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Everything posted by integral

  1. Hello there, could you please help me with this problem? I'm using this script, here(thank you for the script). Though I removed the prizes(sorry, I'm not sure if modifying it is allowed). But the problem is, even if it runs perfectly well on my lan server, when I tried it on my hosted server, the npc does not store any values in phpmyadmin. Here's the modified script that I'm using. prontera,148,166,5 script Breaker Ladder 864,{ query_sql "SELECT `char`.char_id,`char`.`name`,global_reg_value.`value` FROM global_reg_value LEFT JOIN `char` ON global_reg_value.char_id=`char`.char_id WHERE global_reg_value.str='brokeemp' ORDER BY CAST(`global_reg_value`.`value` AS UNSIGNED) DESC LIMIT 10", .@char_id, .@name$, .@count; mes "[ ^00FF00 Breaker Ladder ^000000 ]"; mes "Hello there "+strcharinfo(0)+", what do you want to do?"; menu "View Breaker Ladder",-,"Nothing",Lno; next; next; for( set .@x,0; .@x<=9; set .@x,.@x+1 ) { mes "^0000FF"+(.@x+1)+".^000000 "+.@name$[.@x]+" - ^FF0000"+.@count[.@x]+"^000000 Point(s)"; } // .@x starts at 0, but you want to start with '1st', so use (.@x+1) close; Lno: next; mes "[ ^00FF00 Breaker Ladder ^000000 ]"; mes "Suit yourself.."; close; }
  2. I see. alright, thank you.
  3. Hello, is there anyway to remove the cards coming from bosses that is summoned by bloody branch? For example, I want to prevent Fallen Bishop Hibram Card from dropping when the Fallen Bishop Hibram(MVP) was summoned from a bloody branch, but it can still drop the card when the monster that was killed was in its home map(abbey02)? Thank you.
  4. I see... Yes, it did. Thank you for your time.
  5. No, I mean the items will only go directly to the storage once you can't carry anything. 'cause for standard cases, when you can't carry anything else, and you gained something, it will be dropped, right?
  6. I was wondering what are the jobs given for the sprites, for example, in this link, it is said that the act is only for lord knight and rune knight. Would that mean that even if I use the sprite bible for other jobs, it wouldn't show the keyblade sprite? Thank you.
  7. uh, I've tried this, It should be set to no, right? I tried @reloadbattleconf and restarting the server, but it doesn't work. Any ideas why its not working?
  8. May I request for a source edit where you can recast the guild skill, Emergency Call when you reconnect/character select? I heard that you need to have a source edit for this. I tried setting guild_skill_relog_delay to no, and then @reloadbattleconf, but it doesn't work. Thank you.
  9. Hello, I was wondering what is the difference between this two scripts? The first one is from the sword guardian card while the other is from dragon tail card. { if (getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11) == 2 || getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11) == 3) { bonus2 bSkillAtk,62,25; } },{},{} { bonus2 bSkillAtk,"AC_DOUBLE",5; },{},{} What is this exactly for? if (getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11) == 2 || getiteminfo(getequipid(EQI_HAND_R),11) == 3) Does this mean that the card effect will only work if the card is compounded on a one/two handed sword? Thank you.
  10. Feel free to move this if this is not in the right section. Thank you. I'm not really sure if it is a script/or needs a database edit. Sorry. But it goes like this, When an NPC gives you items, or from a box(like a Yggdrasil Berry Box), the items will be moved directly to the storage once the player can't handle the weight of the given items. Thank you.
  11. bonus2 bSubRace,n,x; This is the script, right? If yes, should it really reduce magic damage from demi-human?
  12. integral


    I used your free integration but the same problem occurs when I edit the "ZitherRO" name to my server's name. Did I miss anything?
  13. uh, for "Copy all the files inside "simplicity_template" folder to 'themes/default/'." Does it mean to copy simplicity folder, footer.php, and header.php, to themes/default/"."? or copy simplicity_template folder to themes/default/"."?
  14. Thanks for this release, but how to use this? Thank you.
  15. How do I add more rounds in Flavius? Thank you.
  16. integral


    Cleaned data/tmp folder, but didn't erase data/tmp/emblem folder and /svn, then I changed the server name in config/server.php, after I finished updating it, it leads me to a .html document in my root folder that says "The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.". uh, what's next? EDIT: I changed it back to the old server name, and now it works again...
  17. integral


    I have a problem installing an integrated cp, I'm on the part where you're going to type your mySQL user/pass for Install & Update. But when I click on update, it doesn't show anything. It only shows this message. "The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later." The problem now is when I'm changing the server name in servers.php, after clicking the Update button, nothing changes. Any solutions for this? Thank you.
  18. Any solution to this? Thank you.
  19. Yes, I already did that, but, due to the def armor raised, the defense of a character is going negative once it reaches 127 def.
  20. When I'm using a woe setter, could I comment out, npc/guild/agit_controller? And about investment/commerce, how does the 2 treasure chest per castle in the database works? is it a 50% chance for a treasure chest with a castle drop to appear? How many investment do you need in order for the treasure chest in the master's room to appear? is it 5? Thank you.
  21. yeah, but isn't there any way for me to use the renewal item_db but still having the pre-re mechanics?
  22. Can anyone help me with this problem? Using rAthena latest version with renewal mode 0. When the def of items equipped on my character reaches 128 and above, it gives negative results. Thank you. Edit: I forgot to add, I'm also using the item_db of renewal.
  23. uh, the arial font is not checked. Btw, is there any way to hex it trough a hex editor?
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