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Everything posted by anacondaq

  1. Hi, please try to provide full information as you can like: are you have a full game client? Are you running the exe from the folder where located full game, client? are you see data.grf inside your game client? How about rdata.grf? Are drivers installed on your PC? If no, you can install it automatically by using service like that: https://drp.su/en (please make sure that you uncheck software installation in different tabs, either the software will install tons of unwanted software like Avast antivirus and so on). Is video driver installed? Are other games work fine? Is VC++ 2008, VC++ 2010 installed? Is your adapter (graphics card) available at opensetup.exe? If not, make sure you set correct resolution and select your own graphics adapter at opensetup.exe If step above does not help try at the setting tab to delete all Ragnarok online settings (click on checkbox than click apply) and try step above one more time is DEP enabled / disabled? (DEP) try to switch it to vise versa mode: https://www.online-tech-tips.com/windows-xp/disable-turn-off-dep-windows/ Still not working? Maybe antivirus doing bad stuff against you? Still no? If yes, at this point no one can help you, and no one knows where is the problem.
  2. No, better check again if all MySQL tables are correct. If yes, then the problem with firewall / missing software (like VC++ 2010).
  3. yea, this is because something is locking it. Usually, this happens because of broken mysql table. Emulator tries to send/save some data in the database but can't because of the corrupted table and then waiting for the response from MySQL server which response nothing as the result everything is freezing. This is common issue on windows in this package (because mostly of HDD drives & incorrect shutdowning PCs while openserver is working via just physically power off button pressing). Please try to find in the topic how repair mysql tables (i already made answer related to this) and do this for both tables main database and logs database.
  4. input rAthena-15.sln instead of rAthena.sln. And my pack by the link above is pretty old and will be soon upgraded (many many changes and updates).
  5. Hi, first of all, this package just for "education purposes". The main mission of it does not give you or any other guy a complete solution, but just give you simple entry point to start from. I know how hard for newbies do everything that done by 10-15 minutes by me in the package without proper documentation and so on. This is just very primitive template how +- everything looks like. Nothing more. If you wish to make a RO server where others will connect to from their homes, you should follow the template, edit some settings and make your own one and host it on linux server (Digital Ocean for example). The main ideas and "howtos" explained in the first post of the topic. Rest is on users own. But the abstract basic things will be always the same. That means you always need some mysql-like server, some client, server-side compiled (for linux platform, or for windows, depends on where will you host the server), you need configuring clientinfo.xml in your grf and etc. So, if answer directly to your question "Could others connect to this server in the package from their homes"? I will answer -> yes they can. Easier way -> make sure you have white IP (IP address which is accessed from the internet) or you have rent windows server (which is costly to be clear) and just follow few mini-steps explained in the first post (like you do it when launching on windows) but with only one difference. You should edit inside grf clientinfo.xml and change to your public ip address of your white ip address to make able others to connect. But this is very insecure, and not recommend method at all. The "true" way how to make an RO server is: Buy any linux-based VPS (cent-os, or ubuntu, or debian) with at least 1GB of RAM (there are really a lot of providers which selling it) Follow official guide and try to setup everything (install mysql server, install important software required for server compiling) Configure server-side config files to make able others to connect to the server Configure mysql-server, create databases, create users with permissions which will be able to connect to mysql-server and read/write to the database setup client test everything play
  6. are you see process in process list with process hacker or process editor? If yes, and its shutdown, try to install for example: https://support.microsoft.com/en-ca/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads i dunno how to help you. The problem at your own side...
  7. You don' need to run Ragexe_RE or any like that exe. Only 2015-11-04aRagexe.exe, nothing more. And yes, you can remove ragexe.exe from the folder.
  8. clif.hpp: enum send_target : uint8_t { ALL_CLIENT = 0, ALL_SAMEMAP, AREA, // area AREA_WOS, // area, without self AREA_WOC, // area, without chatrooms AREA_WOSC, // area, without own chatroom AREA_CHAT_WOC, // hearable area, without chatrooms CHAT, // current chatroom CHAT_WOS, // current chatroom, without self PARTY, PARTY_WOS, PARTY_SAMEMAP, PARTY_SAMEMAP_WOS, PARTY_AREA, PARTY_AREA_WOS, GUILD, GUILD_WOS, GUILD_SAMEMAP, GUILD_SAMEMAP_WOS, GUILD_AREA, GUILD_AREA_WOS, GUILD_NOBG, DUEL, DUEL_WOS, SELF, A target like what? You need to replace &sd->bl address to target_bl one (this depends on your code).
  9. Download and run Process Hacker or Process Explorer (does not matter what you like) Check, is executed file is running in the process by entering part of file name (for example 2015) to search/filter box If running - terminate (kill process) Find in the game client folder "setup.exe" or "opensetup.exe" which is distributed with the package (thx to ai4rei) and launch it Click in left bottom corner on the blue "LUA" icon, then select your video adapter and proper resolution Apply, OK Try to launch the game exe (2015-11-04aRagexe.exe), everything must works If it does not help, reproduce all steps from 1 to this one, but make sure that a process is running in the background. If it is. than run opensetup and at settings tag reset all settings to default.
  10. yes, you can do that. All that you need to do, it's change IP in client-side grf with GRF editor to your IP of your local one IP (192.168.0.* or I dunno which one are you using). So everything is simple, for example, you have 2 PCs, PC A (yours) and PC B (your brother) Both of you connected to lan and you see each other PC's LAN IP For example, your IP is:, mask:, gateway (your router one, or no gateway if you connected directly via cable without any router) So, you need instal Server Database Editor and edit clientinfo.xml and change to your IP address (just example numbers, make sure you put here correct one). Save file, save grf. Try to run the server, then run the game client. If it works, copy-paste your game-client to your brother PC, it should work
  11. Yea, as you understand, you have some running service which using 80 port on your PC. You can solve the issue in different ways: 1. Easy one Open settings of open server (click on Reg Flag -> Settings -> Server -> Port SEttings and change 80 port to any other number what you like in range 10000-65000 and click save. This is the easy way, you just change the port of your local webserver to a different number, that means if you will need to launch local site or get access to phpmyadmin, you should enter that port in the end of the address. This way of solving your case is not really good (to be clear it's really bad). So I suggest you totally different way, which a little bit harder, but correct below: 2. Hard one Download and install Process Hacker, the tool is safe, and you need that tool to identify WHICH program/service or I dunno utilize 80 port, to make proper actions later with this file. Than open process hacker, open network tab and in search field box enter 80 and find the app which using 80 port on your local machine. Identify what is that, is that service or process, and try to turn it off, or find a way how to turn it off / change it I dunno (depends on you what you wish to do with that). It can be Skype, it can be another process, I dunno, it can be I dunno what. So please make sure that you free 80 port before launching OpenServer (usually this port MUST NOT BE used if you do not have pre-installed web-server software on your pc (usually not).
  12. provide errors, screenshots, text, and so on. How can i help, if i don't see what is wrong? Use getsharex.com to make screenshots.
  13. Try to play with OpenSetup.exe (setup.exe) at LUA tab (not reg one), make sure you have downloaded full game client and update it. Plus make sure you choose correct resolution, and do not forget to play with your ATI driver settings. As far as i know RO does not have too much issues with radeon cards, because radeon still support old deprecated code, while nvidia has many issues with RO on modern cards and OS.
  14. First of all, I don't know where have you got VS 2010 C++ Express (its hard to find in current days). And it was very long ago when I tried to compile emulator with VS2010. Try VS 2010, if it does not work, something is incorrect. I suggest you install VS 2017 community (if you can), yes, the size is heavy (~7-8GB) but it will worth it (you can use it for up to date rAthena code compilations). And use _15.sln for it.
  15. Everything above is correct, looks like a hoster restriction against spam. Are you using any shared web hosting, or cPanel hosting? Usually such companies just lock mailing functions for avoiding spam.
  16. Current server-side files in the package as far as I remember - yes, you can. About the error - this is happened because of unsupported pallets for Doram Class. You must understand, each body sprite has their own name in data.grf (sprites without the head), for these body-sprites created .pal files which contains different color map. At screenshot as you see, you does not have pallets which were available for your previous job, for your current job. You can try manually fix it by trying copy-paste and rename it to a sprite which it want from you (when error appears just press CTRL+C and copy-paste text to any text editor, and read what sprite is want from you or pal, and try to create it).
  17. Hi, inside emulator folder find conf folder and open it. Inside the folder find map_athena.conf and char_athena.conf and edit these files. Replace in these files to save and close. It should help. If not, check your firewalls.
  18. Hi. The topic about a support for the newbie package, not about "everything in RO". And how adding items is not an easy thing to explain in few words, just check the link, and start to read a lot and do experiments, and do not forget to use GRF Editor to place in correct folder correct sprite. And this link: http://bfy.tw/FMcG
  19. Install Windows 8.1 SDK at Visual Studio Installer and the problem will be fixed.
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