cs_0 421,{ mes "[Clown]"; mes "Here you can convert your headgears into a Costume Headgear or restore to its Original form."; switch(select("I want to convert.:I want to restore.:No thanks.")) { case 1: next; mes "[Clown]"; mes "Please, select what to convert."; mes "Remember, cards and refine will be removed."; next; setarray .@Position$[1],"Top","Mid","Low"; setarray .@Position[1], 1, 9, 10; set .@Menu$,""; for( set .@i, 1; .@i < 5; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { if( getequipisequiped(.@Position[.@i]) ) set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + .@Position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@Position[.@i]) + "]"; set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + ":"; } set .@Part, .@Position[ select(.@Menu$) ]; set .@id, getequipid(.@Part); set .@ref, getequiprefinerycnt(.@Part); if( !getequipisequiped(.@Part) ) { mes "[Clown]"; mes "Your not wearing anything there..."; close; } mes "[Clown]"; mes "You want to Costume your " + getitemname(getequipid(.@Part)) + "?"; next; if( select("Yes, proceed:No, I am sorry.") == 2 ) { mes "[Clown]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; close; } for(set .@i,0; .@i<4; set .@i,.@i+1) set .@slot[.@i], getequipcardid(.@Part,.@i); if (.@slot[0]>4000 && .@slot[0]<5000) { // If it has card don't convert mes "[Clown]"; mes "A card? Here?!"; mes "As I said before, I don't convert headgear with cards."; emotion e_hmm; close; } getinventorylist; for(set .@i,0; .@i<@inventorylist_count; set .@i,.@i+1) if (@inventorylist_expire[.@i] != 0 && @inventorylist_equip[.@i] != 0) { // If rental don't convert mes "[Clown]"; mes "Sorry, I don't convert a rental headgear!"; emotion e_hmm; close; } if (.@ref > 0) { // If refine don't convert mes "[Clown]"; mes "Sorry please keep in mind."; mes "I don't convert headgear with refine."; emotion e_hmm; close; } if (!countitem(.@id)) { mes "[Clown]"; mes "Where is "+getitemname(@id)+"...?"; npctalk "You're a snoozy cheater!"; logmes "CHEATER: Tried to sign an item not having it: "+getitemname(@id); emotion e_wah; close; } costume .@Part; // Convert the Headgear mes "[Clown]"; mes "Done, enjoy your costume headgear."; close; case 2: next; mes "Please, select what to restore."; mes "Remember, I will only restore it back without refine and cards."; next; setarray .@Position$[1],"Top","Mid","Low"; setarray .@Position[1], 13, 12, 11; set .@Menu$,""; for( set .@i, 1; .@i < 5; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { if( getequipisequiped(.@Position[.@i]) ) set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + .@Position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@Position[.@i]) + "]"; set .@Menu$, .@Menu$ + ":"; } set .@Part, .@Position[ select(.@Menu$) ]; if( !getequipisequiped(.@Part) ) { mes "[Clown]"; mes "Your not wearing anything there..."; close; } mes "[Clown]"; mes "You want to restore your " + getitemname(getequipid(.@Part)) + "?"; next; if( select("Yes, proceed:No, I am sorry.") == 2 ) { mes "[Clown]"; mes "Need some time to think about it, huh?"; mes "Alright, I can understand."; close; } a = getequipid(.@Part); delitem a,1; getitem a,1; mes "[Clown]"; mes "Done, enjoy your restored headgear."; close; case 3: mes "[Clown]"; mes "Very well. Return at once if you seek my services."; close; } }
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