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Everything posted by maxine02

  1. You can add multiple castle on euphys woe controller.
  2. what sql to truncate? table party? sorry for bumping old thread.
  3. hmmm. never notice that, since I'm spamming the skill. hmmm. tried this and got 4 meteor only. 83,15000,2000:3000:3000:4000:4000:5000:5000:6000:6000:7000,0,1000:4000:1000:4000:1000:4000:1000:4000:1000:4000,5000,0
  4. Edit you skill_cast_db.txt Change 83,15000,2000:3000:3000:4000:4000:5000:5000:6000:6000:7000,0,2000:3000:3000:4000:4000:5000:5000:6000:6000:7000,5000,0 to 83,15000,2000:3000:3000:4000:4000:5000:5000:6000:6000:7000,0,1000,5000,0
  5. What if I want it to be on certain map only? I tried to add this OnCheck: getmapxy(@map$, @xb, @yb, 0 ); if(@map$ != "abyss_03") end; But, the antibot is not showing anymore..
  6. edit trunk/src/map/skill.c find line case 3: // THE HIGH PRIESTESS below that remove "| SCCB_CHEM_PROTECT" from status_change_clear_buffs(target, SCCB_BUFFS | SCCB_CHEM_PROTECT); it will look like this now. status_change_clear_buffs(target, SCCB_BUFFS);
  7. I'm trying to remove the debuff from gospel skill. As all you know, when you use gospel skill of paladin, your buffs will be remove. How can I retain specific buff, example full chemical protection.. Anyone already did this?
  8. does it have specific client? can this work on 2013 client?
  9. In my current setup, cart termi is not reflecting damage on reflect shield of paladin, but whenever I have equipped item that have bShortWeaponDamageReturn script, It reflect the damage which I don't want.. Anybody experience this too? I need it not to be reflected if cart termi is the skill..
  10. may dedicated server ako. baka gusto mo makihati?
  11. try digitalocean / linode / versaweb / buyvm.net VPS.
  12. Don't put your login screen on your data.grf, put it in yourro.grf
  13. ilan expected players mo? host na may free setup or ikaw mismo mag ssetup?
  14. hmm. Replace sleep2 with a countdown. hmmm. I have this currently message strcharinfo(0),"You need to be online for "+ .Rest +" minutes to get your reward."; I want the .Rest which is 180minutes becomes 120minutes after 60minutes of login doing @loginreward First login it will say You need to be online for 180 minutes to get your reward. then after 60mins, using @loginreward will say You need to be online for 120 minutes to get your reward. Something like that. sorry if my explanation is not that good.
  15. I'm trying to put countdown on Number of mins after logging before collecting prize. How can I do this?
  16. what version of script are you using (numbers don't say latest) im 99% sure i fixed this bug already I'm using the 1.59 version in the first link. Thanks for this!
  17. I'm using it in hercules, when I create a char a try to log, it gives me the 2nd day prize. Why is that? thanks for this script!
  18. sorry for necroing, i have this rewrite rule RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9]+) index.php?module=$1 but It only works with domain/main I want to have a clean url like this domain/main/downloads
  19. buyvm giving me 180ms in my test server. Is there a sg server with ddos protection? Do I need ddos protection from the start?
  20. Normal lang ba na madisconnect ang autotrade kapag off ang server? Meron bang paraan na pag na off yung server tapos pag on ulit e andun pa din mga autotrade?
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