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Everything posted by Habilis

  1. Thanks for the +1! Absolutely not only Google Drive, in the guide I provide a link to rclone github, cool guys, you should check them out! https://github.com/ncw/rclone They have a list of all remote options supported (If you are by any chance Russian, they Even support Yandex Disk, amazing isn't it?)
  2. I improved a bit my version
  3. It is a custom backup solution I've been working on, Thanks to feedback of community, I managed to make a V2 V2 of my Database Backup solution Featuring 1. generate a backup of databases specified in a list 2. Name them with yyy-mm-dd[DatabaseName] format 3. Compress them into .7z using maximum compression 4. Set a password on .7z archive 5. Send them to cloud storage Google Drive 6. Write logs 7. Removes all compressed backups 28 days or older (keeping local folder nice and clean) 8. Can be automated with cron to run even every 12 hours Ow yeah, Don't worry about someone hacking your GoogleDrive, if you put 14 character+ Alphanumeric password on yout backup archives it is going to be bruted loong time...
  4. Hello I managed to compile and to run a server on Raspberry Pi 3! Now me and all my friends can connect to my Raspberry Pi to play on my server. Feels so awesome to be a GM again! I've also wrote a guide on how to install it on a Raspberry Pi. Even though it says Raspberry Pi, this guide will work on any Debian / Ubuntu system. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I will gladly answer them!
  5. Yeah the Same, I can fluently speak write in Russian, English, French (Oh wait there is NO French branch.... Nevermind then...) And yeah, I don't have a lot of time...
  6. Well, reading what it says, for instance, could suggest that the table item_db_re is missing in the jaysro databse 1. did you load that table as in ? cd ~/rAthena/sql-files and then: mysql -u root -p jaysro < item_db_re.sql If it is Windows.... Just import rAthena/sql-files/item_db_re.sql However you imported main.sql
  7. looks like licence screen... you need to create a file licence.txt and put it in your ro folder
  8. Here is what I use https://habilisbest.com/sql-database-automatic-backups
  9. This sprite is buggy See the file attachment. The males ones... (There is a female too in case you want it...) GM Sprite.rar
  10. See my exemple Using union i did 2 separate queries select all coulumns you want or fake a column like so , 'This column is not in this table' as column but to use union all united queries must have same number and name of coluns
  11. You didn't say whats the problem... but I can suggest you search Union query clause To make union work all query should have same columns number ans name, I cannot help you more, my database doesn't have those tables, im not logging all this only Logins and commands here is an example SELECT `time`, `user`, CONCAT(loginlog.log,' (', loginlog.ip, ')') as log FROM `loginlog` WHERE ip NOT IN ('', '', '') UNION SELECT atcommand_date as time, account_id as user, CONCAT(char_name,' ', map, ' ', command) as log FROM atcommandlog ORDER BY `time` ASC time user log 2016-06-17 13:46:31 andreia login ok ( 2016-06-17 13:52:53 andreia login ok ( 2016-06-17 13:53:36 2000001 Habilis payon @commands 2016-06-17 14:04:17 andreia login ok ( 2016-06-17 14:08:18 andreia login ok ( 2016-06-17 14:17:27 2000001 Habilis prontera @go prontera 2016-06-17 14:18:06 andreia login ok ( 2016-06-17 14:19:02 2000001 Habilis izlude @go izlude 2016-06-17 14:19:53 2000001 Habilis prontera @go prontera 2016-06-17 14:22:45 2000001 Habilis prontera @dye 1 2016-06-17 14:22:51 2000001 Habilis prontera @dye 2 2016-06-17 14:22:54 2000001 Habilis prontera @dye 4 This is a log of logins and atcommands
  12. You are missing a file in your client main directory Mp3dec.asi
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