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Posts posted by Nova

  1. I'm trying to diff up a new 2013-12-23cRagexe.exe client using NEMO, and the custom shield option seemed appealing.

    I placed the lua files where they're supposed to go and I'm able to launch the game with no problems, but shields don't display at all.

    The issue was brought up on the NEMO git a while ago and it hasn't been solved, so I'm mostly wondering if anyone found their own solutions to the issue.

    Thanks for the help.





  2. I'd rename the text file you download from "Monster Counting Game 1.2.txt" to "monstercounting.txt"

    After that, put the script inside your npc/ folder. Probably inside npc/custom/

    Then inside your same npc/ folder, look for the file called scripts_custom.conf and add a line to it saying

    npc: npc/custom/monstercounting.txt 

    Or whatever you ended up naming the text file.

    Once that's done all you need to do is log in as a GM with sufficient powers, and type in @reloadscript and the script will be loaded onto the server.

    Or you can restart the server as well, either works.

  3. ePWmae3.png


    Basically if you zoom out enough, both the stand-by animation on the Rebellion sprite and the attacking one push the bottom part of the head behind the sprite.





    Well, this is a typical Z-order bug : the head layer should have been drawn on top of the body layer. My software cannot fix this, as this is neither related to the sprite nor the act file, but rather the rendering system used by the client. To my knowledge, the only things that can interfere with it are the lua files (which would be doubtful), the imf file (doubtful as well) or simply the client version. You should forward this issue on the Client-side Support board and mention what steps you've taken to try and fix the issue (changing the sprite for another one, disabling the effects, putting a headgear on, etc).


    On a side note, I tested the sprite ingame to confirm, and I do not have any trouble with the order.



    I'm running client 2013-08-07.

    I've disabled effects and tried switching headgears on and off as well. Replacing the sprite with another one doesn't work either as this happens to the GM sprite when it's a Rebellion as well.

  4. I manually removed and added all the text from the .diff file to all of the files in src/map myself to make sure everything was set properly. It was time consuming but it ran. I've only tested Conquest but really it's the only mode I was interested in. 

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