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Everything posted by ragnazorg

  1. been a while @Rytech excited with the new updates. ?
  2. Masaya ba kayo sa paggamit ng VNC sa vps? Kung may iba choice ano gsto nyo?
  3. here - script Freebies -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if (!#Freebies) { getitem 20127,1; getitem 20050,1; getitem 20099,1; getitem 7037,5; getitem 671,1; getitem 4142,1; getitem 2375,1; getitem 2433,1; getitem 2537,1; getitem 2729,2; getitem 2374,1; announce "Welcome to Tantrums Ragnarok, "+strcharinfo(0)+" !","0x33FF66"; set #Freebies, 1; } end; }
  4. lol those are hard coded in the client please check nana's project at the project's section.
  5. same error i got from the screenshot above.
  6. brian how about adding support for mac address?
  7. Client date?Fixed (probably). It can take a while for sourceforge to reflect the update on all mirrors though.
  8. also is it possible to check by mac address <3 ?
  9. you shouldn't have posted the server you work for cuz leechers can just download their grf and steal your sprite, unless you have it encrypted
  10. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo........... lol. Thanks for the heads up brian.
  11. @Asura, apparenly I've tried both, staminus didn't meet my expectations. One attack on one port and everything will go down while with black lotus they can attack one port and you won't even feel any lags at all on the other ports also black lotus people won't ask you to upgrade and upgrade your ddos protection.
  12. script error on npc/a.txt line 4 parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function 1 : { 2 : getpartymember getcharid(1), 1; 3 : getpartymember getcharid(1), 2; * 4 : '.'@compare_job$ = "#";
  13. So i need help with this script because it needs to, a function perhaps? Must be 3 in a party with the wanderer and minstrel. Must be all online.
  14. Ai4rei, the previous "PROXY SUPPORT" patch or "ALL SERVERS USES SAME IP" patch, the one that keeps using the same from clientinfo.xml
  15. Hi, how about proxy support?
  16. can modify the script and make it store the passwords in a new table?
  17. wild guess, look for the char id of the one who forgot his password go to global_reg_value and search for his charid + #pas1~10.
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