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Posts posted by Olrox

  1. Briefing & Concept

    Hi guys.

    It has been a while I have showed something here. Today I'm glad to share this map for every server that mights to implement something probably never seen before: a custom woe map.





    All we know about morroc. Some people might know that the Alpha Ragnarok released by Gravity a long of years ago, included a Alpha Morroc Castle which was a pretty lame map however, it was interesting.

    Since the past year I was working on free times on a castle map based in morroc and made as an edition of an official WoE 2.0 map (to keep the standards of area sizes etc) Now you can finally have it.


    About this map
    So, what do we have new on this map?

    Iset a Morroc Castle is, a castle map based in officials. Guilds in a lot of servers around the world takes really seriously WoEs so, being the first custom castle map I was doing before, I thought it was better to preserve the main terrain areas of an official castle.

    This map doesn't has any custom 3D models. And I'm sure it is one of the best I've done so far. This shows that good maps can be done by using RO textures/rsm data. However I have to mention that this map is using alpha resources of Ragnarok (named as adata.grf) which are included in the pack of this.

    On the other hand, the work on lights of this map was pretty a lot and very well calculated. For instance: the blue lights that shows as they are comming out of the hieroglyphics walls of those sarcofagons on.

    Video! ... Watch it in 1080p!



    HD Screenshots


    Color Palettes Sponsored by @KamiShi
    Drooping Olrox Hat Sponsored by @Adel




    Screens are in Full 1920x1080 HD resolution. You can allways hit the image thumbnaill to check the images on full size, and check some details that can only be appreciated in HD resolution.

    Panoramic Screenshot 1
    I find this view very beautiful it is a panoramic main entrance view.


    Panoramic Screenshot 2
    Another panoramic that shows all the north rooms.


    Barricade Area 1
    First area of the castle, the first barricade guardian stones that comes by repairing both guardian stones. It has a lot of work with lights. Inspired in Sphinx which you can commonly see this kind of mazes.


    Guardian Stone 1
    Shows the guardian stone of the left.


    After entrance place.
    This part comes after you defeath the 2 guardian stones. You have to "climb" this area to lead to the second barricade guards. You can be no casted behind the walls, although, people can cast to you from the under level parts (nowalkable no snipe cells)


    Carnivore Sand Hole
    I still remember the old times when WoE 1.0 Castles were unique and they had funny things (like aldebaran castle that had a random warp portal) Well ... my castle comes with something like that. This place inspired in the sograt desert shows a hole, that if you touch it, you get warped out of the castle with a lot of damage on your character!


    Pre-emperium place
    Inspired in a castle of yuno, this place shows a small abyss on the lower part and small laberynth to move on it. You can cast from the lower and upper part making the castle pretty dynamic to defend at this place.


    Emperium Room
    The emperium Room. I had to totally use a lot of imagination to build this one as this way. Last we have a tribute to the "dimensional gore" which you can see this kind of sand tentacles raising from the ground. Here it looks as they are almost touching the emperium, pretty nice. A small bridge shows the connection from south parth (commonly connection seen in WoE SE structures)


    This map was a very self work I was doing in the 2012 year. It was not serious until I took my time because a lot of people were interested on it, and now I finally finished it.

    If you ask me the amount of work was a lot; not only at the design, so as the technical stuff as "shootable" cells or not. Also, as you can tell, the map shows guardian stones/barricades/flags etc, which means it comes with a WoE 2.0 eAthena script/castle db full working, so as the script of the hole, and Instructions for everything. Although I have to say that sadly, I don't have a rA version for this (I'm not a scripter) but being a eA one, you can easily merge it to rA, brA or any other emu you have.

    This map will is available in rA downloads, although mind you that it will not be for free, I truly can't afford that since it was an insane amount of work.

    In the next days I'm going to show other works that finally I have been able to complete; They are pretty awesome maps that you will love. Also I have to say also that other pending map requests I have from quite some time, will be completed very soon just as this one was.

    Comments or Ideas are always welcome. Also if you support this, other maps can be possible for instance: A niflheim WoE 2.0 castle, which could be a nice thing to offer.

    • Upvote 2
  2. File is updated to support 2012 without the error people reported although please read:

    If you use 2012 clients, you must beware that animation is not supported to these clients yet. To avoid an error, please install the files in 2012 directory inside the pack and the map will run just normal, but without animation.


    ---->  http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2844-ufc-strikeforce-pvp-arena/


    besides than this, the map works just fine in 2012 clients. I hope we will have a fix for animated rsm for these clients soon, but for now, it was more urgent to bring the map functional to 2012 clients.


    Everyone that bought the map please download the file again, and just install it.

  3. Seems that somehow 2012-04-10 gives a crash with the TV. I've tested the Arena with a heavy amount of 2011 clients and it works fine.


    Yesterday someone reported me to this, so I'm doing a fix to this pack (if possible) and I'm updating the file trough this week. Gonna send you a PM once this version is up.


    Kinda a weird case. From the beginning of the RO times, all we know that rsm+gnd+gat+rsw works with any kind of client date. Now suddenly, that rule doesn't apply somehow in this case. Very interesting.


    Anyway I have a lot of ways to look for a fix to this. Just allow me time.

  4. I have tried quite a lot of times using the opensetup and the Lua support.


    When I do the changes (disable sound and bgm for ex.) and apply the effects, after opening my client (2011-03-15 which reads data directory and Lua before Lub) the sound and bgm resets and it plays.


    I looked at data/optioninfo.lua and seems there is no change.


    Although if I edit the data/Optioninfo.lua with notepad and save it, (all manual) then, all is fine... any clues?


    Edit: Just found that opensetup edits: savedata/optioninfo.lua although this is useless to my client since, mine reads the one inside data. And by trying to remove read data folder first, it even resists to reads savedata/optioninfo.lua.

  5. Sorry by the necro post, but, I guess I know what is happening here (since I had this issue quite a while) Also I can see people looking at this thread, so perhaps they are looking for this solution.


    I think your issue is cause the character you are testing doesn't has the permanent variable named as: "jobchange_level" which is checked at the time you distribute skill points in a character.


    That means if you do a skill reset, or you change a job manually by GM command then, you are bypassing this variable, and, thats the reason the character can bypass skills.


    ^ All of these is about eAthena server. Dunno about in rA

  6. Hmm


    This is something I have never tried but... theorically, the only change that the rev 586 does to fix the blackspots comes at the gnd (since it is the file that manages ground, lightmaps)


    And your issue is cause the rsw (ragnarok world map, handles the models)


    Try this: (dont forget to have your map backups!)


    The following idea is by making the example your map is named as "yourmap" and, it is located under "data/"


    1 - Make a backup of your map, (copy it to: data/backup/)

    2 - Open your original map in browedit 620

    3 - Use clear model tool

    4 - Save it


    After saving:


    1 - Open your map with browedit 558

    2 - Re save it


    And then ...


    1 - Copy yourmap.rsw from data/backup to the original data/

    2 - Replace.



    After that ... test in game. Dunno if this will work rly.

    • Upvote 1
  7. You are using custom 3d models isn't it? (I can tell by looking at those lamps)


    Browedit rev 586 tends to crash with custom rsm, (something I've encountered only by xarple's tool) and it is something that rev 620 doesn't.


    Try this:


    1 - Do a backup of your map

    2 - Open it in browedit 620

    3 - Use clean map edit tool

    4 - select only to clean objects

    5 - save your map

    6 - Try to open it in browedit 586


    ^ If this works then do this:


    1 - Find and extract any dummy rsm model in your data.grf

    2 - Make a backup of your custom rsm model

    3 - replace your custom rsm model, with the dummy rsm you extracted from data.grf

    4 - Bring back the map backup you did

    5 - Now open the map with browedit 586



    After you re-save with browedit 586, then, bring back your rsm model backup and test in game.

  8. I dunno why but when I saw this map, it felt so huge to me, almost infinite! O_O


    It really look awesome, I barely recall naruto but it can definitely say it was like that!




    (And thanks a lot again for the palette thing. /lv )


    <3 you shut up <3



    one more time !!
    ​super mega splendid


    Thanks william!




    :D thank you man




    indeed :3




    Thank you a lot


    awesome nice work





    @ontopic: seems a lot of people liked this one, I'm really glad with that :D

  9. GODLIKE! 

    as always i love your work Olrox keep it up :)




    10/10, great job, 

    i love how you kept the official layout, also gj on the models and other details

    Thanks snow <3 


    Wow o.o This is just..wow. It is amazing! I am speechless :x

    seriously, how long did it take you to make this map? It looks just like the Actual Konoha village from the anime.


    It took me some weeks, but in hours of work maybe 48 hours total. Thank you a lot Adel!


    I usually don't comment on graphics works, but this is just brilliant. o_o


    Indeed you never do <3! Im quite surprised, thanks for commenting!


    Very cool ^ ^ I think a lot of naruto fans would want to get that map xD


    only a small doubt, why the objects seem like paper?

    Thanks. That is because models are very low poly, and, actually, in the anime they dont have too much details like to say they are complex buildings.
  10. I bet that the OpenGL change is way too hard to switch at this point of work. Borf has been working a lot in the new browedit with the OpenGL actual ver.

    Sorry about that, but I'm sure all of this is for having a more powerful map editor. If you ask me, it runs like a charm.

    • Upvote 1

  11. Briefing & Concept

    Hello folks :D

    I'm back with a map I did quite a some time ago. I was not able to show it since the heavy amount of work I'm having ATM. I consider this a good map, worth enough to be in a showcase thread.



    The first image of reference of this town I did, was, the idea of having a map with kinda sunset style lights. The decoration of the map is also present in the first image of reference , that is, a lot of lightpost, wooden flags, etc.

    The second image of reference shows how konoha looks like in a panoramic view. The idea was to have buildings really close to each other.


    About this map
    So, what do we have new on this map?

    Konoha is, a medium size map, which has some good extras I have tried so far.

    It has real Naruto Models I edited myself and, I have to say I poolished the textures to have a more RO style (bitmap shadows).

    This map has new features, (The part that most of people waits :D) Although it is nothing really special, it is possible to use High Jump on the building's roofs... just as how it is in the real anime.

    Another thing I have to mention is the addition of the Hokages in the background of the map. I bet, Konoha city would not be Konoha without these awesome guys!


    Video! ... Watch it in 720p!

    HD Screenshots
    Color Palettes Sponsored by @KamiShi
    Drooping Olrox Hat Sponsored by @Adel

    Screens are in Full 1920x1080 HD resolution. You can allways hit the image thumbnaill to check the images on full size, and check some details that can only be appreciated in HD resolution.

    Beautiful Panoramic
    Awesome screenshot comes at first. The Sky is just a PS edition for a decorative screen I did :P


    Overview 2


    Overview 3


    Overview 4


    Overview 5


    Overview 6


    Area View 1
    One of the things I got back to take care of, are the small details. This screen shows an example of very small details as boxes, foods, etc.


    Area View 2
    Using High jump on some houses. You can walk across the houses using this skill...


    Area View 3
    This small area recreates the hotsprings.


    Area View 2
    In game View of the Hokages


    That is all for now. Personally I like how this town became. I'm not sure if this is the first konoha out there.

    This project I'm working for is aiming to have other Villages from Naruto, It is kinda a big project and I hope I will have enough time to finish all the request from this guy.

    Comments or Ideas are always welcome. Thanks a lot for your time, and I wish to all to you a nice weekend!
    • Upvote 11
    • Love 1
  12. ¿¿Nadíe se ha intentado traducir los textos y compartirlo con la comunidad??


    De que lo han traducido yo creo que quiza? ... pero de que lo han compartido, yo creo que no... la comunidad española de RO no es de muy compartir que se diga; o de organizarse en algo que ayude a los demás.



    ¿Porqué mejor no subirlo en script releases en ingles? Ya he visto que la gente solicita un poco de ayuda en algunos releases, y la gente apoya. En tu caso, solo es el hecho de traducir, osea, el trabajo ya esta más que hecho; estoy muy seguro que más de alguno traduciria y publicaría la traduccion.

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