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Posts posted by Bisuke

  1. I am making an Instance Dungeon. I was able to make a working instance dungeon with instance_create and instance_destroy, however, After I moved into the instance map, I see another player. Instances are supposed to be party-exclusive map just like the Endless Tower and the Orc Memorial. What is wrong with my basic script?


    Note: This script was based on the code of Orc Memorial. The 2 NPCs are the Quest Starter and the Quest Ender. I used it as the base of my instance.



    new_2-1,144,95,4	script	Payon Digger	78,{
    	set .@party_id,getcharid(1);
    	set .@p_name$,getpartyname(.@party_id);
    	set .@md_name$,"Payon Cave Inferno";
    	if (!instance_check_party(.@party_id,1,30,80)) {
    		mes "Only users between Levels ^ff000030 ~ 80^000000 can enter this Dungeon.";
    	set .@paytime,checkquest(70000,PLAYTIME);
    	if (.@paytime == -1) {
    		if (getcharid(0) == getpartyleader(.@party_id,2)) {
    			mes "Party status confirmed. Would you like to book entrance to the "+.@md_name$+"?";
    			switch(select("Reserve the "+.@md_name$+":Enter the Dungeon:Cancel")) {
    			case 1:
    				if (instance_create(.@md_name$) < 0) {
    					mes "Party Name: "+.@p_name$;
    					mes "Party Leader: "+strcharinfo(0);
    					mes "^0000ff"+.@md_name$+" ^000000 - Reservation Failed.";
    				mes "^0000ff"+.@md_name$+"^000000- Attempting to book an entrance";
    				mes "After making a reservation, you have to select 'Enter the Dungeon' from the menu if you wish to enter the "+.@md_name$+".";
    			case 2:
    				callsub L_Enter,0;
    			case 3:
    		if(select(.@md_name$ + " Enter the Memorial Dungeon:Cancel") == 2)
    		callsub L_Enter,1;
    	} else if (.@paytime == 0 || .@paytime == 1) {
    		mes "You can enter the Dungeon if it has been generated.";
    		if(select("Enter the Dungeon "+.@md_name$+":Cancel") == 2)
    		callsub L_Enter,0;
    	} else if (.@paytime == 2) {
    		mes "^0000ffAll records and after-effects related to the Orc's Memory Dungeon are deleted. You can now regenerate or re-enter the dungeon.^000000";
    		erasequest 70000;
    	mes "In order to generate a dungeon you must be the Party Leader and have at least 2 members in the party.";
    	switch(instance_enter("Payon Cave Inferno")) {
    	case 3:
    		mes "An unknown error has occurred.";
    	case 2:
    		mes "Memorial Dungeon Payon Cave Inferno does not exist.";
    		mes "Memorial Dungeon has been destroyed by the Party Leader, or because of the time limit. Please try again after 2 hours.";
    	case 1:
    		mes "Only a member of the party can enter the Memorial Dungeon.";
    	case 0:
    		mapannounce "gef_fild10",.@p_name$+" party's member "+strcharinfo(0)+" has entered the Payon Cave Inferno.",bc_map,"0x00ff99";
    		if (checkquest(70000) == -1) setquest 70000;
    		//warp "1@orcs",179,15;
    		if (getarg(0) == 0) close;
    		else end;
    paydun1,29,161,4	script	Payon Close		78,{
    		.@inst = instance_id();
    		instance_destroy .@inst;
    mes "Congratulations";


  2. Hello there, I am making a simple storyline quest for a group of Players. However I don't know how to code it. So I am requesting an NPC that has  chat room and will warp the characters inside the Chat Room in a certain map. Let say 5 Players are required to start the event, after 5 players enter the Chat Room, they will be all teleported in a certain map.




    You can help me change the code of Goddameit's script, I just want to make the prize the same for all the players. After the Party leader talks to the NPC, the party will be warped outside the dungeon and receive a same prize. Attached in the Post is the code.


    Thanks in advance.


  3. The information you provided is quite lacking. Can you provide the script(s) that you are using? And the purpose of the NPC(s), and the goal you are trying to achieve.


    Here is the script. It's a basic NPC. I want to show the Quest Icon without talking to the NPC.

    new_1-1,62,107,4	script	Test	55,{
       showevent 1,1;
    mes "[Test]";
        mes "Hello World.";
    new_1-1   mapflag    loadevent
  4. I am sorry, What I'm trying to say is that, I am using OnPCLoadMapEvent: and mapflag loadevent. The quest icon is working, however you must click the npc first before it appears. Is there a way to make it automatically appear as soon as the npc loads?

  5. Hi there, I'm currently coding some quest for my server. I want to add a Quest Emoticon to my NPC using @showevent 1,1; it is working however, you must click the npc first before it appears, is there a way to make it appear automatically?


    I searched the forum for answers, I tried using an OnPCLoadEvent and LoadEvent mapflag but it didn't work. I used OnInit but it didnt work also.


    Thanks in advance!

  6. HELP. I'm using it on my local CP, but when I transferred it to the hosted CP, it doesn't work. 



    NOTE: I added a theme based on my current theme name, but it doesnt work.



    It says:
    Page Not Found

    The page you have requested was not found on our server. Please check the address and make sure it is correct, and try again.


  7. Hi Tron, We're using your quest npc for our server, We decided to make it an individual npc. We want to make 1 quest per NPC with cooldown using your script. However, there is a problem, everytime we complete the quest, the cooldown affects all other npcs. Is there a way to make the cooldown of the quest just trigger for that certain npc? Your timer seems to affect all other npcs. Thanks in advance!

  8. There has been a bug in our server. It seems that when a taekwon class level up it doesnt give the player buffs. When a taekwon class usually levelup, it gives them Agi Up and Blessing Buffs. Does anyone k ow how to fix the bug? Thanks in advance! :)

  9. Thanks! I will download it and post a feedback after.


    This are just my test characters for an upcoming server. One of my friend used my account and made that name. Made my laugh also. HAHA!

    I have downloaded Kamichi's Palletes, however it doesn't fix the problem. I don't know where's the problem coming from, *The Monk and the Swordie doesn't have a problem. The error is coming from the HW. There's no gear equipped.

  10. I'm having this transparency issue over the Thor Patcher. As you can see, you can see the font and background of the notice.html. What seems to be the problem here? Anyone knows how to solve it?


    The background image is in JPG. If I changed it to BMP and PNG the black parts of the patcher will become transparent. When you make it JPG, the notice.html becomes transparent. The colored text is somehow transparent also.




    • Upvote 1
  11. I'm currently coding my own mining system, I just want to ask on how to make an npc that gives a random loot with different chances?




    Stone 55%

    Iron Ore 35%

    Iron 25%

    Elunium 3%

    Oridecon 5%

    Gold 1%


    If i click my npc randomly it'll generate a drop that is based on the rates.


    My code is something like this



    set @chance,rand(1,200);


    if(@chance == 1) getitem 998,1;

    if(@chance == 2) getitem 998,1;

    if(@chance == 3) getitem 998,1;

    if(@chance == 4) getitem 998,1;

    if(@chance == 5) getitem 998,1;

    if(@chance == 6) getitem 998,1;

    if(@chance == 7) getitem 998,1;

    if(@chance == 8) getitem 998,1;


    I assigned items on every numbers which made my code very hard to modify.


    Can someone help me make the code more efficient and easy to modify, like adding new drops with new rates?



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