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Status Updates posted by Kido

  1. Preparing my gift for this 14 de feb (a weird script release) fixing my first release x_x

  2. Proud Angeling, and soon proud Deviling /gg

  3. Proud Deviling /gg

  4. Proud Deviling lol

  5. Proud Ghostring :3 asura? final strike? what's that? /gg

  6. reinstalling rAthena, bcuz idk how 2 update the latest revision lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kido


      http://prntscr.com/33bz5h command not found lol, just how old is my rA? i remember it was something like 17701
    3. Kido


      ps thx again o:!

    4. Kido


      well ty so much! im going to aleep i caan stand anymore lol i was doing a new web fluxcp mov lol

      for my skill lv, it's hard x_x anyway, see you later take care o:! http://prntscr.com/33c402

  7. Share with you the things that i love to do is the clearest demostration of my love.

  8. Soon, i will be a Deviling /gg

    1. Kido


      *Edits 'Member Title' on Profile Settings /fsh

  9. spend time with your family and friends :)!

  10. Still proud Ghostring xd

  11. thank you so much for such excellent scripts :33 http://prntscr.com/3qq9uj

    1. sandbox


      Wow! Wasn't monitoring the hits anymore. Thanks to you too Kido, let's catch up again!

    2. Kido


      Yup :33

  12. Thank you so much for your amazing map :DD

  13. Thanks for the pokimons :33

  14. There's something i don't understand... now there's something i don't remember but that something is something that i don't understand because i don't remember it @_@ wut??!

  15. This mont a lot of changes in the Staff Team :333

  16. Time to photoshop like a crazy lol

  17. time to slee´, my head hutz also cant read or think properly in zombie state nights z_z

  18. Translator? cool o:

  19. When will be ready the digest o: i want to see that staf changes :33

    1. Cydh


      it never ready. lol

    2. Kido


      é.é i wonder how that works, who makes it and so on o:

  20. Where can i request a program D: ? P.S.: nothing o:

  21. Where can i see al conditions and statements D:? http://rathena.org/wiki/If

  22. Will i be Stapo forever? D:!! 331 posts and nothing changes -_-

  23. Woa congrats new Support Leader :33!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kido


      Welcome! look i became Jack Frost, just to build a snow man xD

    3. Pneuma


      Lol well Will you help me hide a body?~ It doesn't have to be in one piece~

    4. Kido


      Do you wanna hide a body? (8)

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