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Posts posted by Nova

  1. Woo. Congratulations Aleos, you deserve it. Hope to continue seeing rAthena be an active and helpful community.

    And to the old Administration, thank you for taking care of the community until now, and for passing the torch when it was necessary.

  2. (Sorry if this is the wrong section, I didn't know where else to put this. There was a discussion on the forums about a section for showcasing scripts and nothing ever happened.)


    This Monster Hunter script was my first "big" script I ever worked on. 

    I was given the idea after seeing Peopleperson's MH script, and as a big Monster Hunter lover, I decided to try to take it further.


    Recently a player from my server made a YouTube video on the content, and I decided I'd share it with you guys.



    Credit to Mawile for the sweet video.



    We're planning on expanding on it in the near future, but we've been busy working on the official instances from Heroes Trails.


    Hope you guys enjoy the video!

  3. Don't mention it, the cell taking issue is something that's bothered me as well. I've considered modifying my source so that disabled/hidden NPCs don't count as if they're taking a cell myself.

  4. Only people with GM sprites are able to see the shadows. They are invisible to regular players, though they still take the cell. The thing is, disablenpc does the same.

    You could also try moving the npc under the OnInit: label, and leaving the instance NPC in place. Not sure how that'd respond.

  5. if (Zeny >= 1285000 && countitem(7825) >= 1 ) {

    set Zeny, Zeny-1285000;

    delitem 7825,1;




    mes "Unfortunately, you either don't seem to possess enough zeny at the moment or are missing a Heroic Stone. Please check your funds and come back again.";

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