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Everything posted by Tranquility

  1. The only difference so far I see in my own and your set-up is that I start with patch number 1 instead of 1015.
  2. Seems like the sprite is there permanently once he equips it. Seeing as he unequipped right before taking the screenshot. I have no clue how to solve it, but this observation might prove useful
  3. You could also just patch encrypted GPF files with thor to avoid the double repacking. Just create those with GRF Editor and Thor can patch it once you put it on the patch list
  4. Besides that, these sources might help you out: http://supportmii.com/ro1/JudasBible.pdf and https://rathena.org/wiki/Main_Page In general, just search and you shall find. If it is nowhere to be found, the people here are quite supportive to answer any and all honest questions.
  5. I actually did, so that's how the shadowtable works huh. Good to know, couldn't find a good range of available IDs for custom mobs, so I started at 2700 =P Fixed by changing starting my custom monsters ID at 3600 and reinstating the official jobname, npcidentity and shadowtable files (lua/lub).
  6. I used NEMO's recommended settings and made the changes in source and packet_db as well. Of course, I recompiled it afterwards. Well, I switched to 2012-04-10 client date because I can't get 2013-08-07 to work. Got a screenshot of the error? It'll visualize the problem, which for me is easier to troubleshoot
  7. Hello everyone, All of a sudden I get this error pop-up on my game client, where I didn't alter any of the files client side (made some server side adjustments). This error is thus quite unexpected and I can't seem to place how/what/where & why this happens. Having gone through the default forum search and applying most methods suggested there haven't led to a solution. This file is the latest from the Translation Project and located in "data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo" and the error looks as following: Below in the spoiler I've added the ShadowTable, but as said before, it's identical from the Translation Project, so that shouldn't be the issue. I've tried other shaodwtables, but it all comes back to the same content where it goes wrong. Wondering if this could be custom mob related or not, because I can't think of much that could be causing this. Line 527 should be "[jobtbl.JT_C2_PORCELLIO] = 0.36,". Your input and knowledge is appreciated, the client works when ignoring this error, but it'll look less professional when I push this content to the players like this. Got a solution? Kindly let me know what it is! Kind regards, Tranquility
  8. What are your diff settings, because I'm using 43 patches without issues. Make sure you made changes in your source and packet_db and recompile after.
  9. Thanks a lot for this, it would've been a reason to move to Hercules if this wasn't going to get supported. After some (newbie) issues I finally got it working on my test server, can't wait to push this through.
  10. Might want to have a look here: https://rathena.org/board/topic/86913-pull-request-qa I'm stuck at the same part as you (updating/merging), so let me know how it goes
  11. Using 2013-08-07 as I can't find any clients past 2013-08-14 and 2013-08-14 just doesn't work well for me. Had no real issues client-side thus far.
  12. I have bought a new graphic card ('old' one was a NVidia 560 GTX) and it solved the issue so far. Drivers weren't changed as I use the Nvidia control panel/Geforce Experience that automatically fixes that for me. So it's weird, but what works, works and if I ever come against an issue and am mistaken due to hasty conclusions, I'll let you guys know. But thanks for all the replies and ideas, I really appreciate such helpfulness
  13. I'll try a few listed in the download section Friday, I should have some spare time to test then to see if I can reproduce the issue there. Thought the original Lighthalzen field also has it. Only at specific locations and at certain angles.
  14. They still had that glitch. And I thought free fields were easy to make, so I just tried Browedit. And avoiding the problem by using other people's maps isn't my way of solving things ;p But thanks for the concerns, and I'll try to keep finding a solution and update this post once I did
  15. Based on your idea, I used this: 1002,PORING,Poring,619,9001,10013,531,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,1,0,350,400,800,{ if( getmapflag( strcharinfo(3),mf_pvp) ) { dispbottom "Pet looting is disabled in PvP"; } else { petloot 10; }; },{ bonus bLuk,2; bonus bCritical,1; } Still doesnt work. Poring still loots both in and out of pvp. No dispbottom displayed. Anything I did wrong? or perhaps the line getmapflag( strcharinfo(3) does not work for pets? Thanks. Since the petloot script itself works, I think it would be unlikely for that to not work. However, it could be that this specific script doesn't execute for pets. I am not well versed in this area, just used the doc to push you in the right direction =P Question, are the map flags set for those maps to pvp? If you could verify this, it'll be easier to debug and find the solution
  16. From what I've taken from the doc and comprehend the scripting behind it enough it could be this: 1002,PORING,Poring,619,9001,10013,531,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,1,0,350,400,800,{ if(!mf_pvp) {petloot 10;} else {dispbottom(sprintf("Pet looting disabled."));} },{ bonus bLuk,2; bonus bCritical,1; } If this isn't, I at least hope to have pushed you in the right direction of how to think of how to add this feature.
  17. If not mistaken, with the 2012 you can already leave out the text files and purely use the lua files for custom sprites. Of course, as written in the wiki-guide you need to add your custom item to the item_db2 on your SQL editor of choice, have those items in item_db2 in your import folder to allow @ii/@mi queries to be done (I thought those were read from there), those are the server side steps. Client side, you need to modify System/itemInfo.lua and use the luac executable to create lub files ([luac5.1.4.exe -o "itemInfo.lub" "itemInfo.lua"] should convert the lua to lub through command window). Then you can modify the data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\accessoryid.lua and data\luafiles514\lua files\datainfo\accname.lua to add your headgears there to be displayed in-game, convert these files to lub too to prevent certain annoying issues that could occur if you don't.Then you need to add the sprites & textures to their respective directories. One for the drag&drop sprite and then the actual male and female sprites and item and collection images in the respective texture folder. Personally I moved from 2012-04-10 to 2013-08-07 because it satisfies my needs a little more.
  18. So far these are the only custom maps I have created, so I wouldn't be able to answer this. I could just duplicate a few maps for the sake of testing it and this issue occurred on 2012-04-10 and 2013-08-07 clients. I could try clients in between if you think this would be advisable or newer clients (if 2014 clients are available I'm willing to try/use those).
  19. I didn't modify text-files beside the mapnametable and resnametable. I don't think those should affect it this bad. Just tried it, I have no issues with these. So I might have to redownload revision 586 or configure it myself from the start. Pretty awkward, but thanks for helping out! Edit: Just as I said this, it happened when I rotated on the spot xD So problem not solved yet. I'll see if I can contact one of the legendary map makers.
  20. I originally did it in Browedit rev 620, however, since I read across all the forums that to fix these issues we'd need to use Browedit rev 586, I used that one to open and resave them. The map isn't exceeding the 11 char limit (xxx_fild00 names), so that shouldn't be the issue either. Hopefully this has been of some use. Edit: Link to map files.
  21. Removing the mob_skill_db contents in the db\import directory has no effects if you're running SQL apparently. So deleting the contents solved the massive amount of errors produced in the mapserver output. If you're running txt however, I wouldn't know how to solve it, amount of skills is probably limited somewhere.
  22. Hello everyone, Recently I've attempted to create 'custom' fields, by simply opening existing fields in Browedit (tried 586 and 620) and saving them as a different file. However, after having added all the necessary information in the client & server files, I receive texture glitches when rotating on the map and sometimes black areas in the distant when not at the map border. These issues don't occur on the original maps, so my reasoning is that it's due to something in Browedit that I'm probably doing wrong. Taking an extreme example of a certain angle from one of my duplicated maps (no I really didn't Photoshop this): Two rotation further it's green and in other angles the texture has all lines through it and just looks horrible. Another detail, the original map is pay_fild09, might be nice to know. I have this issue on 5 other maps, it just isn't equally horrible on each of them, just took out one example. Toggling off lightmap doesn't make much of a difference either, and I wouldn't like emergency fixes such as those anyway as they don't fix the issue, but merely mask it. So how to prevent this from happening or better even, how to solve this issue? Thanks in advance, Tranquility
  23. Rebooted/recompiled server after you've added this at least once? Or a simple @reloaditemdb should also be able to recognize new entries from the database. Since it won't pop-up in-game it's server side that is the issue though. Plus you're showing a screenshot of item_db instead of item_db2, you'd might want to run the SQL file in phpmyadmin to get them to be actually inserted into your database.
  24. Thanks for mentioning that. However, I know that changing the langtype works, but I am wondering what makes it appear in langtype 0 and rather solve the issue than work around it. Is this defined server side somewhere?
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