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Everything posted by Leeg

  1. I've just added the download link to the first post. Although it's functional, please take this as a beta. I'll be pleased if you notify me any bug or suggest new features Remember you won't need to download this multiple times because it has a built-in updater. So ROL will update itself when needed. ________________________________________________ There was a bug with the built-in updater! I found a bug in the built-in updater, which was not updating correctly, it's been fixed already, but you need to redownload ROL manually (sorry!). I've already updated all the links. Hopefully, this won't happen again. ________________________________________________
  2. Yes, I know that, Dastgir already told me. However, this is going to be developed anyways because it adds more functionality than the regular login screen. By the way, I've added a new feature suggested by Conflicts.
  3. If you want to see this in your own language when it is available for download, feel free to translate its few lines here into your native language: (English and Spanish already covered) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lpFrjMbFqT6qsZfRE2Zt_O8jiCpmHAgHxP56r84CjBk/edit?usp=sharing
  4. For the time being, it's only a launcher. But in the future, who knows...
  5. Thank you very much for all your feedback I've tried 2013-05-22Ragexe, which is the exe I was going to use for a new server, and I couldn't restore the login window with any patcher (included NEMO). Anyway, take this as a custom optional login screen. It's nothing more beyond that. Nobody is forced to use it, ok? (sorry for the misunderstanding) I feel like I should have said this before: This is something I did for me because I didn't like the current launchers and my friend and me thought we could take advantage of this and make our own custom launcher with new functionalities. However, we decided to release this to the public and share it with everybody in the last moment. This is the main reason why this is not customizable (apart from the linking your client to the launcher thing). A thing such as a customizable or skinnable version of this does not exist. That's why I said in the first post that if there is someone interested in that, he or she should contact us and we'll see to make a workaround to it (as it is hardcoded). If we get paid for anything, it will be for creating custom designs and applying them to this, nothing else. Also, please take into account this is the first thing I code for Windows, and this is the first time I write in C# (Yes, I'm a noob).
  6. ROLauncher (Ragnarök Launcher) Coded by: Leeg Designed by: Daegaladh After several weeks of coding and banging our heads on our keyboards, we are proud to announce you... ROLauncher (abbreviated as ROL) is a launcher for Ragnarök Online Clients from 2013 and onwards. As you may know, these new clients do not have any login screen at all (although you can restore it with recent patchers), but you can use a launcher to execute your client and be able to login successfully. Furthermore, ROLauncher has some new features that will seduce you... This is ROLauncher's main window (The background is transparent, what you are just seeing behind is my desktop). In this screen you can see some new additions. For example, we have added a new field called "PROFILE". What's its use? - You may ask. It is a listbox which will display all your stored accounts. You will be able to click on it and select the account you wish to use for login and it will automatically fill both ID and Password fields. Furthermore, we have added an editor to manage all your profiles. This is the profile editor window, which will allow you to create, delete, and edit all your stored profiles! Finally, we have added a checkbox that allows you to create new profiles without having to get into the editor. VIDEO Further features: [ADDED] Ability to create a log file with data of the installation folder plus md5 hashes of each file in it. Press CTRL+L in the main window to activate this function. This runs as a background process and it will not interfere in the GUI, so you can create the log file and still continue using ROLauncher while the log is being written. - As suggested by Conflicts See it in action HERE [ADDED] Auto updating: ROL will check for new updates, download them and patch itself every time a new ROL version is launched. [SOON] Localization: language depends on your system's language. Remember ROL won't work if your client was diffed with "Restore Login Window". And you need to enable the following diff: "Use SSO Login packet." Download 11 December 2014 There was a bug with the built-in updater! I found a bug in the built-in updater, which was not updating correctly, it's been fixed already, but you need to redownload ROL (sorry!). I've already updated all the links. Changelog ::: [F.A.Q.] ::: Do I need anything special to make this work? No, you just need a 2013 or onwards client and .NET Framework 4, which you should already have in your computer. If you don't have it, you can download it from Microsoft's site for free. Can I use this with my server for free? Yes, ROLauncher will create a configurable .ini where you can put your own client name to connect ROLauncher and your client. Will this be open-source? No, at least not right now. Can I edit its colors or skin? No. This version we are offering is for free and it will not allow such things. However, if you are interested in customising this, please send us a message to Daegaladh or to me. Which languages will be available for this? Any. If you want to get this in your native language check this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lpFrjMbFqT6qsZfRE2Zt_O8jiCpmHAgHxP56r84CjBk/edit?usp=sharing And that's all, thank you! If you have any doubt, criticism, or suggestion, please, tell us! P.S: Sorry for the bit of Spanish in the screens, it will be all in English when it is released Bye!
  7. Is the party booking system working in this client? There are some people who say that it actually is, but I can't get it working. Thank you very much.
  8. Thanks Olrox! I didn't know that. I wonder if this is intended behaviour or if it's a problem from browedit's side...
  9. Hello! I'm having a few problems with browedit and its Global Lighting. If you take a look at the attached picture, you will see that some models are not being lighted properly... something which is ridiculous, because Global Lighting is supposed to be... Global! Has anyone encountered this problem before? Is there a way to fix this? Note: I want all models to look as the ones from the right side of the screen (the dark ones). Thank you very much!
  10. I already knew that The thing is that Windows (in Spain) is set by default in Modern Spanish, and not Traditional... Anyway, that translation could work for the two language types. Could you duplicate it for 0x03 too? Thank you.
  11. How do you configure language? I have downloaded the exe but I can't see any option to change its language. If it's automatic, my OS is in Spanish (from Spain: ES, España, internacional), but I see everything in English. PS: I've found the issue, apparently, Spanish language should be 0x3, and not 0x1
  12. Understood, then you can get Spanish updated version here (use 'UPDATE THIS' sheet)
  13. Do we have to delete '380', '381', '382', '383', '384', '385', '386', '387', '388', '389' and replace them with the new ones?
  14. Thank you, next time feel free to add a comment to the table (right click in your mouse) so that I receive a notification and I can fix it.
  15. Jabote and I have been talking this morning and we've finally reached and agreement. Both of us have apologised for being rude to the other. Hopefully, this discussion will end here. By the way, if you're still interested in having all the translations in one single Excel table we can do it.
  16. I was going to post something thankful to Jabote for his corrections until I read this: Sadly, I won't now. Regarding the saxon genitives, yes, I misread them because I thought these were variables. But these stand corrected now. And with regards to the 'attribute' word, I believe you should read RAE entry for that word. I am not going to say anything about the other things because your arguments appear to be dogmas to me, as the "ban" and "block" translation, which I found it to be fine because the concepts of "bloquear" and "bloquear temporalmente" have nothing to do between themselves. Anyway... thanks, I think.
  17. Thank you very much for using my translation. By the way, I could adapt my Excel table to hold the whole localisation project, so that everything is in the same link/file and editable by everybody.
  18. I changed it because in the documentation of those files it says that it prevents @go, and @warp respectively. nowarp.txt: //===== Description: ========================================= //= Disables use of @go to a map. nowarpto.txt //===== Description: ========================================= //= Disables use of @warp to a map.
  19. Oh, these are not translations for 'please'. In Spanish we hardly ever use 'please' or 'sorry', and not to mention in video games. It sounds really posh for us. 'Escribe' and 'Introduce' are translations for 'type' or 'introduce'.
  20. Good evening, I've made my own translation for the 'map_msg' file into Spanish. You can check it [here]. The reasons behind me making an alternative Spanish translation are diverse, but to sum up: I did not like at all the exaggerated amount of English remaining in the current translation. I believe a localisation must be beyond what has been done with that file by these two users. I must state that I posses a bachelor's degree in English philology, therefore, my knowledge of English is that of a C2 level. Furthermore. my final degree dissertation has been focused on the localisation of software and video games. Some general things about this translation: -> I have only left untranslated the following elements: · Job names · Commands (obviously) · The word 'quest'. · The word 'game master' and 'GM'. · Parameters (str,agi,...) But not all of them. -> In some cases, the Spanish text quality is superior to the English text, as there were some errors present in the original file which I have corrected. -> This is no literal translation. A wide variety of resources have been employed to make a good quality work (Oxford English Dictionary, Diccionario de la Lengua Española, British National Corpus, Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual, and others) -> There were no foreign words left untranslated because "users might already be used to them". By the way, I've seen some really weird things in the current Spanish translation. It seems that the authors have deleted things they didn't know what they were about, for instance: (current) SPANISH: ENGLISH: The 'blue' parameter has been deleted without any apparent criteria. This is a bit dangerous, don't you think? Anyway, here it goes, I'm not implying that my translation sould be committed or anything. But I hope it is useful for someone.
  21. Hi! I've downloaded this: https://github.com/greenboxal/sdpplugins/blob/master/PreBuilt/WDGForceClientHashPacket.dll Because I thought it may solve this error: [info]: clif_parse: Disconnecting session #3 with unknown packet version (p:0x3af5,l:19). But the problem is that my patcher only shows that diff in 2011 clients, and not in 2012 ones... how can I solve that? Thanks ^^ (I'm aware of the 2012-04-10 client working perfectly, but I'm not interested in that one, since the party booking system is not working).
  22. Debes usar la versión de Flux para rAthena. Tienes dos versiones, una pre-renewal y otra renewal: https://code.google.com/p/fluxcp-ra/ https://github.com/calciumkid/fluxcp-renewal/zipball/master
  23. If this entire thing was proposed because having PRE and RE was "halting" the development process, I don't see how now having two mirrors and three branches is going to improve things. I would change nothing.
  24. Who will adapt all the documentation if this is made? For instance, in the Spanish ragnarök community where I work, we have recently adapted everything to SVN rAthena RE & PRE, to encourage our users to run their servers with rAthena, and thus push this community a bit forward... if you come with this now I will kill myself... or what is most simple yet, I will go back to eAthena (or Hercules, which still keeps PRE without branching), and readapt all the material to that, which would be easier for me than to switch all the guides to github and this new branching.
  25. Hola, Lo que voy a publicar a cotinuación es mi humilde opinión / crítica respecto a este commit que habéis publicado. Como no participo en este proyecto, y seguramente nunca llegue a participar, supongo que podéis pasar de este comentario por completo si no os interesa, pero ojalá que no sea así. Vamos a ver, lo primero que me gustaría destacar es la falta de consenso en la traducción. En el mismo texto se ha traducido 'Santa Claus' por 'Papá Noel', o por 'Santa' a secas, de manera totalmente arbitraria. Esto debe ser corregido de inmediato. Después, me pregunto por qué el texto carece por completo de '¿' y '¡'. ¿Es que os faltan esas teclas en vuestros teclados? En español tenemos esos símbolos y su uso es obligatorio, recordadlo. Otra cosa que he visto y no me ha gustado: la falta de conocimientos lingüísticos. Esto siempre se puede mejorar consultando diccionarios, pero no ha debido ser el caso cuando me encuentro con cosas como 'head south' > 'encabece sobre el sur'. Otros fallos más pequeños pero con resultado grave son de este tipo: - mes "Hey, have you heard that here in Lutie, we have an attraction that's equally as famous as Santa himself?"; + mes "Oye, has oído hablar de Lutie, tenemos una atracción que es igualmente tan famoso como el mismo Santa?"; No es, 'hablar de lutie', sino 'hablar de que en Lutie' (heard that HERE IN Lutie) Tampoco es 'mismo Santa', sino 'mismísimo Santa'. Es enfático. Y esto me lleva a otro tema, las traducciones literales. No se puede traducir un texto de manera literal, y aquí habéis respetado hasta las comas... eso no es posible. La sintáxis es diferente en inglés y en español, por tanto no tiene mucho sentido que respetéis los signos de puntuación, especialmente las comas, como digo. En la frase anterior, la ',' después de Lutie en español debe eliminarse, puesto que ese sintagma no se puede partir ahí. Bueno... no he podido denterme a mirar mucho más esto, pero la verdad es que tenéis que mejorar muchas cosas. Yo empezaría por mejorar mi inglés antes que ponerme a realizar esto, porque sinceramente, en el futuro pensaréis que habéis perdido el tiempo. Cosas como estas no son aceptables: "It's Snowysnow" "the magical" "talking snowman!" Lo habéis traducido: "It's SnowySnow" "la magia" "que habla a muñeco de nieve!" 'The magical talking snowman!' Es todo una línea y se traduce por '¡El muñeco de nieve mágico que habla!' Bueno, lo dicho... espero no haber ofendido a nadie. Por si hay dudas, aclarar que yo me dedico a esto de manera profesional. Saludos.
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