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Posts posted by Neo-Mind

  1. Try this :

    1) Run GRFTool .

    2) Open your data.grf in there

    3) Put this in search path => /data/sprite/인간족/몸통/*/페코팔라딘_*.*

    4) Click Extract and choose a folder.

    The sprite and act file come in the same hierarchy of folders inside your selected folder (but all the korean characters get converted to their equivalent unicode).

  2. From what i see you have all your names properly done ... check your accessoryid.lua for the view id (make sure you have used same in your item db file) , check accname.lua for the sprite file name you gave (make sure it is the same file name you used for your sprite/act/bmp files).

    Expected Formats


    ACCESSORY_<item name used in db no spaces> = <view id>,


    [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_<item name used in db no spaces>] = "_<sprite filename>",

    and yes the commas are required.

  3.  5136,Santa's_Hat_,Antonio's Santa Hat,5,20,,100,,3,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,0,1,20,{ if(getrefine() > 9) {bonus bMaxHPrate,3; bonus bMaxSPrate,3;} },{},{} 

    he said +9 or more..

    5136,Santa's_Hat_,Antonio's Santa Hat,5,20,,100,,3,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,0,1,20,{ if(getrefine() => 9) {bonus bMaxHPrate,3; bonus bMaxSPrate,3;} },{},{} 


    just change if(getrefine() > 9) to if(getrefine() > 8)

    oops my mistake ... sorry /pat

  4. Transparent Color is R:255, G:0, B:255 . If any of those values have altered the corresponding pixel(s) show up. make sure it is exactly those values.

    If it is already the same then dunno ... maybe you can post one picture you are referring to?

  5. This One? =>

    *makeitem <item id>,<amount>,"<map name>",<X>,<Y>;

    *makeitem "<item name>",<amount>,"<map name>",<X>,<Y>;

    This command will create an item lying around on a specified map in the

    specified location.

    itemid - Found in 'db/(pre-)re/item_db.txt'

    amount - Amount you want produced

    map name - The map name

    X - The X coordinate

    Y - The Y coordinate.

    This item will still disappear just like any other dropped item. Like 'getitem',

    it also accepts an 'english name' field from the database and creates apples if

    the name isn't found.

    If the map name is given as "this", the map the invoking character is on will be used.

  6. As far as I know ... Right now .... there is no way of doing that other than editing the sprite itself to look that way since act files dont store information about which comes in front.

    Also if it is a scarf then won't you need it to be in front rather than the back ? (only part of the sprite would be under the hair)

  7. I need the poring variant mob sprites.What i mean from this is the custom variants such as aquaring, sapling etc.

    Does anyone have these? (I need aquaring especially - not the pouring). I am trying to incorporate a full set.

    Currently i have the following mob sprites :



    Fire Poring








    Dark Poring




    Pouring - blue,black,red,white,pink,green




    Remaining is what i am missing. It would be so awesome if someone coud share them. I especially need the aquaring mob

    (the one from the aquaring hat).

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