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Everything posted by integral

  1. I was thinking that the problem didn't came from the datainfo folder, since it is stated by the TS that the error came from the chatwndinfo folder. And accessoryid/accname is from the datainfo folder, not chatwndinfo.
  2. What about this one? ACCESSORY_Woodstock_Wings = 1236 Shouldn't it be changed to this? ACCESSORY_Woodstock_Wings = 1236,
  3. uh, am I doing this right? case MO_BODYRELOCATION: if (unit_movepos(src, x, y, 1, 1)) { // clif_skill_poseffect(src,skillid,skilllv,src->x,src->y,tick); clif_slide(src, src->x, src->y); //Poseffect is the one that makes the char snap on the client... clif_skill_nodamage(src,src,skillid,skilllv,1); int dir = map_calc_dir(src, x, y ); unit_setdir(src,dir); if (sd) skill_blockpc_start (sd, MO_EXTREMITYFIST, 2000); } 'cause whenever I compile it, I get this error. 1>..srcmapskill.c(8360): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'type' 1>..srcmapskill.c(8361): error C2065: 'dir' : undeclared identifier Thank you.
  4. I was about to say that, I just tried the 2011-10-25 client, and the same problem occurred. And it also seems that the packet given in the latest svn doesn't work for 2011-10-05 client.
  5. I see, then question answered... but that is just a substitute fix for the skill... Btw, what packet_db works for 2011-10-25? I tried getting the packet_db.txt from the latest svn, but I still have the clif_parse error. Also tried changing the packet_db_ver to 27, 26, 25 and default. But none of them works.
  6. What clients do have this problem? I encountered it in client date 2011-11-02 2011-11-22 any other clients that have this issue?
  7. Tried it bro, but it gives me an error when I use a skill that needs to be targeted. The error shows something like a newskillinfo/skillinfoid or something. The error now shows something about the skilleffectinfo folder.
  8. I'm not really sure, I'm just using this for my test server. Though I don't know if only I have this problem, but whenever some random item drops from monsters, my cursor begins to change like the cursor when you hover your mouse to the dropped item. Even if it is miles away from it.
  9. Sure, no problem, if only there's a way to make it look in the direction where it is relocating.
  10. it didn't seem to change anything. when i use snap, it freezes and doesn't move until i walk or get hit, and then it zooms away quickly to the destination. You need to remove the "//" from " clif_slide(src, src->x, src->y);" So your code should look like this. case MO_BODYRELOCATION: if (unit_movepos(src, x, y, 1, 1)) { // clif_skill_poseffect(src,skillid,skilllv,src->x,src->y,tick); // Disable Snap effect due to client bug clif_skill_nodamage(src,src,skillid,skilllv,1); // Displays Snap skill message without effect clif_slide(src, src->x, src->y); //Poseffect is the one that makes the char snap on the client... if (sd) skill_blockpc_start (sd, MO_EXTREMITYFIST, 2000);
  11. With the following patch, thank you. #1~3 I can't make a patch of this client because everytime I patch this client, I get this error.
  12. It didn't work for me. Variant's solution did. Thank you. Thanks, bro.
  13. That's strange... It doesn't occur on that date. I used calciumkid's rathena client. and the problem with the 2nd picture was also solved in this client.
  14. Tried 2011-11-02 client, the same error shows.
  15. In your conf/groups.conf Look for this groups: ( { id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */ name: "Player" level: 0 inherit: ( /*empty list*/ ) commands: { /* no commands by default */ Then add this. alootid: true autoloot: true autotrade: true mobinfo: true So it will look like this, groups: ( { id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */ name: "Player" level: 0 inherit: ( /*empty list*/ ) commands: { /* no commands by default */ alootid: true autoloot: true autotrade: true mobinfo: true You can find the rest of the commands inside the groups.conf
  16. Here. Thank you for your help.
  17. uh, "hmm this happens when you open the client and from there close it immediately?" yeah.
  18. But I only have one client open. I tried downloading a new decompiled luas, and the new 2011-11-22 client, but the problem is still there.
  19. That's strange... it doesn't work for me...
  20. case MO_BODYRELOCATION: if (unit_movepos(src, x, y, 1, 1)) { // clif_skill_poseffect(src,skillid,skilllv,src->x,src->y,tick); if ( sd ) { char temp[25]; snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "Snap !!"); clif_message(&sd->bl,temp); } clif_slide(src, src->x, src->y); //Poseffect is the one that makes the char snap on the client... if (sd) skill_blockpc_start (sd, MO_EXTREMITYFIST, 2000); uh, is this correct?
  21. I have here a couple of screenshots, the first picture shows after I close the client. While the 2nd picture shows that when an item is dropped, the pick-up icon is showing even if I didn't hover it to the item on the floor. Thank you. #1 #2
  22. Sorry, didn't see that you edited your post, but where will I place this? 'cause I can't find the char temp[25] inside the skill.c. Thank you, btw.
  23. uh, 2011-11-22 has a problem with the Body Relocation skill, as for what is written here.
  24. So, I found the reason about the failed to connect to server. The script that I'm using is below. prontera,150,150,4 script PvPWarper 88,{ set .@map$, "pvp_y_2-2"; mes "Do you want to enter PVP Room?"; if(select("Yes:No") == 2) close; close2; warp .@map$,0,0; end; OnPCKillEvent: set .@map$,"pvp_y_2-2"; if( .@map$ == "pvp_y_2-2" ){ announce strcharinfo(0)+" has killed "+rid2name(killedrid)+".",0; [b]mapwarp "pvp_y_2-2","prontera",150,150;[/b] end; } } Characters Used: Player 1 Player 2 Player 1 killed Player 2 inside the map, and then after suddenly being warped outside, and then both returning to the map, it seems that Player 1 can't attack Player 2, Player 1 also can't be attacked by Player 2. And then when Player 2 decided to change character, Player 2 can't login the character Player 2 and the "failed to connect to server" message will show. But when I try to create a new character in the account of Player 2, It can easily connect to the server.
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