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Posts posted by Bisuke

  1. I'm planning to connect an NPC where you can set a value on a specific variable, and it will affect the formula inside the source code. How can I reference the npc variable to the formula in the src code?


    This is the scenario

    NPC will define the value of a variable, let say $WeatherBonus, the value of this will affect let say the final skill damage formula by adding $WeatherBonus value.

  2. On 8/20/2022 at 11:19 PM, Emistry said:


    // Enable Logs? (Note 3)
    // 0x00000010 - (S) Log NPC transactions (buy/sell)
    enable_logs: 0x00000010

    load the NPC

    prontera,155,181,5	script	Sample	757,{
    	.@sql$ = "SELECT `nameid`, SUM(`amount`) AS `total` FROM `picklog` WHERE `type` = 'S' AND `amount` > 0 GROUP BY `nameid` ORDER BY `total` DESC LIMIT 10";
    	.@count = query_sql(.@sql$, .@nameid, .@total);
    	mes "Items:";
    	for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@count; .@i++)
    		mes getitemname(.@nameid[.@i])+" - "+F_InsertComma(.@total[.@i]);


    however there is no way telling how much NPC have earned or lost from the transaction since it's not log.


    How do you make this script only show the top items from the current month only?

  3. Is there a way to detect the pet data to an NPC when presented an egg?

    Example (Sample implementation)

    • Player gives the "Pet Egg" to the NPC and the NPC will show the current Pet Status and Stats of the pet inside, then it will bring back (getitem) the egg to the player with the same status?
    • Player gives the "Pet Egg" to the NPC and it will clone the "Pet Egg" with same stats of the current pet inside the egg.


    I'm looking for ways to access the pet data but I don't know where to access it or to find it.

  4. 4 hours ago, GM Winter said:

    just like this?

            if (checkvending() & 2) end;
            deltimer .npc_name$+"::OnUpdate";
            switch ( #daily_minute_count ) {

    Yes, it should stop the code in that line if it satisfies the condition.

  5. Hi! By default, when we change job to Baby jobs, our sizes become small (I'm not referring to the sprite size), upon search here in rAthena, there is no guide or topic that says how to change it to medium size (just like any normal jobs), there is also no setting in the conf folder. I would just like to request for a possible source code modification to achieve this kind of feature in-game?


    Regards, Thank you!

  6. Hi!

    I would like to ask for help on how can I retain the existing random option stats of an item even after a success enchantment in the official Hidden Enchant script?


    Currently with the native script, when I enchant my items with an existing stats from random option, the stats disappears after a successful enchantment.


    Thanks for the help...

  7. So I have this sprite that is supposed to be in the back of the character, however when I rotate my camera, It switches its position into the front of the character... Where can I edit this? Tried editing using tb layer priority file, by adding a small number to make it in the back, but it's not working

    Back view (correct one)



    Other views



    Where, can I possibly fix this issue?



  8. Here's my charhelp.txt, I changed the number from 60 to 10 and restarted the server.


    So here's an actual screenshot of our test server. I was able to use @quest, but when I use the #questskill to other people, it turns into chat.




  9. 5 minutes ago, Brynner said:

    i think that commands depends on their group id.if the gm level 10 have a @warp command.it will allowed to use #warp the player.

    That's what I have thought also, but apparently it's not. If you have the @warp command, it does not mean you can use the #warp command for the players. As tested in our current server. ?

    The question still remains, how to enable #commands to a certain GM level?

  10. 13 minutes ago, Brynner said:

    have you tried conf\charhelp.txt?


    If a GM with level 10 uses a #commands, it's just act just like a normal chat and not as a command. The GM can use @warp to itself but not #warp for other player, and other #command counterparts. The GM Level 100 can use the #commands with no problem, but lower GM Levels cannot.

    I'm wondering where/how in the server config can I enable this?

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