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Everything posted by zackdreaver

  1. Can't see them, maybe my browser has a problem Alright I can see your ss now after changing browser. That text is not part of msgstringtable.txt, rather it need to be diffed with diff patcher like NEMO. I see you're korean, if you set your langtype to 0 you will figure out what the text means. Default client limiting player from buying more than 10 itemss.
  2. @a91323 I know about their closure. I just need their data to fill missing items.
  3. Hi guys, zack here, I need the latest files from thailandRO and ChinaRO, here is the list: idnum2itemdesctable.txt idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt idnum2itemresnametable.txt itemslotcounttable.txt num2itemdesctable.txt num2itemdisplaynametable.txt num2itemresnametable.txt Even better if those servers have implemented itemInfo.lub, you can share this file instead.
  4. I prefer rA developer working on features that aren't added instead releasing new 2016 client.
  5. 1. Yes 2. Old clients,like 2012 and below, have limitation on maximum npcID, ItemID and some new headgears won't show correctly. They're only good for prerenewal server (episode 13.2). 3. Not much really, just some UI revamps, many 2015 client features aren't implemented by emulator right now, aside from doram race ofc. 4. You won't be able to connect. 5. Tried openkore with 20130807, works just fine.
  6. @Stolao Have you check the last commit? I hope that fixes your issue. btw, I need people that use this project to test the compability with rA's new feature, like random option, as Stolao did. So I'm able to deliver better translation files. Just report them here. Thanks.
  7. This is an issue with the theme and forum platform. @@Aleos
  8. Here's the link, thank me later https://rathena.org/board/index.php?app=core&module=search&search_in=forums
  9. I will add it, when someone in ra release a client that support it, so i can translate the textures.
  10. Hi guys, after months hiatus on prerenewal map that I worked on, today, I finish it, be sure to Git pull your prerenewal folder so you can retrieve it. spoiler: Tested with 2010-04-20ragexeRe, Newer client like 2013 and higher, will need to update it through LUB files, which I will work with them later, maybe next year, heh.
  11. @Vuluts I never said I tested that client with rA (Based on your PM). I tested those client with Hercules backthen in 2015, and it's worked. iirc, rAthena gave me an error with client below 2009, it's won't let me connect. You can report this in their issue page, if you want.
  12. Hey guys, I just wondering, what's your favourite font that you found it comfy for developing thing? especially for developer here For me, whose working in translation, finding a comfy font is important, here is mine: Consolas
  13. Have you rechecked them? There's no way an official data.grf not including prt in. unless it's a custom grf
  14. Open: \npc\re\scripts_jobs.conf scroll down to: // - Novice add "//" in front of: npc: npc/re/jobs/novice/academy.txt delete "//" in front of: // npc: npc/re/jobs/novice/novice.txt
  15. *op What official client did you use? I don't see any wrong order in my kRO bgm
  16. ... to remove that line from item desc, open msgstringtable.txt go to line 2797 change "Item moves restriction.#" to "#" without quote. To delete any line when you hover your mouse on it, open itemmoveinfov5.txt and simply delete all items inside it or leave it empty
  17. try to add _ in accname.lub, ex: [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_WOLF_EARS] = "_Wolf_Ears", btw, just use viewID higher than 2000, if it custom headgear
  18. Did rAthena planning on implement this feature? All I saw was an old mechanic of pet bonus (prerenewal script) example renewal pet script: Poring If pet intimacy is Cordial, LUK +2, CRIT +1. If pet intimacy is Loyal, LUK +3, CRIT +1. Smokie If pet intimacy is Cordial, AGI +1, Perfect Dodge +1. If pet intimacy is Loyal, AGI +2, Perfect Dodge +1.
  19. @spinzaku easy logic, kRO uses itemInfo.lub, when you update your kRO client, kRO will ALWAYS rewrite this file on every maintenance. poof... your translated file's gone~ use NEMO to rename itemInfo.lub into itemInfo.lua
  20. Open your item db, scroll down to this line 12221,Megaphone_,Megaphone,2,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ input @megaphone$; announce strcharinfo(0) + ": " + @megaphone$,bc_all,0xFF0000; end; },{},{} Changed it's color by changing this color hex 0xFF0000 to something that you like, Use this site if you need assistant http://www.colorhexa.com/
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