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Gidz Cross

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Posts posted by Gidz Cross

  1. On 9/4/2023 at 10:44 AM, luizinhomt said:

    Good evening, would anyone know a way to restrict the use of the @pk command for 10 seconds if you are taking battle damage

    Ideally. @pk command should only work in towns. Not on the battlefield.

  2. I have this working custom BGM that works in my Client. But when i edit the mp3tags it doesn't play anymore. Some BGM i have have tags and they are working. Do we have a tool that properly converts any mp3 to be used in RO?

    BTW, I am editing tags via right click then put infos. I also tried online server such as https://tagmp3.net/

  3. 16 hours ago, K i n G said:

    Looking for MVP Script.

    If the MVP is alive PVP is on.
    If the MVP is die it will announce the killer of the Boss. Plus PVP is disabled.
    Also, may I request an MVP Board?

    Thanks a lot!

    I use this mod when mvp is alive 


  4. On 8/22/2023 at 5:19 PM, Harvin said:

    that was my account but I can no longer access it because some complication.

    you can try check if the *.@mob_id[N]* is exist to debug it why it doesn't work. or change code on part.

    or change the src code mod into


    	int id = script_getnum(st, 2);
    	int type = script_getnum(st, 3);
    	enum send_target target = script_hasdata(st, 4) ? (send_target)script_getnum(st, 4) : AREA;
    	struct block_list *bl = map_id2bl(id);
    	if (bl == nullptr)
    		ShowError("buildin_specialeffect: unknown game object with id %d.\n", type);
    		return SCRIPT_CMD_FAILURE;
    	if (type <= EF_NONE || type >= EF_MAX)
    		ShowError("buildin_specialeffect: unsupported effect id %d.\n", type);
    		return SCRIPT_CMD_FAILURE;
    	if (target == SELF)
    		map_session_data* sd;
    		if (!script_rid2sd(sd))
    			return SCRIPT_CMD_FAILURE;
    		clif_specialeffect_single(bl, type, sd->fd);
    	} else
    		clif_specialeffect(bl, type, target);



    and in your script

    OnKill1: specialeffect3 .@mob_id[1], 68, AREA; callsub OnSetWinner, .mob_id_2, "WALA";
    OnKill2: specialeffect3 .@mob_id[1], 68, AREA; callsub OnSetWinner, .mob_id_1, "MERON";


    Thank you so much for replying. When made changes based on this patch i finally have map error.


    When i rediff the initial patch. It somehow works! So Its working now! Thanks!

  5. On 1/27/2020 at 2:41 PM, Litro Endemic said:

    you can try this...


    	struct block_list *bl = NULL;
    	int id = 0;
    	int type = script_getnum(st,2);
    	enum send_target target = script_hasdata(st,3) ? (send_target)script_getnum(st,3) : AREA;
    	if (script_hasdata(st,4)) {
    		id = script_getnum(st,4);
    		bl = map_id2bl(id);
    	else {
    		bl = st->rid ? map_id2bl(st->rid) : map_id2bl(st->oid);
    	if(bl == NULL)
    		return SCRIPT_CMD_SUCCESS;
    	if( type <= EF_NONE || type >= EF_MAX ){
    		ShowError( "buildin_specialeffect: unsupported effect id %d\n", type );
    		return SCRIPT_CMD_FAILURE;
    	if (target == SELF) {
    		TBL_PC *sd;
    		if (script_rid2sd(sd))
    	} else {
    		clif_specialeffect(bl, type, target);



    usage example

    // GID examples...
    .@gid = getcharid(3);
    //.@gid = $@mobid[0];
    //.@gid = killerrid;
    //.@gid = killergid;
    specialeffect3 EF_HIT1,AREA,.@gid;


    Can you help me? It doesn't work to the script I am using. What seems to be missing here.


    OnKill1: specialeffect3 68, AREA, .@mob_id[1]; callsub OnSetWinner, .mob_id_2, "WALA";
    OnKill2: specialeffect3 68, AREA, .@mob_id[0]; callsub OnSetWinner, .mob_id_1, "MERON";

    I am using bg_monster

    	.@mob_id[0] = bg_monster(1, .map$, .meron_x, .meron_y, "MERON", .mob_id_1, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKill1");
    	.@mob_id[1] = bg_monster(2, .map$, .wala_x, .wala_y, "WALA", .mob_id_2, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnKill2");


  6. vlc_ZoQkrl2MJY.gif

    Heya. How do I make the winner get specialeffect 48 when it goes into OnKill1 or OnKill2? My scrip is like this

    OnKill1: callsub OnSetWinner, .mob_id_2, "MOB1";
    OnKill2: callsub OnSetWinner, .mob_id_1, "MOB2";

    I tried to do specialeffect 64; and

    OnKill1: specialeffect2 64; callsub OnSetWinner, .mob_id_2, "MOB1";

    it didn't work and it throws me player not attached error.


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