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Everything posted by xazax

  1. I agree with the changes, one should be able to reload questdb.
  2. Of course, we can not avoid overflows completely, but 25 days sounds way to frequent to me =(.
  3. Since we dropped TXT, I think it is not too hard to make it possible to modify offline player's variables, or read them. In fact, you can already do that with query_sql, however built in support would be much more elegant of course.
  4. Maybe the best would be to have 3 different configurations? 1. max weight of the cart 2. max weight that is used for damamge 3. how much the weight influence the damage
  5. Max level is also one of the most requested stuff to be moved to a config.
  6. I'm happy with most of the staff and thanks for your great work, but I have only one concern. The tickcount overflow in 32 bit systems. Honestly I doubt that we need that big resolution for timers, so maybe it would worth to sacrafice a bit accuracy to avoid those overflows. Anyways huuuuge +1 for moving SQL operations to another thread.
  7. xazax

    OnInit label

    Just a small notice, it would be nice to have an additional optional parameter to loadnpc to be able to avoid triggering oninit script just in case.
  8. 2118 O.o something strange happening.
  9. This means, not just this patch, but also the current vending system needs some rework.
  10. I modified my diff, so it also checks flag (which should hold information about which button was pressed), now it should only trigger if one hit OK.
  11. Gepard is working on reorganizing our svn. It will involve fixing this issue.
  12. xazax

    OnInit label

    I would prefer @loadnpc to trigger the OnInit label by default, and add an option (parameter) to avoid that. Opinion?
  13. I wonder how the official servers hande this. Maybe they send ZC_OPENSTORE with negative or 0 number, which forces the client to close the window? Just a blind guess though, I hope somebody will make some packet capture on official servers
  14. Strange. What happens, if you do a @refresh before step 4? And I wonder if there are some novending cells on the map if they have the same effect (they should). Maybe it is yet another issue with supporting "new" clients.
  15. xazax

    OnInit label

    Yeah. That also reflects, users probably want OnInit triggered by loadnpc.
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