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Everything posted by Rivers

  1. Thank you for all your help. I had the client read data first and added the files into data folder and that resolved my issue as well as changing to <iteminfo>itemInfo.lua</iteminfo> Thanks again everyone!
  2. By the nine.... I was close to that, thanks for this! It works.
  3. Hello, I'm trying to get this NPC to warp my character to a GM area we've added into the game. If anyone can help that'd be great. //================= Vanaheim Online GM Area Butler ================// veil,82,82,7 script Alfred 109,{ if(getgmlevel()>=99) { mes "[Alfred]"; mes "Good day, Boss. Would you like to change the password today?"; next; if(!(select("Yes:No")&2)) { mes "[Alfred]"; mes "Alright, what will it be this time?"; next; input .@lb_pass$; mes "[Alfred]"; mes "I'll keep it at ["+.@lb_pass$+"]. Mum's the word, sire!"; set($lb_pass$,.@lb_pass$); close; } } mes "[Alfred]"; mes "Password, please."; next; input .@lb_pass$; if(.@lb_pass$ != $lb_pass$){ mes "[Alfred]"; mes "Incorrect password."; close; } mes "[Alfred]"; mes "That is correct. How can I be of service today, sire?"; close2; if(getgmlevel()<=3) { mes "Sorry. You don't have access here."; end; } else { mes "[ ^FF0000System^000000 ]"; mes "Welcome ^FF0000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000 !"; next; mes "[ ^FF0000System^000000 ]"; mes "Come right in, sire. we will make arrangments inside."; next; ===>>>(This is where I need it to warp to 1@bamq x,y) <<<=====
  4. Thank you very much.
  5. How do I make this NPC give 50 guild levels to any player that talks to it?
  6. 20180620 I've checked iteminfo.lua and .lub but it won't change. I saved it to both server.grf and data.grf, but nothing worked. EDIT: This is my clientinfo.xml. Perhaps I placed a line of code somewhere incorrectly? Anyone have any ideas, please let me know. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <servicetype>america</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <connection> <display>[ 100/100/5% ] [ Vanaheim ]</display> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>55</version> <langtype>1</langtype> <packetver>20180620</packetver> <read_lua_before_lub>true</read_lua_before_lub> <increase_max_hairstyles>500</increase_max_hairstyles> <increase_max_haircolors>600</increase_max_haircolors> <read_data_directory_first>true</read_data_directory_first> <hide_quickcashshop_button>true</hide_quickcashshop_button> <max_guildpositions>30</max_guildpositions> <registrationweb>https://www.ragnarokvillains.roserver.net/</registrationweb> <aid> <admin>2000038</admin> </aid> <loading> <image>loading00.jpg</image> <image>loading01.jpg</image> <image>loading02.jpg</image> <image>loading03.jpg</image> <image>loading04.jpg</image> <image>loading05.jpg</image> <image>loading06.jpg</image> </loading> <patchserver> <type>thor</type> <http>http://ragnarokheroes.roserver.net/patch/plist.txt</http> <ftp>http://ragnarokheroes.roserver.net/patch/data/</ftp> <grf>heroes.grf</grf> <inf>updates.dat</inf> </patchserver> </connection> </clientinfo>
  7. How do I change the item descriptions for AndRO? I added my iteminfo.lua/.lub files but nothing is changing. https://imgur.com/gallery/9yLhfv7
  8. Where do I change the image preview for my FLuxCP? I can't seem to find it anywhere. https://imgur.com/EmQZBoM
  9. Found it in char_athena.conf, just in case anyone else is looking. conf/char_athena.conf Find & change values to however high you need: // Size for the fame-lists fame_list_alchemist: 10 fame_list_blacksmith: 10 fame_list_taekwon: 10
  10. Thanks, I fixed that error , but now it just crashes the app when I log in with or without a correct password. Any idea what's wrong? Anyone? Anyone know how to fix the issue where AndRO crashes after Login screen? It crashes with correct or incorrect password only. Issue was I need Premium AndRO. 400 USD, I guess I'm saving up.
  11. I keep getting this error. java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "ragnarokheoes.roserver.net": No address associated with hostname Any ideas how to resolve this? My client info is below <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?> <clientinfo> <servicetype>america</servicetype> <servertype>primary</servertype> <connection> <display>[ ^8600b3(Grind)^000000 ] [ ^DA2222HeroesRO^000000 ]</display> <desc>HeroesRO</desc> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>55</version> <langtype>1</langtype> <packetver>20180620</packetver> <registrationweb>https://ragnarokheroes.roserver.net/cp/</registrationweb> <aid> <admin>2000000</admin> </aid> <loading> <image>loading00.jpg</image> <image>loading01.jpg</image> <image>loading02.jpg</image> <image>loading03.jpg</image> <image>loading04.jpg</image> <image>loading05.jpg</image> <image>loading06.jpg</image> </loading> <patchserver> <type>thor</type> <http>http://ragnarokheroes.roserver.net/patch/plist.txt</http> <ftp>http://ragnarokheroes.roserver.net/patch/data/</ftp> <grf>heroes.grf</grf> <inf>updates.dat</inf> </patchserver> </connection> <connection> <display>[ ^8600b3(Free-All)^000000 ] [ ^DA2222VillainsRO^000000 ]</display> <address></address> <port>6900</port> <version>55</version> <langtype>1</langtype> <packetver>20180620</packetver> <registrationweb>https://ragnarokheroes.roserver.net/cp/</registrationweb> <aid> <admin>2000000</admin> </aid> <loading> <image>loading00.jpg</image> <image>loading01.jpg</image> <image>loading02.jpg</image> <image>loading03.jpg</image> <image>loading04.jpg</image> <image>loading05.jpg</image> <image>loading06.jpg</image> </loading> <patchserver> <type>thor</type> <http>http://ragnarokheroes.roserver.net/patch/plist.txt</http> <ftp>http://ragnarokheroes.roserver.net/patch/data/</ftp> <grf>heroes.grf</grf> <inf>updates.dat</inf> </patchserver> </connection> </clientinfo>
  12. Fixed this by deleting guilds affected, recompiling & @reload configs. Hasn't come back so far. Resolved, I guess.
  13. So I'm having an issue with my guild window making a new copy of myself in the guild, which takes a slot of space for other members, too. Here's a picture of what I mean. It happens with every @job change.
  14. /db/pre-re/produce_db.txt It's a skill called "SA_CREATECON" change the item ID to whatever you wish. Coloured Bijou seem to work well for my server. DEFAULT LINES: //===== Elemental Converters === ItemLV=23 ===== //-- Fire Elemental Converter <-- SA_CREATECON & 1 Blank Scroll, 3 Scorpion Tail 141,12114,23,1007,1,7433,1,904,3 //-- Water Elemental Converter <-- SA_CREATECON & 1 Blank Scroll, 3 Snail's Shell 142,12115,23,1007,1,7433,1,946,3 //-- Earth Elemental Converter <-- SA_CREATECON & 1 Blank Scroll, 3 Horn 143,12116,23,1007,1,7433,1,947,3 //-- Wind Elemental Converter <-- SA_CREATECON & 1 Blank Scroll, 3 Rainbow Shell 144,12117,23,1007,1,7433,1,1013,3
  15. I'm looking to make changes to Taekwon Ranker to allow more than 10 people to be rankers (or all taekwons), where to modify the Alchemist ranker and Blacksmith ranker list as well.
  16. Is it possible to make a weapon's script fix the attack speed rate to, let's say for example, 185?
  17. Ah many many thanks! I was searching in the wrong spot. ?
  18. As the title says, I'm looking to make a set of equipment only usable in PVP/GVG or only have an effect activated in those designated maps. Any way to do this?
  19. I get the item to work but it keeps working even after level 90. How do I get it to remove the effect or simply just not allow to be equipped at level 90+? { if (BaseLevel >90) unequip (getitemslots(2393)); bonus bMaxHP,2500; bonus bMaxSP,500; },{},{}
  20. I can't remove carts, peco, falcons or any other mounts. Any idea what's wrong? EDIT: RESOLVED: Reinstalled the default server files and made new client.
  21. Thanks This is much help and resolved my issue!
  22. I checked everywhere I could think of and this is my itemdb lines 35003,Arctic_Wings,Arctic_Wings,4,,,10,,4,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,512,,1,2,,{},{},{} 35004,Black_Chakra,Black Chakra,5,10,10,10,,4,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,1,,1,2,,{},{},{} Seems to be all there and the BMP, spr and act files are all the same name ?
  23. So I've downloaded and installed them all correctly but for some reason they won't show on my actual character. I've tested on GM sprite and regular sprites but nothing shows.
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