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Posts posted by Nova

  1. I don't quite understand the question, but the first thing I would do is remove the next; after every case X:


    case 1:



    And move it to be before the switch.


    mes "Escolha uma arena:";
    switch(select("- Escolher Anuncio/Voz [NOVO]",...
    That snippet you posted looks like it could just be plugged in.
  2. You should post your script at the very least inside

    These tags

    The tags are [ code ] [ / code ] without the spaces. It's extremely hard to read your script when you just dump it like that.



    Your problem is you need a } before the "// -- Inicio do Script" line.

    • Upvote 1
  3. No, as the VVS (Star Crumbs) as well as the elements take the item slots themselves. You could make some sort of weird VVS + Slot item creator using getitem2 maybe.


    The items required to produce things are under db/re/produce_db.txt (or pre-re depending on your setup)


    As for the ATK bonus that one I'm not sure of. If no one else replies I'll look it up for you.

  4. Disculpa la espera, no estuve en casa todo el dia, en un momento edito este post y te doy tu nueva formula.

    Masqs es tan facil como


    rate = status_get_lv(src) / 10 + rnd_value(sstatus->dex / 12, sstatus->dex / 4) + ( sd ? sd->status.job_level : 50 ) + 10 * skill_lv
    					   - (status_get_lv(bl) / 10 + rnd_value(tstatus->agi / 6, tstatus->agi / 3) + tstatus->luk / 10 + ( dstsd ? (dstsd->max_weight / 10 - dstsd->weight / 10 ) / 100 : 0));

    rate = status_get_lv(src) / 10 + rnd_value(sstatus->dex / 12, sstatus->dex / 4) + ( sd ? sd->status.job_level : 50 ) + 10 * skill_lv
    					   - (status_get_lv(bl) / 10 + rnd_value(tstatus->agi / 6, tstatus->agi / 3) + tstatus->luk / 10 + ( dstsd ? (dstsd->max_weight / 10 - dstsd->weight / 10 ) / 100 : 0)) - 45;

    Y para Tiger Cannon:


    SR_TIGERCANNON,1,15,-28 dentro de db/skill_damage_db.txt
    Quita el comment en #define ADJUST_SKILL_DAMAGE dentro de src/config/core.h
  5. As he wants the mob to give exp when killed wouldn't the oninit throw a warning or even crash the first time it loads due to adding exp with no rid?

    And as far as your script, it looks fine.

    Though it is only spawning one mob in the same location and instantly respawning in the same spot. If you need help changing that go ahead and ask, though I'm sure you can figure it out c:

  6. Though this sounds really cool, my biggest concern in adapting a new CP for an existing server is the fact that it's new.

    It'd be scary to adopt a new Control Panel due to security issues. I am excited to see how your project turns out though!

    And I'll be sure to test it. :]

  7. Make a onpclogon event which checks your GM level. End if < 6 or whatever your cutoff for GM is.

    On login, $GMsOnline += 1; On log out -= 1; then just have the NPC have a mes $GMsOnline;

    Sorry for the bad formatting. On mobile. Google is your friend as far as finding the proper commands.

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