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About Jhedzkie

  • Birthday 04/24/1992

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  1. So on official servers, RandomOptionGroup is attached to specific monster dropped equips and from boxes. What I want to do is to have all equips (weapons/armors) to have a RandomOptionGroup assigned to it, without manually editing all db entries (because that will be a lot of work). Is there any other way to set the value for RandomOptionGroup to all equips globally so I can skip to the good part? Thanks!
  2. I have figured it out and re-implemented my previous work. Closing this.
  3. So I've been away from RO/rAthena development for a number of years now and I've totally lost track of everything. I remember I was working on an SRC mod for random options that adds a chance for monster drop equips to be w/ random options. Question: - Is this how the current random option system works? As in, all items dropped by mobs have a chance to contain random options, regardles? ie: knife from poring can have xyz random options? or - Random option is only getting assigned to specific items based on the DB and not all monster dropped items can contain random options. ie: only exclusive to Crimson equips and the likes. If it's the latter, I am planning to rework my previous src mod from years back to be compatible with the latest db structure and whatnot. Thanks!
  4. @Panallox bumping this. Script needs to be updated.
  5. yeah. more than 1000 characters. write a function containing your bonus script. call it on your item. won't take you 1000 characters. function script F_MyItemBonus { // all your 1000+ lines of bonus. } /** * and on your item **/ 99999,My_Item,My Item,2,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ callfunc "F_MyItemBonus"; },{},{} I don't see any reason why you can't just use this.
  6. do you absolutely need to increase the maximum text of the script colum? or do you just want to create a function and call it on your itemdb script?
  7. Thanks a bunch. Worked like a charm.
  8. Seems to be it, but it disappears after some time. Ideally, what I would like is a permanent one. And sorry for posting it on the incorrect forum earlier. No. No need to diplay on chatbox.
  9. Can anybody tell me how to achieve the text above the NPC? Similar to the image below. Not sure if this is client side. I just made the assumption since signboardlist is a similar feature and it's clientside.
  10. Short answer, I don't think there's any way you can do that. I know it by experience, because I tried. As far as I know, the values displayed in the status window is fixed. You can only modify what's there, but you can't add a separate value to display there. (except maybe when you hex your client).
  11. It's quite easy, really. You just need to have some skills in pixel art as you create your own status icon. On src side, there's already a guide. You just need to do some reading on it.
  12. I actually already dropped my project with this implementation and went with what rA currently offers with regards randomoptions. So, I'm afraid I cannot help you here. It's been a while too. I might've already already lost the patches that I made before for this specific mod.
  13. Did you click/select the horn of hilsrion item in the refining window? You still need to click the requisite item to perform the refining just as in @openrefine.
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