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Everything posted by Rivers

  1. I added everything into the server but when I go to type any of the commands it tells me there is no such thing, and it also doesn't give rewards or points. Any idea what's wrong with it?
  2. Oh my gosh, thanks for pointing that out. I thought I already filled that in... xD
  3. Good day, I am trying to get this basic quest to check for both Items and Zeny, as a simple gathering quest. When I go to the NPC with only zeny in-hand, he accepts it and finishes the quest for me without checking the items, even though I think I have the check items there and then he goes to a blank dialogue box with no options to close. Any ideas? //===== Heroes of Vanaheim Online ======================================= //= Poring Ring Quest //============================================================ prontera,147,211,3 script Recovery Project 419,{ setarray .@Items[0],itemID,qnty; set .@n$,"[Project Operator]"; mes .@n$; if(f_ring == 1) { mes "I appreciate your assistance, soldier."; close; } mes "Would you like to contribute to the Morocc Support Funds?"; next; if(select("Yes!:Not today")==2) goto M_Leave; mes .@n$; mes "That's great to hear! There's a few things we need to help rebuild Morocc."; next; mes .@n$; mes "Do you think you're up for the task?"; next; if(select("Absolutely!:Not now")==2) goto M_Leave; mes .@n$; mes "I'll give you ^FF0000Poring Ring^000000. !"; next; mes .@n$; mes "This is what our camp needs to continue rebuilding:"; mes "~ 300.000.000 Zeny"; for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@Items); set .@i,.@i+2) { mes " ~ "+.@Items[.@i+1]+"x "+getitemname(.@Items[.@i]); if (countitem(.@Items[.@i]) < .@Items[.@i+1]) set .@nr,1; } next; if(select("I got it all!:I'll go now.")==2) goto M_Leave; mes .@n$; if (.@nr) { if(countitem(.@Items[.@i], .@Items[.@i+1]) < 1) goto Leave; if(Zeny < 300000000) goto Leave; mes "You trying to fool me or something?"; close; } for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@Items); set .@i,.@i+2) delitem .@Items[.@i], .@Items[.@i+1]; set Zeny, Zeny - 300000000; getitem 35153,1; announce "Congratulations!! ["+ strcharinfo(0) +"] has finished Item quest.",0; set f_ring, 1; mes "Great job! You have all the items. Here are your ^FF0000Poring Ring^000000, as promised."; emotion ET_CONGRATULATION; close; Leave: mes .n$; mes "Don't forget, we especially need Zeny to buy medical building materials."; next; M_Leave: mes .@n$; mes "Good day."; close; OnInit: waitingroom "Poring Ring",0; end; }
  4. If you have Gepard you may have to disable it and add the default Mss32.dll file into the folder. Fixed by disabling Gepard. If you have Gepard and want to keep it active you will need the paid version mentioned above. If that's not the issue, then you might have to double check your clientinfo.xml for any errors.You might not be connecting to the patch server. Is there any errors it has?
  5. Thanks I was able to fix it by adding this. next; if(select("I got it all!:I'll go now.")==2) goto M_Leave; mes .@n$; if (.@nr) { if(countitem(.@Items[.@i], .@Items[.@i+1]) < 1) goto Leave; if(Zeny < 300000000) goto Leave; mes "You can't trick me! Go get those items."; close; } for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@Items); set .@i,.@i+2) delitem .@Items[.@i], .@Items[.@i+1]; set Zeny, Zeny - 300000000; getitem 35151,1;
  6. I'm trying to get this NPC to check the items to make sure they are there and check zeny to make sure it's there. I can't seem to get the "getinventorylist" to work in my script no matter how I try to apply it. May anyone help me here? It keeps accepting Zeny without checking the items to make sure they are there. //===== Heroes of Vanaheim Online ======================================= //= Item Quest //============================================================ geffen,194,89,3 script Astrologer 64,{ setarray .@Items[0],501,1; set .@n$,"[Astrologer]"; mes .@n$; if(n_ring0 == 1) { mes "You got them? You got them all? Terrific!"; close; } mes "Oi, adventurer! I need some help."; next; if(select("What's up?:Nah.")==2) goto M_Leave; mes .@n$; mes "My magic isn't as strong enough to protect me against the new threats that dwell around..."; next; mes .@n$; mes "Please collect some materials for me to complete my.. rock collection."; next; if(select("Okay:No time")==2) goto M_Leave; mes .@n$; mes "I'll give you this ^FF0000Night Ring^000000. !"; next; mes .@n$; mes "Here's a list of the materials I need:"; mes "~ 300.000.000 Zeny"; for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@Items); set .@i,.@i+2) { mes " ~ "+.@Items[.@i+1]+"x "+getitemname(.@Items[.@i]); if (countitem(.@Items[.@i]) < .@Items[.@i+1]) set .@nr,1; } next; if(select("I got it all!:I'll go now.")==2) goto M_Leave; mes .@n$; if (.@nr) { getinventorylist .@Items[.@i], .@Items[.@i+1]; if(Zeny < 300000000) goto Leave; mes "You can't trick me! Go get those items."; close; } for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@Items); set .@i,.@i+2) delitem .@Items[.@i], .@Items[.@i+1]; set Zeny, Zeny - 300000000; getitem 35151,1; announce "Congratulations!! ["+ strcharinfo(0) +"] has finished Item quest.",0; set n_ring0, 1; mes "Great job! You have all the items. Here are your ^FF0000Item^000000, as promised."; emotion ET_CONGRATULATION; close; Leave: mes .n$; mes "Don't forget those stones. They are essential! "; next; M_Leave: mes .@n$; mes "Someone else will help, I'm sure..."; close; OnInit: waitingroom "Night Ring",0; end; }
  7. Normally I would think this should work, however, I still get these errors the same. I also tried adding it to my data folder and system folders in the main directory, this did not work. Any other thoughts? Edit: I got new errors now to deal with. string buf errors : GetOngoingQuestInfoByID GetOngoingDescription GetOngoinRewardInfo I followed a previous post about it and changed the files but still nothing. Same Errors. EDIT_2: I resolved the issue by making & patching in OnGoingQuestInfoList , OnGoingQuestInfoList_Sakray , OnGoingQuestInfoList_True .lua & lub
  8. I have the latest files but I still get these errors. ?
  9. I applied it to my custom folder and applied the settings to the config file. A good place to stick this if you don't have a custom setup is: ragnarok/npc/custom/ and be sure to change the scripts_athena.conf add line npc: npc/custom/login_reward.txt (for example).
  10. So I keep getting these 6 errors that constantly appear after an Endless Tower Instance has ended. Appears only on Login of that character. Anyone know how to fix this? I tried the English translate already and that did not work. Version 20180620
  11. If you have Gepard, you'll need to purchase the premium version of AndRO, the APK for your server. This is bought from Meyraw, the owner of AndRO. The free version does not support it. If you turn it off, you'll notice things change, very likely.
  12. Make sure to double check your ClientInfo.xml for the correct IP and server adresses. If you have it 100% correct, go to the Settings and reselet your download location, even if it means typing exactly what is already there.
  13. This is the error I get now that I've figured out the version I needed.
  14. That works my mate! Thank you so much, I see now where I went wrong. This was way out of my skill range! Thanks you thank you!
  15. Good day, the script above is a 6-digit Lottery. I just want to cut the 6 into 3 to make winning a lot easier. With 6 digits you have a 1 in ~4,096,000,000 chance of winning. With a 3 digit lottery it cuts it down to a mere 1 in ~64,000 chance. This seems much better for my server, I find, as no one plays the lottery here.
  16. Good day! I've been trying for a week now to get this to a 3 digit lottery, but I can't seem to get it working. Does anyone think they can do this or have time to do this? I would appreciate it so much. //============================================================ //= Lottery //============================================================ prontera,129,218,4 script Lottery Generator 406,{ OnInit: set $L_TicketPrice,100000; // TICKET COST set $L_Prize_Money,2000000000; // JACKPOT AMOUNT set $L_Prize_Money_Small,1000000000; // SECONDARY PRIZE if ($LID == 0) goto L_GenID; end; //Modify for own time OnClock0200: OnClock0400: OnClock0600: OnClock0800: OnClock1000: OnClock1200: OnClock1600: OnClock1800: OnClock2000: OnClock2200: // CHECKS IF LOTTERY IS RIGGED if ($L_Rigged == 1) goto L_Rigged_Draw; // GENERATES RANDOM NUMBERS 1-40 Pick1: set $LW1,rand (1,40); Pick2: set $LW2,rand (1,40); if ($LW2 == $LW1) goto Pick2; Pick3: set $LW3,rand (1,40); if ($LW3 == $LW2) goto Pick3; if ($LW3 == $LW1) goto Pick3; Pick4: set $LW4,rand (1,40); if ($LW4 == $LW2) goto Pick4; if ($LW4 == $LW1) goto Pick4; if ($LW4 == $LW3) goto Pick4; Pick5: set $LW5,rand (1,40); if ($LW5 == $LW1) goto Pick5; if ($LW5 == $LW2) goto Pick5; if ($LW5 == $LW3) goto Pick5; if ($LW5 == $LW4) goto Pick5; Pick6: set $LW6,rand (1,40); if ($LW6 == $LW1) goto Pick6; if ($LW6 == $LW2) goto Pick6; if ($LW6 == $LW3) goto Pick6; if ($LW6 == $LW4) goto Pick6; if ($LW6 == $LW5) goto Pick6; // BROADCASTS DRAW L_Broadcast: Announce "Lottery: This hour's draw is worth 2b Zeny and 100 Credits!!",8; Announce "The numbers are as follows: [" + $LW1 + "] [" + $LW2 + "] [" + $LW3 + "] [" + $LW4 + "] [" + $LW5 + "] [" + $LW6 + "]",8; Announce "Congratulations to the winners of tonight!",8; // GENERATES DRAW ID CODE L_GenID: set $LID2,$LID; // SETS TOMORROW'S ID NUMBER set $LID,rand (100000,999999); end; // SETS DRAW TO RIGGED NUMBERS L_Rigged_Draw: set $LW1,$LR1; set $LW2,$LR2; set $LW3,$LR3; set $LW4,$LR4; set $LW5,$LR5; set $LW6,$LR6; set $L_Rigged,0; goto L_Broadcast; } prontera,130,215,5 script Lottery 76,{ L_Begin: mes "[Lottery]"; mes "Winning Lotto Numbers ("+$LID2+"):"; mes "^0000FF[" + $LW1 + "] [" + $LW2 + "] [" + $LW3 + "] [" + $LW4 + "] [" + $LW5 + "] [" + $LW6 + "]^000000"; if ($LID > 99999) mes "Your Ticket ("+#LID+"):"; if ($LID > 99999) mes "^FF0000[" + #LW1 + "] [" + #LW2 + "] [" + #LW3 + "] [" + #LW4 + "] [" + #LW5 + "] [" + #LW6 + "]^000000"; mes "Next Draw-ID: ^FF0000" + $LID + "^000000."; next; if (getgmlevel() > 90) goto L_GM; menu "Claim Prize",L_Claim,"Buy New Ticket",L_Buy,"Cancel",L_Cancel; // PURCHASE TICKET L_Buy: if (#LID == $LID && #L1 != 0) goto L_DoubleTicket; mes "[Lottery]"; mes "Tickets cost ^0000FF" + $L_TicketPrice + "z^000000."; mes "The Jackpot is ^FF0000" + $L_Prize_Money + "z^000000 & 100 credits!"; next; menu "Buy Ticket",-,"Cancel",L_Cancel; if (Zeny < $L_TicketPrice) goto L_NoZeny; set Zeny, Zeny-$L_TicketPrice; mes "[Lottery]"; mes "Would you like your numbers hand picked or computer generated?"; next; menu "Computer Generated",L_ComputerGen,"Hand Picked",L_HandPick,"Renew Ticket",L_Renew; // RENEW LAST TICKET L_Renew: if ($LID < 99999) goto L_Invalid; set #LID,$LID; goto L_Confirm2; L_ComputerGen: // SELECTS RANDOM NUMBERS set @L1,0; set @L2,0; set @L3,0; set @L4,0; set @L5,0; set @L6,0; Pick1: set @L1,rand (1,40); Pick2: set @L2,rand (1,40); if (@L2 == @L1) goto Pick2; Pick3: set @L3,rand (1,40); if (@L3 == @L2) goto Pick3; if (@L3 == @L1) goto Pick3; Pick4: set @L4,rand (1,40); if (@L4 == @L2) goto Pick4; if (@L4 == @L1) goto Pick4; if (@L4 == @L3) goto Pick4; Pick5: set @L5,rand (1,40); if (@L5 == @L1) goto Pick5; if (@L5 == @L2) goto Pick5; if (@L5 == @L3) goto Pick5; if (@L5 == @L4) goto Pick5; Pick6: set @L6,rand (1,40); if (@L6 == @L1) goto Pick6; if (@L6 == @L2) goto Pick6; if (@L6 == @L3) goto Pick6; if (@L6 == @L4) goto Pick6; if (@L6 == @L5) goto Pick6; mes "[Lottery]"; mes "The computer has selected the following numbers:"; mes "^0000FF" + @L1 + " " + @L2 + " " + @L3 + " " + @L4 + " " + @L5 + " " + @L6 + "^000000"; next; menu "Confirm",L_Confirm,"Re-Generate",L_ComputerGen; // HAND PICK LOTTERY NUMBERS L_HandPick: mes "[Lottery]"; mes "Please pick your numbers (1-40):"; set @L1,0; set @L2,0; set @L3,0; set @L4,0; set @L5,0; set @L6,0; Input1: input @L1; if (@L1 < 1 || @L1 > 40) goto Input1; mes @L1; Input2: input @L2; if (@L2 < 1 || @L2 > 40) goto Input2; if (@L2 == @L1) goto Input2; mes @L2; Input3: input @L3; if (@L3 < 1 || @L3 > 40) goto Input3; if (@L3 == @L1) goto Input3; if (@L3 == @L2) goto Input3; mes @L3; Input4: input @L4; if (@L4 < 1 || @L4 > 40) goto Input4; if (@L4 == @L1) goto Input4; if (@L4 == @L2) goto Input4; if (@L4 == @L3) goto Input4; mes @L4; Input5: input @L5; if (@L5 < 1 || @L5 > 40) goto Input5; if (@L5 == @L1) goto Input5; if (@L5 == @L2) goto Input5; if (@L5 == @L3) goto Input5; if (@L5 == @L4) goto Input5; mes @L5; Input6: input @L6; if (@L6 < 1 || @L6 > 40) goto Input6; if (@L6 == @L1) goto Input6; if (@L6 == @L2) goto Input6; if (@L6 == @L3) goto Input6; if (@L6 == @L4) goto Input6; if (@L6 == @L5) goto Input6; mes @L6; next; mes "[Lottery]"; mes "Your numbers are:"; mes "^0000FF" + @L1 + " " + @L2 + " " + @L3 + " " + @L4 + " " + @L5 + " " + @L6 + "^000000"; next; menu "Confirm",L_Confirm,"Re-Pick",L_HandPick; L_Confirm: set #LW1,@L1; set #LW2,@L2; set #LW3,@L3; set #LW4,@L4; set #LW5,@L5; set #LW6,@L6; set #LID,$LID; L_Confirm2: mes "[Lottery]"; mes "The live broadcasted draw is at 9pm."; mes "You can claim your ticket between then and the next draw."; next; mes "[Lottery]"; mes "Good luck!"; close; L_Claim: // CHECKS TICKET VALIDILITY if (#LID != $LID2) goto L_Invalid; // CHECKS HOW MANY NUMBERS MATCHED set @LPrize,0; if (#LW1 == $LW1) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW1 == $LW2) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW1 == $LW3) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW1 == $LW4) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW1 == $LW5) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW1 == $LW6) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW2 == $LW1) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW2 == $LW2) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW2 == $LW3) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW2 == $LW4) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW2 == $LW5) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW2 == $LW6) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW3 == $LW1) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW3 == $LW2) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW3 == $LW3) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW3 == $LW4) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW3 == $LW5) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW3 == $LW6) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW4 == $LW1) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW4 == $LW2) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW4 == $LW3) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW4 == $LW4) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW4 == $LW5) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW4 == $LW6) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW5 == $LW1) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW5 == $LW2) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW5 == $LW3) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW5 == $LW4) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW5 == $LW5) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW5 == $LW6) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW6 == $LW1) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW6 == $LW2) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW6 == $LW3) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW6 == $LW4) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW6 == $LW5) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (#LW6 == $LW6) set @LPrize,@LPrize+1; if (@LPrize == 6) goto LWinBig; if (@LPrize > 3 && @LPrize < 6) goto LWinSmall; // NO WINNER mes "[Lottery]"; mes "Bad luck, it appears you do not hold a winning ticket."; next; mes "[Lottery]"; mes "Better luck next time!."; close; // MATCHED ALL SIX LWinBig: mes "[Lottery]"; mes "You have matched all six numbers!"; mes "Jackpot!"; mes "You've won ^0000FF" + $L_Prize_Money + "z^000000 & 100 credits!!"; set Zeny, Zeny+$L_Prize_Money; getitem 35012,5; //100 credits Announce "Lottery: " + strcharinfo(0) + " has won the JACKPOT of " + $L_Prize_Money + "z & 100 credits!",8; set #LID,0; close; // MATCHED AT LEAST 4 LWinSmall: mes "[Lottery]"; mes "You have matched at least 4 numbers!"; mes "You've won ^0000FF" + $L_Prize_Money_Small + "z^000000."; set Zeny, Zeny+$L_Prize_Money_Small; getitem 35011,25; //10 Credits Announce "Lottery: " + strcharinfo(0) + " has won a prize of " + $L_Prize_Money_Small + "z & 25 Credits!",8; set #LID,0; close; // NO ZENY L_NoZeny: mes "[Lottery]"; mes "You can't afford a lottery ticket."; close; // INVALID TICKET L_Invalid: mes "[Lottery]"; mes "I'm sorry but it appears that you have an invalid ticket."; close; // DOUBLE TICKET L_DoubleTicket: mes "[Lottery]"; mes "It appears that you already have a ticket for today."; mes "You may only purchase one ticket per draw."; close; L_Cancel: mes "[Lottery]"; mes "Come back soon!"; close; // GM MENU (Lets you manually do draws) L_GM: menu "Claim Prize",L_Claim,"Buy New Ticket",L_Buy,"[GM]Do Draw Now",-,"[GM]Rig the Lottery",L_GM_Rig,"Cancel",L_Cancel; // CHECKS IF LOTTERY IS RIGGED if ($L_Rigged == 1) goto L_Rigged_Draw; // GENERATES RANDOM NUMBERS 1-40 GMPick1: set $LW1,rand (1,40); GMPick2: set $LW2,rand (1,40); if ($LW2 == $LW1) goto GMPick2; GMPick3: set $LW3,rand (1,40); if ($LW3 == $LW2) goto GMPick3; if ($LW3 == $LW1) goto GMPick3; GMPick4: set $LW4,rand (1,40); if ($LW4 == $LW2) goto GMPick4; if ($LW4 == $LW1) goto GMPick4; if ($LW4 == $LW3) goto GMPick4; GMPick5: set $LW5,rand (1,40); if ($LW5 == $LW1) goto GMPick5; if ($LW5 == $LW2) goto GMPick5; if ($LW5 == $LW3) goto GMPick5; if ($LW5 == $LW4) goto GMPick5; GMPick6: set $LW6,rand (1,40); if ($LW6 == $LW1) goto GMPick6; if ($LW6 == $LW2) goto GMPick6; if ($LW6 == $LW3) goto GMPick6; if ($LW6 == $LW4) goto GMPick6; if ($LW6 == $LW5) goto GMPick6; // BROADCASTS DRAW L_Broadcast: Announce "Lottery: Welcome to the special GM's lotto draw!",8; Announce "The numbers are as follows: [" + $LW1 + "] [" + $LW2 + "] [" + $LW3 + "] [" + $LW4 + "] [" + $LW5 + "] [" + $LW6 + "]",8; Announce "Congratulations to the winners!",8; // GENERATES DRAW ID CODE L_GenID: set $LID2,$LID; // SETS TOMORROW'S ID NUMBER set $LID,rand (100000,999999); close; // SETS DRAW TO RIGGED NUMBERS L_Rigged_Draw: set $LW1,$LR1; set $LW2,$LR2; set $LW3,$LR3; set $LW4,$LR4; set $LW5,$LR5; set $LW6,$LR6; set $L_Rigged,0; goto L_Broadcast; // ALLOWS GM TO DO A RIGGED DRAW L_GM_Rig: mes "[Lottery]"; mes "Please pick your numbers (1-40):"; set $LR1,0; set $LR2,0; set $LR3,0; set $LR4,0; set $LR5,0; set $LR6,0; GMInput1: Input $LR1; if ($LR1 < 1 || $LR1 > 40) goto GMInput1; mes $LR1; GMInput2: Input $LR2; if ($LR2 < 1 || $LR2 > 40) goto GMInput2; if ($LR2 == $LR1) goto GMInput2; mes $LR2; GMInput3: Input $LR3; if ($LR3 < 1 || $LR3 > 40) goto GMInput3; if ($LR3 == $LR1) goto GMInput3; if ($LR3 == $LR2) goto GMInput3; mes $LR3; GMInput4: Input $LR4; if ($LR4 < 1 || $LR4 > 40) goto GMInput4; if ($LR4 == $LR1) goto GMInput4; if ($LR4 == $LR2) goto GMInput4; if ($LR4 == $LR3) goto GMInput4; mes $LR4; GMInput5: Input $LR5; if ($LR5 < 1 || $LR5 > 40) goto GMInput5; if ($LR5 == $LR1) goto GMInput5; if ($LR5 == $LR2) goto GMInput5; if ($LR5 == $LR3) goto GMInput5; if ($LR5 == $LR4) goto GMInput5; mes $LR5; GMInput6: Input $LR6; if ($LR6 < 1 || $LR6 > 40) goto GMInput6; if ($LR6 == $LR1) goto GMInput6; if ($LR6 == $LR2) goto GMInput6; if ($LR6 == $LR3) goto GMInput6; if ($LR6 == $LR4) goto GMInput6; if ($LR6 == $LR5) goto GMInput6; mes $LR6; next; mes "[Lottery]"; mes "Lottery rigged for next draw."; set $L_Rigged,1; close; OnInit: waitingroom " Hourly Lottery",0; end; } //=========Duplicates=========// veil,138,172,6 duplicate(Lottery) Lottery Machine 406 kaufhaus,14,52,6 duplicate(Lottery) Lottery Machine 406
  17. There is no error, it just kills the client and the clients around me. They are all in there. I know it works because it worked for the first 93, it's just this particular weapon set I seem to be having a hard time with. ? I'll check the sprite files again, make sure it's all correct, of course. Thanks guys for your help thus far.
  18. Good day, I have some custom items that randomly crash myself and others on screen when it is worn. There is no error codes and I know for sure the item is added to the Data properly. Any idea what might be wrong? I'm running 20180620. I edited the item DB 35100,Surtr_Bow,Surtr Bow,5,2500,,600,225,,12,4,0x00000800,7,2,34,1,4,1,5001,{},{},{} AccName.lub [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Shopping_List] = "_Surtr_Bow", AccessoryID.lub [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_Shopping_List] = "_Surtr_Bow", ItemInfo.lua/lub [35100] = { unidentifiedDisplayName = "Bow", unidentifiedResourceName = "보우", unidentifiedDescriptionName = { "Unknown Item, can be identified by using a ^6666CCMagnifier^000000." }, identifiedDisplayName = "Surtr Bow", identifiedResourceName = "Surtr_Bow", identifiedDescriptionName = { "Surtr is a fire giant who leads his kin into battle against the Aesir and Vanir gods during Ragnarok, the destruction of the cosmos..", "All stats +2", "Inflict 25% more damage to Earth property.", "INT +8, Max HP +5%, Max SP+5%", "Increase damage by 10% when equiped with Fire Arrow", "Class:^6666CC Bow^000000", "Attack:^CC0000 225^000000", "Weight:^009900 1^000000", "Element: Fire", "Weapon Level:^009900 4^000000", "Level Requirement:^009900 1^000000", "Jobs:^6666CC Archer Class^000000", }, slotCount = 4, ClassNum = 5001 },
  19. Thank you for this, but I'm still having troubles as where to put it in the lines. Thanks.. And thanks for this resource!
  20. Good day, I'm trying to get Identify in this script when you click it, it automatically ID's everything. getinventorylist; for( set .@i,0; .@i < @inventorylist_count; set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { if ( @inventorylist_identify[.@i] == 1 ) continue; delitem2 @inventorylist_id[.@i],1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; getitem @inventorylist_id[.@i],1; } } //===== Heroes of Vanaheim =================================== // Healer + Buffer + Identifier //============================================================ - script Healer 436,{ .@Price = 0; // Zeny required for heal .@Buffs = 1; // Also buff players? (1: yes / 0: no) .@Delay = 10; // Heal delay, in seconds if (@HD > gettimetick(2)) end; if (.@Price) { message strcharinfo(0), "Healing costs " + callfunc("F_InsertComma",.@Price) + " Zeny."; if (Zeny < .@Price) end; if (select("^0055FFHeal^000000:^777777Cancel^000000") == 2) end; Zeny -= .@Price; } specialeffect2 EF_HEAL2; percentheal 100,100; if (.@Buffs) { specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; sc_start SC_INCREASEAGI,360000,10; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,360000,10; } if (.@Delay) @HD = gettimetick(2) + .@Delay; end; } // Duplicates //============================================================ alberta,25,240,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#alb 436 aldebaran,135,118,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#alde 436 amatsu,200,79,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ama 436 ayothaya,207,169,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ayo 436 comodo,184,158,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#com 436 einbech,57,36,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#einbe 436 einbroch,57,202,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#einbr 436 geffen,115,72,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#gef 436 gonryun,156,122,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#gon 436 hugel,89,150,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#hug 436 izlude,121,150,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#izl 436 //Pre-RE: (125,118) izlude_a,134,150,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#izl 811 //Pre-RE: (125,118) izlude_b,134,150,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#izl 811 //Pre-RE: (125,118) izlude_c,134,150,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#izl 811 //Pre-RE: (125,118) izlude_d,134,150,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#izl 811 //Pre-RE: (125,118) jawaii,250,139,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#jaw 436 lighthalzen,152,100,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#lhz 436 louyang,226,103,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#lou 436 manuk,272,144,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#man 436 mid_camp,203,289,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mid 436 moc_ruins,72,164,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#moc 436 morocc,153,97,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mor 436 moscovia,220,191,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mos 436 niflheim,212,182,5 duplicate(Healer) Healer#nif 436 payon,179,106,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#pay 436 prontera,157,187,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#prt 436 rachel,125,116,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#rac 436 splendide,201,153,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#spl 436 thor_camp,249,74,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#thor 436 umbala,105,148,3 duplicate(Healer) Healer#umb 436 veins,217,121,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ve 436 xmas,143,136,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#xmas 436 yuno,164,45,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#yuno 436 veil,126,150,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#veil 436 // Duplicates (Renewal) //============================================================ brasilis,194,221,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#bra 436 dewata,195,187,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#dew 436 dicastes01,201,194,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#dic 436 ecl_in01,45,60,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ecl 436 malangdo,132,114,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mal 436 malaya,227,204,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#ma 436 mora,55,152,4 duplicate(Healer) Healer#mora 436
  21. Thanks for the replies. I'll keep trying and keep looking out for updates.
  22. Patch error for ever option on the list. Nothing goes Green.
  23. Good day, I'm trying to get my NEMO to work but every time I go to apply a patch to any of the clients it gives me an error. Is there a file I am missing or what do you think I might have done wrong? I downloaded both old and the latest client of Nemo and still nothing.
  24. Do I have to remake my client or just drag and drop the files into a patch?
  25. So I installed those files but the error is still there. Any idea what might be wrong? Do I need to remake the exe with NEMO ?
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