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Files posted by Emistry

  1. Free

    [SQL] Mission Board

    original topic : http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=242306
    this is actually a quite old topic , anyway i will just borrow the information written by Annieruru ..
    it's one of my favourite script back in eAthena,
    Credit to AnnieRuru and any other contributors from the pass....

    Installation :
    Just a basic simple instruction ...
    download the NPC script and install into your server
    download the [ SQL Table ] and load into youe mysql or phpmyadmin server.

    Basic Configuration :
    // gm level to access panel .gm_level = 90; // max no. of required monster .max_required_monster = 10; // max no. of required item .max_required_item = 10; // max no. of required mission ( un-implement yet ) .max_required_mission = 10; // max no. of available mission .max_mission_available = 50; // max value of integer input .max_integer_value = 30000; // max amount of mission per page .max_page_size = 30; // max mission per npc take by character .max_mission_per_char = 4;
    NPC Duplication :
    // the number behind the NPC name must be NUMBER with range of ( 1 ~ 500 )// the number should stay the same for eternity, if you change it frequently, it might affect your missions for each NPC.// ( to conclude, once you assigned the number, dont change it for the sake of your mission board ... )prontera,151,171,4 duplicate(mission_board) Mission A#1 837prontera,154,174,4 duplicate(mission_board) Mission B#2 837prontera,156,176,4 duplicate(mission_board) Mission C#3 837prontera,159,179,4 duplicate(mission_board) Mission D#4 837
    take note the number behind the NPC is the index of each NPC ....
    once you assigned an index to a NPC, try not to change it in the future, since missions are assigned based on these index number.
    What's New in this Version :
    each npc probably can have more than 40 missions.
    each NPC can have their own quests....or a quest that can share among any other NPCs.
    1 NPC can have many individual quests.
    All / Certain NPCs share the same quests.
    Only certains classes ( include inherited classes ) may do the quests. However, base classes are alway able to pick the quests.

    All the Quests will not be removed upon server restart / @reloadscript, which mean you dont have to re-setup all the quests everytime server restarted / reloaded.
    ** You may edit the required monsters for each mission, but will end up remove all the killing progress of each players who have taken the missions.
    Future TODO List :
    support party-assist , guild-assist to completing the quests .
    pre-requisite mission or so-called chain missions.
    custom variable as rewards.

    ( you may tell me if you have any ideas to improve this script )
    Screenshots :

    just a scratching script and havent spent really much time to debug every single lines ...overall it still work fine ...( still on holiday mood + school started again )
    the structure of the scripts might look messy and hard to read .. >.< ... didnt really plan well on the structure of the scripts. ( Emistry suck on planning )
    There are some bugs i guess ... but i not really so sure is it come from this script or will it really bring big effect to the servers..
    when playing with this script .... i think my char will failed to connect to server everytime I relog , does any of you facing this problem when using this script ??
    AnnieRuru and other member who good at scripts, time for lecturers ...



  2. Free

    72 RO Skin Packs

    These files are not created by me. I just found someone share a complete package of it on facebook. Thank him/her for collecting all these Skin across the world wide web, I believe some skin files was updated or fixed by him/her.
    So, I'll just provide a text file that contain the link to download these files from my dummy OneDrive Folder.
    Album Preview : http://imgur.com/a/b1MHG
    Installation Guide :
    Pick any RO Skin that you like and Download it to your PC/Laptop. Extract the files using 7-Zip / WinRar / WinZip / etc. Copy and paste the extracted files into the %System%/kRO/Skin/ folder. Again, I don't own any of these files. I just sharing the files. None of these are commercial items.
    Please insert / remain the credits in case you know who're them.
    Thank you.



  3. Free

    Advanced Stylist

    Original idea of this script : http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=148888
    Well, this was my favourite stylist script in eAthena ....xD

    Since i got some time, and lately received a request on editing a stylist npc script. So i come with with the idea to add some minor features or enhance the original script. The script are written from scratch...
    A very quick and simple intro for the script,
    Able to nagivate styles easily ( Forward, Backward, Jump ).
    Able to blacklist certain style for each style group and separately by Gender.
    Removed save / load features since not really useful.
    Enable Zeny as payment for the services.
    Able to enable any of the 3 services. ( Hairstyle, Hair Color, Cloth Color )
    Support multiple type of Currency Payment. ( Item , Cash Points , Zeny and etc )

    ( If any style was blacklisted, a default style will be displayed )
    The script are rewrited and clean up some unecessary parts.
    Credits :



  4. Free

    Aurora Age - Skin Packs

    A skin packs that I found in TWRO forum, made by a user named crystalchan.
    This skin package consists of ~10 recoloured skin, and 1 YoRha (Nier Automata) theme skin.
    Unfortunately, the skin pack are all translated in chinese language, most likely are usable only to those who can read chinese.
    Full Preview: https://imgur.com/a/I8w9FPO
    How to use:
    Extract the folder and put them in the /Skin/ folder or add it into the GRF  
     You're free to share with everyone but do not monetize the contents in any way! 
    These materials are meant for study or research purpose.
    Use these at your own risk, and always give credit to original author.
    Thank you.



  5. Free

    Build Manager

    A NPC that allow your Characters to Switch Build from time to time.
    Players are able to save his current status build , so that he/she can switch back to the saved build whenever he/she want.
    Players no need to keep memorize their status build upon changed.
    Configuration :
    // maximum build player can store (0 = disable) .max_build = 3; // check player weight limit before switching stat (0 = disable) .check_weight_limit = 1;  



  6. Free


    Original Topic: http://herc.ws/board/topic/16037-campfire-to-regenerate-hpsp/
    Herc Script Link : https://pastebin.com/fksPdpFQ
    The Idea:
    Camp Fire to restore / regenerate HP & SP.
    When you sit by the Camp fire, you start feeling the warmth and the comfort, so your HP & SP begin to regenerate.
    How to use :
    1. add the source mode provided in the script. (or here)
    2. make a usable item_db with these bonus script.
    callfunc("func_CreateCampFire", <range>, <duration>, <heal_rate>); // create campfire callfunc("func_UpdateCampFire", <range>, <duration>, <heal_rate>); // update the campfire duration/heal rate.  
    Credits : @Dastgir & @Radian for the src mod and @Habilis for the idea



  7. Free

    Chain Quest

    This Script allow users to setup a Chained Quest in a simplest way.
    The NPC will reward the player 1 item that specified in the script for every part of the Quests he/she finished.
    Limit Of Quest Required Items can add to max of 60+ .
    Configuration :

    Case <Number>: ChainedQuest( <RewardID>,<Amount>, <Zeny>, <RequiredItem>,<Amount>,......,<RequiredItem>,<Amount> );
    Case <X> where X refer to part of the Quest.



  8. Free

    Class Restriction

    This is a script that Prevent / Block certain job from entering specific maps.
    Configuration : (v2)
    Refer to db/[pre-]re/job_noenter_map.txt



  9. Free

    Coin Exchanger

    A NPC that enable players to change Zeny & Coins easily...
    Available Exchange Options :
    Zeny to CoinsCoins to Zeny
    Configurations :
    // server max zeny.max_zeny = 1000000000;// coin list + name + valuesetarray .coin_name$,"Silver","Gold","Mithril";setarray .coin_id,675,671,674;setarray .value,10000,1000000,100000000;
    Credits : @AnnieRuru



  10. Free

    Custom Kafra Illust

    Original Topics : TW Gamer Forum
    Give credits to original author in the forum / like their topics if you like their artworks.



  11. Free


    A Script that enable Player to save his/her current Job Class Data and then able to switch back to what he had saved at any time they want.
    This will allow players to player multiple job class within 1 single Character.
    Configuration :
    OnInit: set .MaxSlot,3; end;   and...please make sure to run this query in your SQL.
    ALTER TABLE `char_reg_str` CHANGE COLUMN `value` `value` TEXT NOT NULL ;   Topic Detail :
    * Use at your own risk. Do backup. *
    Thank you :
    @Peopleperson49  @goddameit



  12. Free

    DotA Runes

    I believe most of you have heard of this or seen this before in DotA ( Defend of the Ancient )
    Well, this script work alike with the Runes System you seen in the DotA.
    It will give players a Buff / Bonus Randomly .
    Video Preview :

    Configuration :
    OnInit: // Runes Duration in Seconds set .duration,60; // Name of Each Runes. setarray .name$[0], "Double Damage", // 2 x ATK Rate "Invisibility", // Cloaking "Regeneration", // HP / SP Regeneration "Self Clone", // Create 2 Clones "Unlimit Haste"; // Improve Movement Speed // npc sprite switching if any. setarray .npc_sprite, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116; // Random Coordinate where NPC will Shown Again setarray .CoordinateX[0],150,155; setarray .CoordinateY[0],175,175;
    Add in more cases if you add extra Buff / Bonus. ( make sure edit the .names$ Array also )
    switch( .runes ){ case 0: // 2x ATK / MATK sc_start SC_INCATKRATE,( .duration * 1000 ),100; sc_start SC_INCMATKRATE,( .duration * 1000 ),100; break; case 1: // Invisible skill "AS_CLOAKING",10,1; sc_start SC_CLOAKING,( .duration * 1000 ),10; break; case 2: // Restore sc_start4 SC_REGENERATION,( .duration * 1000 ),-10,1,0,0; break; case 3: // Clone getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,0,strcharinfo(0) ); clone .@map$,.@X,.@y,"",getcharid(0),getcharid(0),"",1,.duration; clone .@map$,.@X,.@y,"",getcharid(0),getcharid(0),"",1,.duration; break; case 4: // Haste sc_start SC_SpeedUp1,( .duration * 1000 ),0; break; default: end; }



  13. Free


    This is a NPC that enable Players to Write a Message and send to GM Team.
    GM Team are allow to reply to the Messages written by Players.
    There will be notification upon login if there is any New Messages.
    Make sure you have loaded this SQL Table before the NPC is used in your Server.

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `E-Inquiry` ( `ID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `Sender_ID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `Sender_Name` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', `Title` text, `Message` text, `Status` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0', `Inquiry_Time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `Reply` text, `Reply_Time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', `Reply_Name` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;
    Topic Detail :



  14. Free

    Farm Zone

    This is a script that Allow Player to Farm / Hunt items from monsters in shortest Time.
    All item that gain inside the Farm Zon are limited by Scripts. Normal Monster / MVP inside the Farm Zone will not drop any Items.
    Currently the Monster summon are random based on Bloody Branch / Dead Branch
    Configuration :

    // Maximum Player can join per X Minutes. set .MaxPlayers,5; // Adding X Minutes of Delay before can go in again. set .DelayMin,15; // Maximum Hunt Limit per round inside the Zone. set .MaxItemLimit,200; // Map that will be used in thos Zone. set .Map$,"guild_vs5"; // Clear Map Every X Minutes. set .RoomCleanMin,15;
    Item Drops List :

    // Normal Monster in Zone Drops Lists if( getarg(0) == 0 ) setarray .ItemList[0],13989,14232,13517,7139,12033,12016,14534; // Normal Boss in Zone Drops Lists if( getarg(0) == 1 ) setarray .ItemList[0],14536,12912,12267,12266,14601,13830,13831,13832,13833;
    Monster Spawn List :

    monster .Map$,0,0,"[ Farm Zone ] Resident",-1,80,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnNormalKill"; monster .Map$,0,0,"[ Farm Zone ] Guardian",-3,5,strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBossKill";
    Reward Setting :

    RandomizeItem( <Mode>,<Amount> );
    Mode : 0 = Boss / 1 = Normal Monster



  15. Free

    Flower Counting Game

    This is a Mini Game that required players / participants to count for the Correct Amount of Monster specific by NPC.
    The NPC will show a group of monsters specified by Scripts and will Select a Monster within it.
    All player have to do is .... calculate the Answer and SHOUT IT OUT !!!
    The Game will auto Restart if any Players killed 1 of these Monsters.
    Configuration :
    // Min. GM Level to access GM Panelset .GMLevel,80;// Game Locationset .Map$,"prontera";// Monster ID Listssetarray .MonsterList[0],1084,1085;// Winners Answer Delay ( Not advised for High Value )set .Delay,10;// Spam Prevention ( Not advised for High Value )set .Spam,3;// How many roundsset .MaxRound,2;// Area Coordination <x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>;setarray .Coordinate,153,146,159,153;
    Reward :

    // Rewards ...setarray .Reward$[0], "#CASHPOINTS","100", "Zeny","100000", "7227","10", // "CustomVariable","100000", // "#CustomVariable","100000", "7539","100";
    Reminder :
    Use those Monster that are NOT AGGRESIVE & CANT MOVE
    Otherwise, you server will flooded by Monsters.



  16. Free

    GM Online List

    This Script will display to players a list of GM in this server.
    Configuration :
    OnInit: .min_group_id = 1; .afk_second = 300; end;



  17. Free

    GM Rewarder - Shop-based

    Introduction :
    I made this script roughly early of last year( Jan 2015), quite an old script that left unused in my laptop.
    "GM Rewarder" script become much more popular and widely used across the private service, it was first introduced as "Itemizer" script and made by @Latheesan back in eAthena era.
    Many types of Rewarder npc pop up since then. However, some server still having issue with "corruption" due to untraceable records that was removed by NPC if available, or GM often send rewards to their own characters. Beside, most of the Rewarder NPC that exist in forum required more steps/works to create multiple rewards to send to specific players.
    Right after I made this
    , I decided to play around with Rewarder NPC using same type of features, mainly ease in use.So I am here to share this script to everyone.
    Differences :
    NPC that enable GM to setup rewards and sent to players in ease.
    It allow only GM can send multiple rewards to player, only if GM has that items with them.
    Only players able to claim the rewards.
    All transactions will be recorded, even if GM "deleted" the history, it still exist in database.

    * HHooooorayyy, it's my 8000th posts in rAthena

    Notes :
    There are actually got several unique ways to use/improve this NPC. I dont want to spoonfeed to much, so I will just leave this part to your own imagination/creativity.
    However, if you wish to share your idea to use/improve this NPC with the rest of the community, feel free to leave a comment in this topics.
    Who knows, I might implement your idea into this NPC in case I find it suitable with it.



  18. Free

    Hairstyle Package

    This package are currently contains around 90~100 hairstyles for both male/female character.
    I obtained these from various sources like old eAthena, rAthena, Hercules, TheSpriteRepository and other member who shared these sprites with me etc.
    I don't remember who exactly made each of the sprites, or who even shared these... tell me if you know who are them.
    If any of these hairstyles are custom work that are meant for private use, kindly contact me, so that I could remove it from the listing.
    I do have more than this amount, but since my current test client (2018-06-20) can only support up to 100 sprites, so I randomly picked 100 and only upload it here.
    It included the default 31 hairstyle from kRO, but I think I replaced the 1~20+ hairstyles from JRO which dyed the hair  in dark color, the rest are custom hair styles.
    How to use:
    You can either merge the provided GRF into your own GRF Load it as another individual GRF using the DATA.ini file Extract it and put it in your Data folder * Depend on your client hexed with whatever settings. Search forum for all these guides.
     You're free to share with everyone but do not monetize the contents in any way! 
    These materials are meant for study or research purpose.
    Use these at your own risk, and always give credit to original author.
    If there exists issue with sprite file, for example: sprite misalignment, error, etc, kindly ask help from any member who have knowledge with sprite edit.
    If there exists issue with palette color file, for example: messed up color, error, etc, kindly ask help from any member who have knowledge with palette color edit.
    Fun Fact:
    Do you know you can actually combine all male and female hairstyle (including doram) to create a list of universal hairstyles that could be used by any gender of player and doram? 



  19. Free

    Healer - Selective Buff

    A healer that allow player to receive the buffs they want.
    Player could decide the combination of buff they want.

    * Notes: For demo purpose, I only write a simple script to demo the rough idea, imagine the buff system you could do with your own creative imagination. 
    Feel free to share with us if you have any nice idea.



  20. Free

    Infinity Gauntlet - Snap

    Spoiler Alert !!! 
    The following content consists of info for the recent Avengers: Endgame movie. 
    View and download at your own discretion, I am not responsible for anything if you're so weak heart and so easily get spoiled with such contents.
    Real fans never afraid of spoiler contents! 
    Use at your own risk ....
    Mirror Link: https://pastebin.com/6GX0LmW2



  21. Free

    iRO - Ben Recycle NPC

    Ben Recycle  in Prontera allows players to turn certain equipment into Rough Elunium and Rough Oridecon.
    How to use:
    func_AddItem(<equipment_id>, <item1>, <amount1>, <item2>, <amount2>); // WEAPONS func_AddItem(1421, 757, 4, 756, 4); func_AddItem(1822, 757, 2, 756, 2); func_AddItem(1625, 757, 5, 756, 5); func_AddItem(1819, 757, 3, 756, 3); func_AddItem(1269, 757, 4, 756, 4); func_AddItem(1142, 757, 3, 756, 3); func_AddItem(1624, 757, 5, 756, 5); func_AddItem(1626, 757, 5, 756, 5); func_AddItem(13404, 757, 5, 756, 5); func_AddItem(13027, 757, 6, 756, 6); func_AddItem(1821, 757, 1, 756, 1); func_AddItem(1268, 757, 5, 756, 5); // ARMORS func_AddItem(2422, 757, 3, 756, 3); func_AddItem(2104, 757, 1, 756, 1); func_AddItem(5124, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(2406, 757, 3, 756, 3); func_AddItem(5122, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(5126, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(2504, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(2353, 757, 15, 756, 15); func_AddItem(2514, 757, 6, 756, 6); func_AddItem(2404, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(2315, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(2102, 757, 2, 756, 1); func_AddItem(2114, 757, 2, 756, 2); Additional:
    // if enable shop UI (only work if items can sell to npc shop) .shop_npc$ = "ben_recycle_shop#iro";  
    Mirror Link: https://pastebin.com/cCBdevB5



  22. Free

    iRO Spooky machine - Refine Event

    Introduction :
    Talk to the machine and it will give you a Cracked Buckler shield. Equip the shield and talk to the machine.
    It will attempt to upgrade it as high as it will go. Depending on what upgrade level the item breaks at you will get a free item! If the buckler is upgraded to +10 or higher it gives a mystery costume!

    References :
    Official Website
    IRO Wiki



  23. Free

    Item Collector NPC / Item Sink Strategy

    Introduction :
    The NPC is designed to accept items from players, with contributions being non-recoverable but meticulously logged. A straightforward ranking system showcases players based on their item contributions. Game Masters have the flexibility to leverage and reset these rankings for custom events or creative initiatives at their discretion.

    **  Consider this a deviously delightful item sinking event for your server, complete with devilish flair and strategic mischief. 



  24. Free

    Limited Items

    This script will limit the inventory of player if the player bring exceeded limitation items into the map.
    For Example :
    Configuration :
    // func_Add( <gm_level_to_bypass>, <map_name>, <item1>,<max_amount1>,....,<itemX>,<max_amountX> ); func_Add( 100,"prontera", 501,1,502,2,503,3,504,5 ); func_Add( 100,"payon", 501,1,502,2,503,3,504,5 ); func_Add( 100,"izlude", 501,1,502,2,503,3,504,5 ); func_Add( 100,"prt_fild08", 4001,1,4002,3,4003,0,504,5 ); Positive = Player can only bring Maximum of that amount of items. 0 = Totally Disabled, player cant bring any of it.



  25. Free

    LMPQ - Ludi Maze Party Quest

    This LMPQ exists in MapleStory, I am just copy the idea of how it work, and try to port it into RO.
    However, its far from perfect, originally I planned to get a custom map with x-mas theme, something like toy factory since it kinda match with MapleStory's Ludibrium town/dungeons. 
    But plan failed, tried to approach several person to help me with some of the client side stuff, but not everyone have the free time or interested or maybe not willing to work on free maps/clientside release nowaday.
    Anyhow, maybe you could just replace with your own custom map, or even better if you could share with everyone like I share the scripts. The more the merrier!
    So, if anyone willing to help me with custom maps/client side edit, let me know ? . Sometime collaborating with others could make great contents for release to other member.
    How it work:
    The objective of this party quest is to collect at least a certain tickets by killing monsters and to reach Ludibrium Maze 16 (henceforth known as Room 16).  Navigating through the maze needs a firm foundation of how the rooms operate. When you have successfully entered into the maze, your party will be thrown into a random room. Each type of monster drops a random amount of tickets at certain rate. Some rooms consists of mystery treasure box that summon monsters upon destroyed. These summoned monster has better loot value,  which are important factor to complete the PQ in a short period of time. The more passes you have, the more experience points you will obtain at the end of the PQ. There exists trick to conquer this PQ in a very short duration, I'm not gonna reveal/spoil how is it, and l'll just leave it to you to explore it.
    Mirror Link : Pastebin



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