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Everything posted by sketchyphoenix

  1. Sometimes I go to the eA boards to read what happens every time "dead", "eApp" and "Shinomori" wind up in the same thread.
  2. Finally started on it today. Saving is done. Loading in progress.
  3. The problem is that only the parser in the script engine recognizes variable affixes and once it leaves the txt file and goes into memory, those get stripped from the variable name before being stored..if i remember correctly. If not, then oh well. That's no impact on anything, I still have to set aside several commands to differentiate between char ID and account ID - and if the server is assuming these players are offline, it can't assume that the calling NPC has a player attached, so it needs that information beforehand. So I'll need 4 commands. One that alters an entry for a character variable.. One that alters an entry for an account variable. And 2 more to retrieve those. If the character or account is logged in, then the command will simply act as set would, instead of altering the database directly.
  4. I like the idea. I want to start working on it after work today. I'm probably going to make it so if the command is used and the offline character is actually online, it will switch to the regular set routines. It'll be like a safer version of set. Also, I don't think character ID and account ID as an parameter in the same command would be a feasible idea. A sufficiently large enough character database could have IDs that are the same numbers as the account IDs, and that would mess up the logic. I would probably have to separate those into separate commands.
  5. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

  6. It looks like you're implementing classes through a module/function approach. Why not tables?
  7. wow that whole eAmod thread got blown so out of proportion.

  8. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

  9. Another update today. Also the OP now has an update queue so you can see what's being worked on and what's going in the next update. r16140
  10. This client has to allow for the creation of custom windows. It has to. It might just be me, but I feel like a lot of ideas that I want to implement on the server side are limited by the fact that the client doesn't have a proper interface to handle it.
  11. I've been waiting for the networking part. Also, wouldn't you be better off making your own packetver?
  12. Except you'll find out the creator quit a long time ago and fell off the face of the internet or they aren't interested in helping anymore. A lot of the core and oldest parts of rA's code come from either jA or people that were around 6+ years ago that aren't developing anymore. Credits would be best left to a txt file or at the top of a source file right after the license info and not scattered all over the place.
  13. When I first started this, I didn't take out all of the old script engine code since I didn't want to break anything. Now I'm tired of looking at it since I'm closer to being done. Next few updates will probably be centered around taking that engine out and cleaning up what's left.
  14. What do you plan on touching with threads first?

  16. Update coming tomorrow, only 1 major bug I need to fix tonight/tomorrow.
  17. doesn't booting in safe mode have some sort of generic administrator you can use?
  18. Each faction has a way they build structures. Allies build by waiting for it to finish in the queue like in RA2. They tech up by upgrading the MCV or Command Hub then they have to build an Airfield/Defense Bureau to access all units. Soviet structures are visible and targetable as it is being built. Soviet tech-ups apply to all structures once they build the Super Reactor and Battle Lab. The crane is in RA3 so Soviets can build up bases very quickly. All Empire structures come out of the ConYard as units called Nanocores that can move and be unpacked anywhere. The drawback is that those units are 100% defenseless in core form and they take longer to build into a structure. Each empire barracks/factory (dojo/mecha bay) has to tech up individually (which takes time and they cannot produce units while upgrading) and build their tech structure (nanotech mainframe) to access all units. Empire does not have an Airbase structure since all of their air capable units have a ground form that they toggle to transform into the air form ( mecha tengu goes from anti infantry to anti air jet , striker vx goes from anti-air walker to anti surface helicopter, sea-wing goes from anti air to anti surface sky wing, etc ) -- Allies are strongest with air units. They are capable of strong harassment with Vindicators. Soviets have a strong ground presence. The War Factory makes tanks that can handle just about any situation and their units excel at dedicated roles. Empire has a good navy and units that are multi-purpose as some of them can transform.
  19. I could make a few I wound up frapsing a video of me Dojo rushing a Hard bot and decided that's dumb. here's a good video
  20. A lot of these comments are redundant and should be removed, actually. Commenting isn't really a competition or anything. If the code speaks for itself, then it's fine.
  21. I'm not following on the real strategy part. RA3 emphasizes micromanagement much more than RA2 since most units having special abilities or alternate mode toggles. RA3 punishes turtling, which means making more strategic plays against the enemy instead of leaving the enemy alone for 15 minutes. Bots are much, much better in RA3. RA2's brutal is like RA3's medium and RA3's brutal is relentless. Competitively, map control is so critical to this game. Ore nodes are all over the map and Ore collectors aren't as durable as before.
  22. Athena Satellite. How may I assist you?

  23. While we're at it, is your inter-server user/pass still s1/p1?
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