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Everything posted by Emistry

  1. Emistry

    adding pages

    create these files.. module > New Folder > New.php themes > New Folder > New.php config/application.php 'New Page' => array( 'Page 1' => array('module' => 'New Folder', 'action' => 'New'), ),
  2. try this ? prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ if( BaseLevel < 99 || JobLevel < 70 ){ mes "You need 99 Level and 70 Job Level to Rebirth."; }else{ mes "Do you want to rebirth ?"; if( select("Rebirth:Cancel") == 2 ) close; resetlvl 1; resetstatus; resetskill; set Rebirth,Rebirth + 1; set StatusPoint,StatusPoint + ( Rebirth * 100 ); mes "Done."; getitem 607,1; } close; OnNPCKillEvent: if( Rebirth ){ set .@Base, ( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,3 ) * 70 ) / 100; set .@Job, ( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,4 ) * 70 ) / 100; getexp -.@Base,-.@Job; } end; } the current setting should be reduce 70% or Monster EXP... for the EXP...i dunno how much you wanna reduce.. perhap give a clearer figure maybe i can help.. anyway..to make use of reduce the EXP per rebirth.. i think Source Mod would be better than using Script way.. because if we use script method... the only way i can think of it.. player get EXP , then use getmonsterinfo to get the monster's EXP and reduce the EXP from the character after he gain the exp. beside, if you want to reduce EXP per rebirth...i think you should provide what is the Limit of Rebirth that 1 character can have.. otherwise...a wrong calculation in reducing EXP might be malfunction ...>.<
  3. @chris there is some mistake typo in your above post.. perhap you are using a wrong Variable ?? if(getmapusers("map") < player_limit) i think it should be this right ? if(getmapusers("map") < .player_limit) @integral.. we dunno how you write your code.. if you want support for your script..then show it...
  4. erm..i see your script using alot of Permanent Global Variable... it is better not to use Permanent Global Variable to store this type of information or data... if you want..you can try script it like this way.. ( Untested Script due to my PC Messed up....my Test Server Gone.. ) prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ mes "Do you want to register for Team PK ?"; if( getarraysize( .TeamCount ) ){ for( set .@i,0; .@i < getarraysize( .TeamCount ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ) mes "[ ^FF0000"+getarraysize( .TeamCount )+"th Team^000000 ] : ^0000FF"+getpartyname( .TeamCount[.@i] )+"^000000"; } next; if( select("Register as "+( getarraysize( .TeamCount ) + 1 )+"th Team:Cancel") == 2 ) close; if( !getcharid(1) || getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) != getcharid(1) ){ mes "You must be a ^0000FFLeader^000000 of a party to register for this ."; close; } deletearray $@partymembercount,getarraysize( $@partymembercount ); deletearray $@partymembercid,getarraysize( $@partymembercid ); getpartymember getcharid(1),1; if( $@partymembercount != .RequiredMember ){ mes "Your party required total of ^FF0000"+.RequiredMember+"^000000 Members to register."; close; } if( getarraysize( .TeamCount ) >= .TeamLimit ){ mes "Sorry to inform you that there is no more Slot for you to register."; mes "Maximum of ^FF0000"+.TeamLimit+" Team^000000 each match."; close; } for( set .@i,0; getarraysize( .TeamCount ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ) if( getcharid(1) == .TeamCount[.@i] ){ mes "Sorry, you cant register twice in a match."; close; } set .TeamCount[ getarraysize( .TeamCount ) ],getcharid(1); announce "New Team Registered, "+getarraysize( .TeamCount )+"th Team is "+getpartyname( getcharid(1) )+" .",bc_map; mes "Your Team has been Registered."; mes "However, the Registration will be eliminate if there is not enough team sign up in the next minutes."; initnpctimer; close; OnTimer60000: if( getarraysize( .TeamCount ) < .TeamLimit ){ announce "[ Team PK ] : Cancelled due to not enough teams Register in given time.",0; deletearray .TeamCount,getarraysize( .TeamCount ); }else{ announce "[ Team PK ] : Match is going to start now. Prepare yourself..",0; for( set .@i,0; getarraysize( .TeamCount ); set .@i,.@i + 1 ) warpparty .Map$,0,0,.TeamCount[.@i]; } stopnpctimer; end; OnPCDieEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == .Map$ ){ announce "[ "+strcharinfo(0)+" ] killed by "+rid2name( killerrid )+" .",bc_map; warp "SavePoint",0,0; } end; OnInit: // How many Available team for PK set .TeamLimit,4; // How many Party Members required each teams set .RequiredMember,4; // What Map will be used set .Map$,"guild_vs5"; end; } anyway..based on your topic... i dunno how you want to determine which guild win..... >.<
  5. tried this ? skill "TK_SEVENWIND",-7; place at the OnUnEquip part
  6. LOL...today..8am wake up..and saw your comment again.. so surprise....because..i remember yesterday i did reply to your post ..>.< perhap my connection suck...it havent post the reply and i already closed it.. LOL this line.... - shop Emistry_Shop -1,512:1 no matter what you edit..it shouldnt be appear in the shop.... so it is useless to edit..and it is also advised to leave it alone if you dont know what you are doing with it.. the message in the console shown because... ur item default selling price is much more higher than the selling price you set inside the script.. the message are originally to inform you any possible of the item sellingby NPC could exploit your server.. because of the price selling is much more higher by the default price.. and player can farm zeny with this if this case really happen....
  7. Emistry

    Teleport NPC

    using too much atcommand script command might not as good as you think...
  8. instead of using mapwarp command.. i think you should just use a simple warp command.. because using mapwarp command may affect other users...especially who just get into the map or the timelimit is not reach for the other users..
  9. ? the script i provide above is a event that run in a rate of 50% ==''
  10. this is script support... based on your problem..we dunno why..because we dunno how you script the PVP Script.. Support section you have to provide your code..so that we can try debug it for you ~
  11. like you just mentioned.. event start in 50% rate.. 50% rate...it can be whole week / whole year / your whole life also wont start if everytime get the same rate.. so get use to it since you want it to be like this.. =='' wait 8 hour or even longer doesnt mean the event must work for 1 time or more..
  12. - shop Emistry_Shop -1,2121:1 this line is actually useless... no matter what you put it wont appear in the shop... but it is still advised not to touch this line if you dunno what it is... the error occur becoz the price you set in above line..is lower than the default selling price... just a warning message to inform you that this can be an exploit to your server if your NPC do sell this item with this price... and next time remember use CODEBOX for long content..or use pastebin or upload as attachment.. >.<
  13. Emistry

    Moving npc

    you can use these command *npcspeed <speed value>; *npcwalkto <x>,<y>; *npcstop; beside...if you want..you can try this way to make it "more animated" spam Player Evil Clone.... >.< it will walk randomly in the town but dont open PVP or GVG.... and..this is a terrible idea..xD
  14. use @trade ??? i remember there is a command for this... correct me if i am wrong
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