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Everything posted by cmsm94

  1. Use multi-currency shop by @Emistry : http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2504-multi-currency-shop/ Can be. but i think no one will make that one for free unless someone is willing to If there is a price please state it. Who ever can do this. pm me
  2. You explain it so simple, its like that hmmm thanks
  3. Is it possible to make flux vote for point(CASH POINT) to donation credits? which can be purchased on website? Does anyone know what is the npc for flux V4P also? BUMP! haha Awwww mannn
  4. My fluxCP V4P is current being vote as CashPoint, How do you make this FluxNPC? Btw is it possible to make Vote 4 point from FluxCP to donation Credits? So people can buy the items on website. BUMP!! Michael jackson
  5. Feel free to help... And it is not like I haven't done any commits since then. Also, the one of the main things I am lacking is actual data. I do not host a server so I do not have data to test if code changed will affect live servers. If anyone is willing to contribute their data, that would be great. I can create a PHP script that will remove sensitive information such as passwords and emails if anyone is interested. Xan you rock with this theme, sorry if i didnt read anything what people say, but is it released already sorry i dont know .
  6. I dont undertand, What files should i transfer? . Its a new hoster the other hoster is a clean server while her 1st server is old. How do you back up Both hosters are different
  7. Guys hi how are ya? XD See hmm, my friend keep bugging me asking me to help her but i dont know. I would like to you peeps!! please help me. She wants to make her 2nd server same like her first. All the ID and character, items everything is in all the peoples id and storage. The problem is she don't know how to make that possible. Basically its like this She owns a server A which have been running for 1 month. The players are quite many now and she dont want this server to go down, so she wanted to change hoster providers. The reason is secret. But she dont know what files to take and put into her 2nd RO server which is new. She want to make sure her players dont leave thats why she wanted to take the players id,items etc all put in her new server. So she can shut down her old 1 which the reason is secret. OMG i its so hard to explain but i hope u guys understand the idea. So what files should be transfer please help! Basically she is just changing hoster just dont want her server players think she wipe the server but actually she just changed providers Bump!!
  8. I dont get it where am i suppose to change.... little confusing
  9. In rms it is not showed about the coding about coins bag. http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?iname=grade+coin&page=re_item_db&quick=1&isearch=Search Look at this My server dont drop the B Grade Coin Bag - E Grade Coin Bag Can anyone help me with this script in item_db? My guide is B Grade coin bag drop 1-10(random) coins of B grade. I just need the script for it thank you. pretty please help me XD If you look closely at Item DB 12617,Agrade_Pocket,A Grade Coin Bag,2,20,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{ getrandgroupitem(IG_A_Grade_Coin_Bag),1; getrandgroupitem(IG_A_Grade_Coin_Bag),1; getrandgroupitem(IG_A_Grade_Coin_Bag),1; },{},{} This Grade B coin Bag have to have a script in it, unfortunately my rathena dont have and the official server have it. Can someone make a script like this: 12618,Bgrade_Pocket,B Grade Coin Bag,2,20,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,,,,,,{HERE IS EMPTY!!!!!},{},{} Here: { if(rand(100)<10) { setarray .@RainbowArray[1],18113,2016,1586,1395,1832,21001,18114,13072,16021,1492,1587,1396,1293,21002,1294,1436,16020; set RainbowItem,.@RainbowArray[rand(1,17)]; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has won "+getitemname(RainbowItem)+" from a SpecialBox.",bc_all; } else { setarray .@RainbowArray[1],18113,2016,1586,1395,1832,21001,18114,13072,16021,1492,1587,1396,1293,21002,1294,1436,16020; set RainbowItem,.@RainbowArray[rand(1,17)]; } getitem RainbowItem,1; },{},{} I want my coins to give 1-10 coins . It will random give BUMP!!!!
  10. So far i didnt found anyone come out with this idea. Basically i want only trans job to enter a certain castle. Above transjob(3rdjob) will be kickout and warp to main town if they enter the castle. Anyone have the idea????? how to do this awesome WAR!!! script? This How do you make this thing work ? http://pastebin.com/TUZBLnr0
  11. cmsm94

    IP banning

    Harmony yeah i have read a few web about it . Seem crackable also
  12. cmsm94

    IP banning

    hmm Sir, my idea was once you log in with your pc. And it is identified as a mac address remembered. So I mean like if you log in a control panel you stays log in and even if you log off your comp you stays log in in that mac address. So When i ban this person account not his ip he will not allow to enter the website anymore, meaning it stays log in the website but he cant do a thing all he can see is a blank page because i ban his account therefore he does not have the command to log out because i ban his account. Do you understand me?
  13. cmsm94

    IP banning

    I Have seen a server i think its RebirthRO or TalonRO. Once they ban your account or your ip. It stays ban forever and your account seems to be logged in the website there for you cant do anything. Does anyone know how to ban from website using account id and id stays logged in while it is ban and they cant see a thing for this. Please anyone seems like ro useless banning ip since user can just restart the router for a new ip.
  14. I need a script for when a GM lv 60 and above login they will need to write the password THE PASSWORD IS ONLY SET BY ADMIN ALL GM PASSWORD IS THE SAME Basically i want a script that allow GM lvl 60 and above to login 2nd password same 2nd password. Which is set by admin.
  15. -I request a script refiner I want it to have success rates until +20 It have to have protection item(If it fail it wont break the main item but it break the protection item) It will take zeny according to the item level(level 1 item(knife) example) It will refine any eq~~ Can Someone FIX THIS SCRIPT of someone can REDO it There is 1 bug when you using 3rd job refine +9 - +10 there is a chance using the Refine Protection item will not work. I dont know why. Can someone tell me. I AM ANNOYED with many search there is no script of a refiner like this. This is one good refiner credits give to its owner. I am not the owner.!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ prontera,148,186,5 script Droverson 826,{ // ================================================== Variables Settings Guide ================================================== // || @Refiner_Name$ || Refiner NPC Name || // || @Refiner_Equip_Position$[1] || Refiner Equipment Menu Array || // || @Refiner_Conversation$[0] || Refiner Required Item ( Armor, Weapon Lv.1 , Weapon Lv.2 , Weapon Lv.3, Weapon Lv.4 ) || // || @Refiner_Required_Item[0] || Refiner Required Zeny ( Armor, Weapon Lv.1 , Weapon Lv.2 , Weapon Lv.3, Weapon Lv.4 ) || // || @Refiner_Max_Refine[0] || Max Refine Level (( Armor, Weapon Lv.1 , Weapon Lv.2 , Weapon Lv.3, Weapon Lv.4 ) || // || @Refiner Required Zeny[0] || Armor, Weapon Lv.1 , Weapon Lv.2 , Weapon Lv.3, Weapon Lv.4 ] || // || @Refiner_Success_Rate[0] || Armor Success Rate ( +1 , +2 , +3 , +4 , +5 , +6 , +7 , +8 , +9 , +10 ) || // || @Refiner_Success_Rate[25] || Weapons Lv.1 Success Rate ( +1 , +2 , +3 , +4 , +5 , +6 , +7 , +8 , +9 , +10 ) || // || @Refiner_Success_Rate[50] || Weapons Lv.2 Success Rate ( +1 , +2 , +3 , +4 , +5 , +6 , +7 , +8 , +9 , +10 ) || // || @Refiner_Success_Rate[75] || Weapons Lv.3 Success Rate ( +1 , +2 , +3 , +4 , +5 , +6 , +7 , +8 , +9 , +10 ) || // || @Refiner_Success_Rate[100] || Weapons Lv.4 Success Rate ( +1 , +2 , +3 , +4 , +5 , +6 , +7 , +8 , +9 , +10 ) || // || @Refiner_Protection || Protection Item ( Which make equipment will not break! ) || // ================================================== Variables Settings Guide ================================================== // Pre-load NPC Resources set @Refiner_Name$, "[^FF0000Droverson^000000]"; setarray @Refiner_Equip_Position$[1], "Top Headgear","Body","Left Hand","Right Hand","Robe","Shoes","Accessory 1","Accessory 2","Mid Headgear","Lower Headgear"; setarray @Refiner_Conversation$[0],"Equipment","Weapon","Weapon","Weapon","Weapon"; setarray @Refiner_Required_Item[0],985,1010,1011,984,984; setarray @Refiner_Required_Zeny[0],50000,1000,2500,10000,20000; setarray @Refiner_Max_Refine[0],20,20,20,20,20; setarray @Refiner_Success_Rate[0],100,100,100,100, 60, 40, 40, 20, 20, 10, 50, 30, 30, 20, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10; setarray @Refiner_Success_Rate[25],100,100,100,100,100,100,100, 60, 40, 20, 70, 70, 50, 50, 30, 30, 20, 20, 10, 10; setarray @Refiner_Success_Rate[50],100,100,100,100,100,100, 60, 40, 20, 20, 70, 50, 50, 30, 30, 20, 20, 10, 10, 10; setarray @Refiner_Success_Rate[75],100,100,100,100,100, 60, 50, 20, 20, 20, 50, 50, 30, 30, 20, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10; setarray @Refiner_Success_Rate[100],100,100,100,100, 60, 40, 40, 20, 20, 10, 50, 30, 30, 20, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10; set @Refiner_Protection,7806; // End mes @Refiner_Name$; mes "Good evening. I'm the Head of Armsmith, ^FF0000Droverson^000000."; mes "I'm quite different with other Armsmith, I can upgrade your equipments safer than other Armsmith."; next; mes @Refiner_Name$; mes "Alright, let's get it started!"; mes "Please select an equipment to refine."; set @Refiner_Menu$,""; for( set @Refiner_Check_Equiped,1; @Refiner_Check_Equiped <= 10; set @Refiner_Check_Equiped,@Refiner_Check_Equiped+1 ) { if( getequipisequiped(@Refiner_Check_Equiped) ) set @Refiner_Menu$, @Refiner_Menu$ + @Refiner_Equip_Position$[@Refiner_Check_Equiped]+" - "+"["+getequipname(@Refiner_Check_Equiped)+"]"; set @Refiner_Menu$, @Refiner_Menu$ + ":"; } set @Equipments_Part,select(@Refiner_Menu$); next; mes @Refiner_Name$; if ( getequipisequiped(@Equipments_Part) < 1 || getequipisenableref(@Equipments_Part) < 1 ) { if ( getequipisequiped(@Equipments_Part) < 1 ) mes "I don't see there is any equipment you has equiped."; else if ( getequipisenableref(@Equipments_Part) < 1 ) mes "This is out of my range, I couldn't do anything with this equipment."; close; } set @Check_Equip_Level,getequipweaponlv(@Equipments_Part); if ( getequiprefinerycnt(@Equipments_Part) >= @Refiner_Max_Refine[@Check_Equip_Level] ) { mes "I'm sorry, I couldn't refine this equipment anymore."; mes "The equipment has reached it's max level."; close; } mes "To refine this "+@Refiner_Conversation$[@Check_Equip_Level]+", I need an "+getitemname(@Refiner_Required_Item[@Check_Equip_Level])+" and a service charge of "+@Refiner_Required_Zeny[@Check_Equip_Level]+"z."; mes "Do you really wish to continue?"; next; if ( countitem(@Refiner_Required_Item[@Check_Equip_Level]) == 0 ) { mes @Refiner_Name$; mes "Hey! I need a "+getitemname(@Refiner_Required_Item[@Check_Equip_Level])+" as the refining material!"; close; } if ( Zeny < @Refiner_Required_Zeny[@Check_Equip_Level] ) { mes @Refiner_Name$; mes "Is that all you've got?"; mes "I'm sorry, I don't do free services."; close; } menu "Yes",-; if ( @Refiner_Success_Rate[getequiprefinerycnt(@Equipments_Part) + @Check_Equip_Level * 25] != 100 ) { mes @Refiner_Name$; mes "If I continue to refine this, there is a risk it could be destroyed."; mes "But, if you have a "+getitemname(@Refiner_Protection)+", your equipment wouldn't be destroyed but the "+getitemname(@Refiner_Protection)+" will be consumed."; next; menu "Continue",-; } delitem @Refiner_Required_Item[@Check_Equip_Level],1; set Zeny,Zeny - @Refiner_Required_Item[@Check_Equip_Level]; if (@Refiner_Success_Rate[getequiprefinerycnt(@Equipments_Part) + @Check_Equip_Level * 25] <= rand(100) ) { if ( countitem(@Refiner_Protection) > 1 ) goto Refiner_Protected; failedrefitem @Equipments_Part; emotion 4; mes @Refiner_Name$; mes "Woahhh! I'm sorry!"; mes "The equipment has destroyed during the refine process."; mes "I warned you loudly."; close; } next; successrefitem @Equipments_Part; emotion 18; mes @Refiner_Name$; mes "Woohooo! It's been a long time that I didn't done with quality equipment like this."; mes "Alright, take it please."; close; Refiner_Protected: emotion 4; specialeffect2 734; mes @Refiner_Name$; mes "Ahhhh! The refining process has failed."; mes "Luckily the "+getitemname(@Refiner_Protection)+" saved your equipment! It didn't break."; delitem @Refiner_Protection,1; close; } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bump Bump common i already gave a guide cant anyone help? help helpppp
  16. Exactly thanks for understanding btw haha its not lame la just i dont like the npc like this tthere
  17. I want a npc like this turn from a normal boring npc when you click it will open a shop. The item require vote point. Basically a npc like shop npc with vote point which allow players to buy the item. Not a quest type. prontera,154,181,3 script VoteForPoint 120,{ setarray @vote_item[0], 512, 513; // Item ID setarray @vote_item_count[0], 1 , 1; // Item Count wich will be given setarray @vote_cost[0], 1 , 2; // Cost in Vote Points set @min_vote, 0; // minimum count on Vote Points to see the Item List set @npcname$,"[^ff0000Npcname^000000]"; query_sql ("SELECT `point` FROM `vote_point` WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'", @vote); mes @npcname$; mes "You have ^ff0000"+@vote+"^000000 Vote Points!"; if( @vote < @min_vote ) { mes "^ff0000You will need "+@min_vote+" or more Vote Points to trade them with me!^000000"; close; } if (select("Trade my Points!","Cancel~") == 2) close; next; mes "[^ff0000List^000000]"; mes "^0000ffItem^000000 = ^00aa00Cost^000000"; for( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(@vote_item); set .@i, .@i + 1 ) { mes "^0000ff"+@vote_item_count[.@i]+"x "+getitemname(@vote_item[.@i])+"^000000 = ^00aa00"+@vote_cost[.@i]+"^000000"; if( .@i < 1 ) set .@menu$, getitemname(@vote_item[.@i]); else set .@menu$, .@menu$+":"+getitemname(@vote_item[.@i]); } next; select(.@menu$); set @choice, @menu - 1; mes @npcname$; if( @vote_cost[@choice] > @vote ) { mes "^ff0000You dont have enought Vote Point for "+@vote_item_count[@choice]+"x '"+getitemname(@vote_item[@choice])+"' :/^000000"; close; } mes "Are u realy sure to trade "+@vote_item_count[@choice]+"x '^ff0000"+getitemname(@vote_item[@choice])+"^000000' for ^00aa00"+@vote_cost[@choice]+"^000000 Vote Points?"; if(select("No! Cancel!:Yes, Trade me!") == 1 ) { mes "^ff0000Trade was canceled~^000000"; close; } set .@new, @vote - @vote_cost[@choice]; if( .@new < 0 ) // safty first.. set .@new, 0; query_sql("UPDATE `vote_point` SET `point` = '"+.@new+"' WHERE `account_id` = '"+getcharid(3)+"'"); getitem @vote_item[@choice], @vote_item_count[@choice]; mes "^00aa00Trade was Successfull Hope to see u again =)!^000000"; close; } Bump Bump!!!
  18. It does not work, and there is no error in the script also - script rates -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: OnPCBaseLvUpEvent: if( BaseLevel < 130 ) { sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,864000000,1000; sc_start SC_JEXPBOOST,864000000,1000; sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,864000000,1000; } If( JobLevel >= 70 ) { sc_end SC_JEXPBOOST; if( BaseLevel >= 130 ) { sc_end SC_EXPBOOST; sc_end SC_ITEMBOOST; } } end; }
  19. - script rates -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: OnPCBaseLvUpEvent: if( BaseLevel < 130 ) { sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,864000000,1000; sc_start SC_JEXPBOOST,864000000,1000; sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,864000000,1000; } If( BaseLevel >= 70 ) { sc_end SC_JEXPBOOST; if( BaseLevel >= 130 ) { sc_end SC_EXPBOOST; sc_end SC_ITEMBOOST; } } end; } sir skorm i think it should be If( JobLevel >= 70 ) { @cmsm94 - script rates -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if( BaseLevel <= 129 ){ sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,864000000,1000; sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,864000000,1000; if( JobLevel <= 69 ){ sc_start SC_JEXPBOOST,864000000,1000; } } end; } OnPCBaseLvUpEvent: if( BaseLevel >= 130 ){ sc_end SC_EXPBOOST; sc_end SC_ITEMBOOST; } end; OnPCJobLvUpEvent: if( JobLevel >= 70 ){ sc_end SC_JEXPBOOST; } end; I reach job level 70 its not working and baselevel 130 this also not working - script rates -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: OnPCBaseLvUpEvent: if( BaseLevel < 130 ) { sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,864000000,1000; sc_start SC_JEXPBOOST,864000000,1000; sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,864000000,1000; } If( BaseLevel >= 70 ) { sc_end SC_JEXPBOOST; if( BaseLevel >= 130 ) { sc_end SC_EXPBOOST; sc_end SC_ITEMBOOST; } } end; } Skom yours work but it is on base level can u make it into job level?
  20. How do u make hmm like base level exp and drop exp will last until level 130 and job buff will gone once the player reach job level 70?
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