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Posts posted by Olrox

  1. After you convert 3ds to rsm, you have to go to rsm editor in brow, and open your generated rsm model.


    In the screen you'll see only white, cause the model doesn't have textures. Look to the right pannel and you will see the names of your original 3ds files (or sorth of them) What you have to do is, in order beginning from the first click each of the boxes, and find your custom texture. then continue until you finish. Remember, it is in order.


    Then save it

  2. For:

    1 - You forgot to mention about editing: browedit/data/texturescustom.txt and add there your custom textures, following the examples on it. If you didn't make this, I'm sure this is the reason why you can't see your textures in brow.

    2 - The UV Mapping is attached to the geometry of your model. If you downloaded that model from the internet, probably you will have the UVW mapping included, but, sometimes it isn't. To be sure, go to 3DS Max, select your model ---> Modifiers ---> Unwrap UVW. Then in the right panel, go to "Open UV Editor" and look if there is any data in the UV viewport. If there isn't any, that means your model is missing UVW mapping.

    In case it is missing it, you will have to UVW Map your model for each perspective, although just for a Front view is the most of cases enough.

  3. @Saisho

    Nothing more, I'm already giving you support in the other thread you did in Graphics Support, (I'm waiting you for some files) please take a look there :P


    There is a tutorial left about Xarple's tool, that is the RSM to FBX (useful to add animation to RO models, or, edit RO models in 3D). Our issue is, that, Xarple's tool has a bug I already reported him here ---> http://rathena.org/board/topic/77926-tool-rsm-converter-12/?p=184029

    I believe this man is really busy and as you can see, he has not appeared yet. However, I have good news: Yesterday I found a way to get ride of the issue mentioned... as easy as just use notepad ++ and do some replacements in a generated file.

    This will be really helpful. Because before the only way to fix the issue I'm talking with Xarple's tool, was, by, dissamble the meshes of the model into separate models and apply 1 texture to each part, then, redo all the UVW Maps. This was hard, and time consuming for each model, but with my method, you can do this in seconds.

    In the other hand; I've been editing the rAthena Wiki - Modeling, an article that was almost null with no info since years... but I'm on my way of changing this.

    So, wait for the next tutorial about RSM to FBX, which will explain my way of fixing the bug I'm mentioning.

  4. that error in browedit has only appeared to me when I use a parented model.

    Perhaps you can share:

    - The 3ds Max Scene.

    - The FBX

    - The rsm

    Please attach textures preserving the textures path.

  5. I've always wondered about how possible it was for someone to do a conversion. I'm really impressed of your renewal to pre-renewal proposal. 


    I know this is a custom thing, but, I'm sure most pre-renewal servers would appreciate to have some renewal dungeons just for leveling up and to have fun killing new mobs/mvp (so as enjoying new maps) . A database release like this would be awesome, in case you are considering to do some conversions as releases.

  6. @Saisho


    You missed one thing that is very well explained in my tutorial. Browedit crashes if you try to load a parented model, although in game they just work fine. You have to use a no-parented model in browedit to position the models in your maps, save and use the parented one to test game.


    Check my tutorial again.


    Edit: Also if you made the models by yourself; dont forget to have - UVW Mapping Modifier present in your FBX Model.

  7. The problem about the a texture of only 1 letter at the 3DS, happens only with 3ds Max 2013.


    You can, export your model from 3ds Max 2013 to 3ds, then, import it to Max 7, 8, or 9, either one.  If it shows a warning, skip it.


    After that try again, and the textures will no longer appear as a 1 letter, and they will be correct.


    About the model being invisible, maybe it is cause the textures issue I already told you how to handle. But, in case even it doesnt appears by the correct textures ... then, I'm sure it has a enormous size that is even, the model is out of your the sight of your camera. In that case, resize it kinda 75% of the size of the default grid of 3ds Max.

  8. @Saisho


    1- Ragnarok RSM animation only supports: mesh movement and rotation. Other kind of animations as in 3ds Max (bmp sequence, AVI, resizing, or that kind of things) are not supported. <--- However in one map I did, I added a sequence of some images. You can do this by applying different textures to different layers in 3ds max and moving them in front of each other very quick in a small distance... I know it is a rough way but, there is no another :D


    2 - I did a tutorial how to export animation of custom rsm models, it is pinned in this forum


    3 - it is not possible to animate lights sadly. At least not in the normal way

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  9. Hey, nice one. Being the first map from scratch and even adding a beach is awesome. I like the blue colors too :D

    Although, I remember you asked in support about lights. Why they are missing? this map would be awesome with the addition of shadows :P



    Oh my bad /swt, I see the shadows in the beach now. But It is hard to notice them in the town in my opinion.

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