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Everything posted by ShogS

  1. File Name: Poring Catcher v3.1 File Submitter: ShogS File Submitted: 28 Dec 2012 File Category: Games, Events, Quests Content Author: ShogS PORING CATCHER MADE BY: SHOGS-GFX and RAGNAROK DEVELOPERS Please Report if you encounter some errors https://www.facebook.com/ShogsGfx MORE UPDATES TO COME FOR BETTER FUNCTION Click here to download this file
  2. @eJay that will cost 160$ @Diconfrost VaNz - take a look with my post here http://rathena.org/board/topic/76336-shogs-gfx-web-designs-patcher-designs-for-thor-graphics-services/
  3. First of all I'd like to make some things clear 1. Check your data folder if there is an existing idnum2itemdesctable.txt, idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt, idnum2itemresnametable.txt How? -- ragnarok folder/data/ ------------- you can see it there Why? -- because all RAGNAROK EXE reads the data folder first before the grf it self Now delete those if you seen one That's for now just to clarify some things
  4. Your welcome please Vote my first post up if you find this helpful / useful to you by clicking the
  5. @AllHailToTheKing have you tried to restart your server? You need to restart your server for this to work properly Open db/re/refine_db.txt ------->> if you are using renewal db/pre-re/refine_db.txt ----->> if you are using pre-renewal Now Change the values for PRE-RENEWAL // Armors 0,66,0,0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,40:0,25:0,10:0 // Level 1 weapons 1,200,8,300,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,40:0,25:0,10:0 // Level 2 weapons 2,300,7,500,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,40:0,25:0,10:0 // Level 3 weapons 3,500,6,800,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,40:0,25:0,10:0 // Level 4 weapons 4,700,5,1300,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,40:0,25:0,10:0
  6. have you tried to reload your itemdb?
  7. are you using RATHENA as your emulator? if yes open this one npc/merchants/refine.txt Find this line: callfunc "refinemain","Hollgrehenn",0; Change it to: callfunc "refinemain","Hollgrehenn",1; Take note of the difference of this callfunc "refinemain","Hollgrehenn",0; -------->This will use the old refine function like 1ups per talk to the npc callfunc "refinemain","Hollgrehenn",1; -------->This one will use the new refine function like will ask you if how many refine do you want that is why I've set it to 1 Delete this line: //============================================================ //= Main Refiner Function //============================================================ UNTIL: mes "All finished... Come again soon."; close; } NOW REPLACE IT WITH THIS CODE: //============================================================ //= Main Refiner Function //============================================================ //= To allow auto safe refining/multiple refining set the //= second argument to '1' in the function call. //= If you enable this function make sure you set the appropiate +x Level in your refine_db.txt //= to 100 and adjust the .@safe Value in the Script to your desired max. Safe Level. //= Otherwise it won't work . //============================================================ function script refinemain { set .@features,getarg(1); mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "I'm the Armsmith."; mes "I can refine all kinds of weapons, armor and equipment, so let me"; mes "know what you want me to refine."; next; setarray .@position$[1], "Head","Body","Left hand","Right hand","Robe","Shoes","Accessory 1","Accessory 2","Head 2","Head 3"; set .@menu$,""; for( set .@i,1; .@i <= 10; set .@i,.@i+1 ) { if( getequipisequiped(.@i) ) set .@menu$, .@menu$ + .@position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@i) + "]"; set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":"; } set .@part,select(.@menu$); if(!getequipisequiped(.@part)) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "You're not wearing"; mes "anything there that"; mes "I can refine."; emotion 6; close; } //Check if the item is refinable... if(!getequipisenableref(.@part)) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "I don't think I can"; mes "refine this item at all..."; close; } //Check if the item is identified... (Don't know why this is in here... but kept it anyway) if(!getequipisidentify(.@part)) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "You can't refine this"; mes "if you haven't appraised"; mes "it first. Make sure your"; mes "stuff is identified before"; mes "I can refine it."; close; } //Check to see if the items is already +10 if(getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) >= 10) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "I can't refine this"; mes "any more. This is as"; mes "refined as it gets!"; close; } set .@refineitemid, getequipid(.@part); // save id of the item set .@refinerycnt, getequiprefinerycnt(.@part); //save refinery count switch(getequipweaponlv(.@part)){ case 0: //Refine Armor set .@price,2000; set .@material,985; set .@safe,7; break; case 1: //Refine Level 1 Weapon set .@price,50; set .@material,1010; set .@safe,7; break; case 2: //Refine Level 2 Weapon set .@price,200; set .@material,1011; set .@safe,7; break; case 3: //Refine Level 3 Weapon set .@price,5000; set .@material,984; set .@safe,7; break; case 4: //Refine Level 4 Weapon set .@price,20000; set .@material,984; set .@safe,7; break; case 5: //Refine other stuff? set .@price,2000; set .@material,985; set .@safe,7; break; } if(.@features != 1) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "To refine this I need"; mes "one ^003366"+getitemname(.@material)+"^000000 and"; mes "a service fee of " + .@price + " Zeny."; mes "Do you really wish to continue?"; next; if(select("Yes:No") == 2){ mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "Yeah..."; mes "There's no need to"; mes "rush. Take your time."; close; } if(getequippercentrefinery(.@part) < 100) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "Oh no! If I continue to"; mes "refine this, there's a risk it could"; switch(.@material) { case 985: mes "be destroyed! That means that ^FF0000this equipment^000000, and ^FF0000any cards^000000 or special properties added to this armor, ^FF0000will be gone^000000."; break; default: mes "be destroyed, and you'd ^FF0000lose the weapon^000000, any ^FF0000cards in the weapon^000000,"; mes "or any added special properties."; break; } next; mes "["+getarg(0)+"]"; mes "I can't make it any clearer."; mes "Once a weapon is destroyed,"; mes "there's no getting it back."; mes "You really have a chance to"; mes "^FF0000lose this weapon^000000 forever."; mes "Do you still want to refine?"; next; if(select("Yes:No") == 2){ mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "I completely agree..."; mes "I might be a great refiner, but sometimes even I make mistakes."; close; } } if((countitem(.@material) < 1) || (Zeny < .@price)) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "You don't seem to have"; mes "enough Zeny or "+getitemname(.@material)+"..."; mes "Go get some more. I'll be"; mes "here all day if you need me."; close; } set Zeny,Zeny-.@price; delitem .@material,1; if(getequipisequiped(.@part) == 0) { // hacker has removed the item (not changed, why?) mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "Look here... you don't have any Items on..."; close; } if(getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) != .@refinerycnt || getequipid(.@part) != .@refineitemid) { // hacker has changed the item mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; Emotion e_an; mes "Wait a second..."; mes "Do you think I'm stupid?!"; mes "You switched the item while I wasn't looking! Get out of here!"; close; } if(getequippercentrefinery(.@part) <= rand(100)) { failedrefitem .@part; mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; set .@emo,rand(1,5); if (.@emo == 1) { Emotion e_cash; } else { Emotion e_swt; } set .@lose,rand(1,3); if (.@lose == 1) { mes "OH! MY GOD!"; mes "Damn it! Not again!"; mes "I'm terribly sorry, but you know practice does make perfect."; mes "Um, right? Heh heh..."; } else if(.@lose == 2) { mes "Nooooooo!"; mes "It broke!"; mes "I-I'm sorry!"; } else { mes "Crap!"; mes "It couldn't take"; mes "much more tempering!"; mes "Sorry about this..."; } close; } mes "["+getarg(0)+"]"; successrefitem .@part; Emotion e_heh; set .@win,rand(1,3); if (.@win == 1) { mes "Perfect!"; mes "Heh heh!"; mes "Once again,"; mes "flawless work"; mes "from the master~"; } else if(.@win == 2) { mes "Success...!"; mes "Yet again, my amazing"; mes "talent truly dazzles"; mes "and shines today."; } else { mes "Heh heh!"; mes "I'm all done."; mes "No doubt, my work is"; mes "to your satisfaction."; mes "Sheer, utter perfection~"; } close; } // New Refining Functions ======================== if(getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) < .@safe) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "I can refine this to the safe limit or a desired number of times... it's your choice..."; next; set .@menu2,select("To the safe limit please.","I'll decide how many times.","I've changed my mind..."); } else set .@menu2,2; switch(.@menu2){ case 1: set .@refinecnt,.@safe - getequiprefinerycnt(.@part); break; case 2: next; mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "So how many times would you like me to refine your item?"; next; input .@refinecnt; set .@refinecheck,.@refinecnt + getequiprefinerycnt(.@part); if (.@refinecnt < 1 || .@refinecheck > 10) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "I can't refine this item that many times."; close; } if(.@refinecheck > .@safe) { set .@refinecheck,.@refinecheck - .@safe; mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "This will try to refine the equipment " + .@refinecheck + " times past the safe limit. Your equipment may be destroyed... is that ok?"; next; if(select("Yes...","No...") == 2){ mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "You said so..Hmm so be it..."; close; } } break; case 3: next; mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "You said so..Hmm so be it..."; close; } set .@fullprice,.@price * .@refinecnt; mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "That will cost you " + .@refinecnt + " " + getitemname(.@material) + " and " + .@fullprice + " Zeny. Is that ok?"; next; if(select("Yes","No...") == 2){ mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "You said so..Hmm so be it..."; close; } if(countitem(.@material) < .@refinecnt || Zeny < .@fullprice) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "Is that all you got? Unfortunately I can't work for you at a lower price. Try putting yourself in my shoes."; close; } set Zeny,Zeny - .@fullprice; delitem .@material,.@refinecnt; while(.@refinecnt){ if (getequipisequiped(.@part) == 0) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "Look here... you don't have any Items on..."; close; } if (getequipid(.@part) != .@refineitemid || (.@menu2 == 1 && getequippercentrefinery(.@part) < 100)) { mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "Clan... No, but Did you imagine I could be so stupid !?!"; mes "You have changed it..."; mes "Go out before I stun you with my Hammer!!!"; close; } mes "Clang, clang!!!"; if(.@menu2 == 2 && getequippercentrefinery(.@part) <= rand(100)) { failedrefitem .@part; emotion 23; mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "WAHHHH!!! I'm so sorry... I warned you this could happen..."; set .@refinecnt,.@refinecnt - 1; if(.@refinecnt == 0) close; mes "Here's the unused Zeny and Material back..."; getitem .@material,.@refinecnt; set .@fullprice,.@refinecnt * .@price; set Zeny,Zeny + .@fullprice; close; } successrefitem .@part; emotion 21; set .@refinecnt,.@refinecnt - 1; next; } mes "[" + getarg(0) + "]"; mes "All finished... Come again soon."; close; } Now for refine Percentage Open db/re/refine_db.txt ------->> if you are using renewal db/pre-re/refine_db.txt ----->> if you are using pre-renewal Now Change the values for PRE-RENEWAL // Armors 0,66,0,0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,40:0,25:0,10:0 // Level 1 weapons 1,200,8,300,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,40:0,25:0,10:0 // Level 2 weapons 2,300,7,500,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,40:0,25:0,10:0 // Level 3 weapons 3,500,6,800,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,40:0,25:0,10:0 // Level 4 weapons 4,700,5,1300,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,100:0,40:0,25:0,10:0
  8. I've made a good script for this just wait for the approval. I'll give you the link later if it is already approve by mods.
  9. Version 3.1


    PORING CATCHER MADE BY: SHOGS-GFX and RAGNAROK DEVELOPERS Please Report if you encounter some errors https://www.facebook.com/ShogsGfx MORE UPDATES TO COME FOR BETTER FUNCTION
  10. can I see your full script let me fix it
  11. have you tried to reload your mob database??
  12. @xilence01 20$ for the Thor Patcher Package Contains: NOTICE, Thor exe, Patch Folder Note: We do not allow Buyers or Client to have the Whole WEB folders but they can own - NOTICE, PATCH FOLDER and the EXE it self but the Banner Rotator and FB Plugs is HOSTED by us to avoid those RIPPERS from copying and RIPPING our designs. If you want us to change the IMAGES for Banner Rotators just Message us, BUT on Design of the Patcher we won't change that if it is already released, You can also request if you want to change the Name of the patcher We Can Do that 1 more thing if you were already our recent customer just message us for changes for Banner and Server Name. @kairunotabi - Just message me here in RA or email me for more details my email: [email protected]
  13. of course you can if you know how to do it Q>> you or ME? haha you've said (can i make)
  14. Final Output for ZodiacRO Site GFX for Zodiac Ragnarok Online - Design by: SHOGS GFX. [email protected] Upper Menu - FLASH with effects and sounds for buttons, Quick Links = Javascript, WAR Events panel = Tab Control. Banner = Flash, CERES INTEG. Galery = JAVA SCRIPT, Item Images = FLASH Matic Ragnarok Online New Website Design Flux CP Integration - Design 100% done, Functionality 100% done Features: Flux Integration with (CMS) Content Management System, V4P, Admin Control, Flash Banner and buttons, Java Script with AJAX, Automated Castle ownership shown FINAL OUT PUT: www.matic-ro.com Tactics Ragnarok Online New Website Design Flux CP Integration - Design 95% done, Functionality 100% done Features: Flux Integration with (CMS) Content Management System, V4P, Admin Control, Flash Banner and buttons, Java Script with AJAX, Automated Castle ownership shown, PvP Rankings, Flash Buttons, Flash Effects, FB addon, FINAL OUT PUT: www.tactics-ro.net Thor Patcher Designs TacticsRO PATCHER NOTICE BOX = 3 1 - Banner Rotator using Jquery 2 - Facebook Plugins 3 - Server News and Updates Sample Image Bellow: New TacticsRO Patcher Features: NOTICE BOX = 1 - With Banner Rotator, Facebook Plugs, Server Status, Server News and Updates, Server Time, BGM Design Features: It was base with the name "Tactics" that is why the design looks like that, with clean vector, clean glow Sample Image Below: MagRO PATCHER NOTICE BOX = 3 1 - Banner Rotator using Jquery 2 - Facebook Plugins 3 - Server News and Updates Sample Image Bellow:
  15. I've made an script like this on 3ceamOnInit: disablepc "Manager"; and I also used this client you posted but my problem is the NPC is not hiding if I set it to (disablepc "Manager" it is disable but the NPC was still shown in prontera Here is the sample Image This is the NPC I've made it is disable but it won't hide on 2010 clients if I set the npc for (disablepc "Manager" it will hide but on this client you've posted it won't also in 20111122 clients it does not hide
  16. @Rytech - I have a problem with this client I used it for 3ceam but if I set the npc like this disablenpc NPCNAME; Yeah it will be disable but it is still shown in game here is a sample image below I try to use 20111122 but still it would not work
  17. Can you give me the link sir? i was just using 3ceam, maybe i can get some codes in rA
  18. Is there a way on how to fix this problem? I am using 3ceam but if a certain NPC is hidden it won't hide rather it is shown in public.. please help me.
  19. sir this works for me now but upon click the sites it will show. "Proxy is not allowed" - how to fix that one? this was happen last week I don't now why. it was fine and working on the past days but now that was my problem
  20. Sample Errors clif.c:4090: error: clif.c =src/../../clif.c 4090 = inside clif.c goto LINE 4090 and check the code you've inserted
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