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Everything posted by cmsm94

  1. Already did that, is it necessary for it to be loyal to activate the 100% loot? Because it did not loot though i put all the pets 1002,PORING,Poring,619,9001,10013,531,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,1,0,350,400,800,{ petloot 100; },{ bonus bLuk,2; bonus bCritical,1; }1113,DROPS,Drops,620,9002,10013,508,80,60,40,100,250,20,1500,150,1,0,300,400,500,{ petloot 100; },{ bonus bHit,3; bonus bAtk,3; } 1031,POPORING,Poporing,621,9003,10013,511,80,60,30,100,250,20,1000,150,1,0,300,500,400,{ petloot 100; },{ petloot 100; },{ bonus bLuk,2; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,10; } 1063,LUNATIC,Lunatic,622,9004,10007,534,80,60,40,100,250,20,1500,150,0,0,300,300,1000,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillbonus bLuk,3,10,50; },{ bonus bCritical,2; bonus bAtk,2; } 1049,PICKY,Picky,623,9005,10012,507,80,60,40,100,250,20,2000,150,1,0,500,600,50,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillbonus bStr,3,10,50;},{ bonus bStr,1; bonus bAtk,5; } 1011,CHONCHON,ChonChon,624,9006,10002,537,80,60,30,100,250,20,1500,150,1,0,500,500,250,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillbonus bAgi,4,10,50; },{ bonus bAgi,1; bonus bFlee,2; } 1042,STEEL_CHONCHON,Steel ChonChon,625,9007,10002,1002,80,60,20,100,250,20,1000,150,1,0,500,500,200,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillbonus bAgiVit,4,20,40; },{ bonus bFlee,6; bonus bAgi,-1; } 1035,HUNTER_FLY,Hunter Fly,626,9008,10002,716,80,60,10,100,250,20,500,150,1,0,500,500,200,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack2 "NPC_WINDATTACK",888,2,0,10; },{ bonus bFlee,-5; bonus bFlee2,2; } 1167,SAVAGE_BABE,Savage Babe,627,9009,10015,537,80,60,40,100,250,20,1500,150,0,0,500,500,200,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillbonus bVit,4,10,50; },{ bonus bVit,1; bonus bMaxHP,50; } 1107,DESERT_WOLF_B,Baby Desert Wolf,628,9010,10003,537,80,60,40,100,250,20,1000,150,0,0,400,400,400,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack "SM_PROVOKE",1,0,5;},{ bonus bInt,1; bonus bMaxSP,50; } 1052,ROCKER,Rocker,629,9011,10014,537,80,60,30,100,250,20,1500,150,0,0,350,350,600,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillbonus bAllStats,1,10,50; },{ bonus bHPrecovRate,5; bonus bMaxHP,25; } 1014,SPORE,Spore,630,9012,10017,537,80,60,30,100,250,20,1500,150,0,0,350,500,500,{ petrecovery SC_POISON,60; },{ bonus bHit,5; bonus bAtk,-2; } 1077,POISON_SPORE,Poison Spore,631,9013,10017,537,80,60,20,100,250,20,1000,150,0,0,600,200,400,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack "NPC_POISON",20,0,10; },{ bonus bStr,1; bonus bInt,1; } 1019,PECOPECO,PecoPeco,632,9014,10010,537,80,60,30,100,250,20,1000,150,1,0,400,500,800,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillbonus bSpeedRate,25,20,20; },{ bonus bMaxHP,150; bonus bMaxSP,-10; } 1056,SMOKIE,Smokie,633,9015,10019,537,80,60,30,100,250,20,1000,150,1,0,600,600,100,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillbonus bPerfectHide,1,3600,0; },{ bonus bAgi,1; bonus bFlee2,1; } 1057,YOYO,Yoyo,634,9016,10018,532,80,60,20,100,250,20,1000,150,1,0,300,800,400,{ petloot 100; },{ bonus bCritical,3; bonus bLuk,-1; } 1023,ORK_WARRIOR,Orc Warrior,635,9017,10009,537,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,1,0,600,200,300,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack2 "NPC_PIERCINGATT",100,1,0,10; },{ bonus bAtk,10; bonus bDef,-3; } 1026,MUNAK,Munak,636,9018,10008,537,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,750,300,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack2 "NPC_DARKNESSATTACK",444,1,0,10; },{ bonus bInt,1; bonus bDef,1; } 1110,DOKEBI,Dokebi,637,9019,10005,537,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack "BS_HAMMERFALL",1,0,10; },{ bonus bMatkRate,1; bonus bAtkRate,-1; } 1170,SOHEE,Sohee,638,9020,10016,537,80,60,10,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,100,1000,200,{ petloot 100; },{ petheal 400,60,33,100; },{ bonus bStr,1; bonus bDex,1; } 1029,ISIS,Isis,639,9021,10006,537,80,60,10,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,650,450,150,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillsupport "PR_MAGNIFICAT",2,60,50,50; },{ bonus bMatkRate,-1; bonus bAtkRate,1; } 1155,PETIT,Petite,640,9022,10011,537,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,800,400,100,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack2 "WZ_HEAVENDRIVE",500,1,0,10; },{ bonus bDef,-2; bonus bMdef,-2; bonus bAspdRate,1; } 1109,DEVIRUCHI,Deviruchi,641,9023,10004,711,80,60,10,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,800,200,100,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillbonus bAgiDexStr,6,20,40; },{ bonus bMatkRate,1; bonus bAtkRate,1; bonus bMaxHPrate,-3; bonus bMaxSPrate,-3; } 1101,BAPHOMET_,Baphomet Jr.,642,9024,10001,518,80,60,10,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,1000,100,200,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack2 "NPC_DARKNESSATTACK",1776,4,0,5; },{ bonus bDef,1; bonus bMdef,1; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,-100; } 1188,BON_GUN,Bon Gun,659,9025,10020,537,80,60,30,100,250,20,500,150,1,0,600,200,400,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack2 "NPC_DARKNESSATTACK",555,1,1,1; },{ bonus bVit,1; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stun,100; } 1200,ZHERLTHSH,Zealotus,660,9026,0,929,80,60,10,100,250,20,300,150,0,0,1000,100,500,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack "AS_SONICBLOW",1,0,3; },{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_Demihuman,2; bonus2 bMagicAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,2; } 1275,ALICE,Alice,661,9027,0,504,80,60,20,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,100,1000,200,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillsupport "AL_HEAL",5,60,25,100; },{ bonus bMdef,1; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,1; } 1815,EVENT_RICECAKE,Rice Cake,0,9028,0,511,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,1,0,500,500,200,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillsupport "CR_DEFENDER",3,240,50,100; },{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Neutral,1; bonus bMaxHPrate,-1; } 1245,GOBLINE_XMAS,Christmas Goblin,12225,9029,0,911,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack "MG_SIGHT",5,5,5; },{ bonus bMaxHP,30; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,1; } 1519,CHUNG_E,Green Maiden,12395,9030,0,6115,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack "CR_SHIELDCHARGE",5,5,5; },{ bonus bDef,1; bonus2 bSubRace,RC_DemiHuman,1; } 1879,ECLIPSE_P,Spring Rabbit,0,9031,0,7766,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack "TF_THROWSTONE",1,5,5; },{} 1122,GOBLIN_1,Goblin,14569,9032,0,7821,80,60,50,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack "NPC_WINDATTACK",5,5,5; },{} 1123,GOBLIN_2,Goblin,14570,9033,0,7821,80,60,50,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack "NPC_FIREATTACK",5,5,5; },{} 1125,GOBLIN_4,Goblin,14571,9034,0,7821,80,60,50,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack "NPC_GROUNDATTACK",5,5,5; },{} 1385,DELETER_,Deleter,14572,9035,0,7822,80,60,20,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack "SM_MAGNUM",5,5,5; },{} 1382,DIABOLIC,Diabolic,14573,9036,0,7823,80,60,10,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack "WZ_METEOR",2,5,5; },{} 1208,WANDER_MAN,Wanderer,14574,9037,0,7824,80,60,20,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack "NPC_UNDEADATTACK",5,5,5; },{ bonus bAgi,3; bonus bDex,1; } 1963,P_CHUNG_E,New Year Doll,0,9038,0,554,80,60,30,100,250,20,800,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{ petskillattack "CR_SHIELDCHARGE",5,5,5; },{} // New pets JapanRO Mobile 1040,GOLEM,Golem,12371,9053,10035,6111,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{ bonus bMaxHP,100; bonus bFlee,-5; } 1143,MARIONETTE,Marionette,12361,9043,10025,6098,80,60,10,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{ bonus bSPrecovRate,3; } 1148,MEDUSA,Medusa,12368,9050,10032,6108,80,60,10,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{ bonus bVit,1; bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Stone,500; } 1179,WHISPER,Whisper,12363,9045,10027,6100,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{ bonus bFlee,7; bonus bDef,-3; } 1299,GOBLIN_LEADER,Goblin Leader,12364,9046,10028,6104,80,60,10,100,250,20,50,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{ bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,3; } 1370,SUCCUBUS,Succubus,12373,9055,10037,6113,80,60,10,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{ bonus2 bHPDrainRate,10,5; },{ bonus2 bHPDrainRate,30,5; bonus bMaxHPrate,1; } 1374,INCUBUS,Incubus,12370,9052,10034,6110,80,60,10,100,250,20,50,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{ bonus bMaxSPRate,3; bonus2 bSPDrainRate,10,1; },{ bonus bMaxSPRate,5; bonus2 bSPDrainRate,30,1; } 1379,NIGHTMARE_TERROR,Nightmare Terror,12372,9054,10036,6112,80,60,10,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{ bonus2 bResEff,Eff_Sleep,10000; } 1401,SHINOBI,Shinobi,12362,9044,10026,6099,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{ bonus bAgi,2; } 1404,MIYABI_NINGYO,Miyabi Doll,12366,9048,10030,6106,80,60,15,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{ bonus bInt,1; bonus bCastrate,-3; } 1416,WICKED_NYMPH,Evil Nymph,12365,9047,10029,6105,80,60,15,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{ bonus bMaxSP,30; bonus bSPrecovRate,5; } 1495,STONE_SHOOTER,Stone Shooter,12369,9051,10033,6109,80,60,20,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,3; } 1504,DULLAHAN,Dullahan,12367,9049,10031,6107,80,60,10,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{ bonus bCritAtkRate,5; } 1505,LOLI_RURI,Loli Ruri,12360,9042,10024,6097,80,60,15,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{ bonus bMaxHPRate,3; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"AL_HEAL",1,10; } 1513,CIVIL_SERVANT,Mao Guai,12358,9040,10022,6095,80,60,10,100,250,20,500,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{ bonus bMaxSP,10; } 1586,LEAF_CAT,Leaf Cat,12359,9041,10023,6096,80,60,20,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{ bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Brute,3; } 1630,BACSOJIN_,White Lady,12357,9039,10021,6094,80,60,10,100,250,20,2000,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{} 1837,IMP,Fire Imp,12374,9056,10038,6114,80,60,10,100,250,20,200,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,2; bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Fire,2; } // Brasilis Quest - Suspicious Beach [UNHATCHABLE] 2057,E_CRAMP,Strange Cramp,12408,6221,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,50,0,0,0,350,400,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{} // kRO version 2081,E_HYDRA,Strange Hydra,12408,6221,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,50,0,0,0,350,400,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{} // iRO/cRO version // New pets (FIX ME: pet bonuses for 2210 and 2313 do not require loyalty) 2200,J_TAINI,Tiny,0,9057,0,512,80,60,10,100,250,20,0,150,1,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{} 2210,XMAS_LUNATIC,Christmas Snow Rabbit,0,9058,0,529,80,60,10,100,250,20,0,150,1,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{ bonus2 bExpAddRace,RC_All,5; } 2313,TIKBALANG,Tikbalang,12699,9059,0,528,80,60,10,100,250,20,1000,150,1,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{ bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2320,10; bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2321,10; bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2322,10; bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2317,10; bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2318,10; bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2327,10; bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2319,10; bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2333,10; bonus2 bAddDamageClass,2332,10; } 1242,MARIN,Marin,12789,9061,10039,6534,80,60,50,100,250,20,2000,150,1,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{} 2398,LITTLE_PORING,Novice Poring,12846,9062,0,531,80,60,1000,0,250,0,5000,150,0,0,300,300,800,{ petloot 100; },{},{ bonus bHPrecovRate,50; } Thanks for the reply. Something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVBqeBF9wAw
  2. Hello, First script = requesting a script when a user uses a pet he will automatically activate @autoloot 100, if he removes his pet @autoloot 100 will be no more. Second script = Can it be done let say how poring loots the item on the floor, but this time having a pet to loot the item. A script that allows user's pet to loot. if(getpetinfo(1)) then probably 100% autoloot?
  3. Hello, As you can understand my topic I wanted to discuss, I just found out there's a grf that makes your char into having a big head and a tiny body. Is there anyone out there knows how can I implement this to my test server? I mean how?? How is this possible. It looks adorable. Is it possible for me to get it? I tried it on another server it just gave some errors, is it the client from nova's allow them to have this?
  4. Hello asgardians, As my title requested, if someone has time to do it. Click the npc chats like normal then he gives you option 1:teleport 2:cancel . 1. If you choose teleport he will check if you are using your pet or not. If you are using then you may teleport; 2. Where,else if you don't use he wont allow you to teleport.
  5. Hello, I been spending 2-3 hours solving this problem, gave up. I need to know why I can't start Apache in xampp? System Error : The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer. I downloaded the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistrubutable (x64) and install it. Restart my pc it still shows the same error. Help thanks.
  6. I checked, it has no service pack 1. It's a cracked windows. The rathena I was going to use is https://github.com/rathena/rathena. Meaning this wont be possible unless I have service pack 1?
  7. Hey thanks for the reply , I am using windows 7 ultimate. If i install the lower version of VS it will allow me to compile rathena as well right?
  8. Hello, I can't install Visual Studio Community Edition. My pc is windows 7. It says : 1. This version of Visual Studio requires a computer with a newer version of windows. 2. Explorer 10 which is not currently installed on your computer. If you choose to continue, some feathers might not work as expected. Visual Studio Community Edition I couldn't compile the rathena since VS is not installed/supported. I want to create an offline server base on this guide. https://rathena.org/board/topic/104452-tutorial-how-to-create-ragnarok-offline-2015-client/ Help tq
  9. many have try this like using other aspects mostly on anime like SAO, Naruto, One Piece etc they used RO as basis of their project because its pretty easy but it need alot of time and effort. Yeah, I had the idea also. I know its possible too, it would be hard to work solo. What essential things to have before beginning it. First i know you need a theme, what else?
  10. Hello asgardians, As you have read my title, I would like to know what do you guys think of making a new game as in not removing RO but using ro aspects?
  11. Recently I found this http://ro.xd.com/. Have a look at the Video. Basically its a ragnarok 1 which is in 3D. Anyone knows whether if theres a english version of this game? It look legit and better then ro 1 in 2.5D grahics
  12. My model of a Ragnarok Novice in 3D. A glimpse of 3D Model of a novice first. References : https://www.google.com/search?q=ragnarok+novice&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAWoVChMIkNe2y7DfyAIVIi-mCh2AkgLV&biw=1366&bih=705#imgrc=8Ebw8EIdI5ZgPM%3A I don't wanna take front back perfect shots hehe, until im done with it. Currently at UV stage, once after texture and lighting ill update them here. Update: Updated, still not fully textured. Thx for the positive comment needed that. Ya the face ============= Update: Final soon ========================= Final Done: Watch it in HD, better. Well, sort of done hah... It doesn't have bump yet.
  13. Thx for the reply, really appreciated it!. We'll see what happen ltr
  14. Can someone help me with this idea? It's kinda challenging, but are you up to it? RO 1 doesn't have players footstep sound effects. I want a script to play a mp3 everytime player A walks and when he stop he players another type of mp3. Example Set 1 A walks Script plays walking .mp3 A stops Script stop .mp3 Map prontera Set2 A walk Script plays walking .mp3 A stops Script stop .mp3 Map prt_fild ---------------------------------- Thats the easy part, the though one is putting maps in it. If they are in prontera, I want it to be played on another mp3 set, if they are walking on prt_fild01, we would hear dirt mp3, but for prontera its kinda stone area, so it would play another set of mp3. This would make RO have more feeling to it. Anyone can help? Don't worry about the mp3, ill get it for my self. Unless you willing to provide? XD Or is there another way to do this?
  15. Also you can fix but putting the coordinate to 0 , 0 . It will spawn randomly and not 1 spot.
  16. OH nice. Thanks for that reply appreciate so much! Btw, what if i do like this? using that script What is [--en--] - script Punching_Bag HIDDEN_NPC,{ end; OnInit: monster "prontera",150,160,"--en--",1002,1,"Punching_Bag::OnMyMobDead"; end; OnMyMobDead: #PvPPoints = #PvPPoints + rand(5,150); monster "prontera",150,160,"--en--",1002,1,"Punching_Bag::OnMyMobDead"; end; } To OnMyMobDead: getexp 10000,5000; monster "prontera",150,160,"--en--",1002,1,"Punching_Bag::OnMyMobDead"; end; } What do you think?
  17. set BaseExp,BaseExp+10000; set JobExp,JobExp+5000; OnNPCKillEvent: how do i add this two together? Is this correct? x script x 59,{ OnNPCKillEvent: set BaseExp,BaseExp+10000; set JobExp,JobExp+5000; end; im stuck here. Basically if i kill a mob i will get those base/job exp. Only in this map prt_fild02.
  18. Can I block, a certain country for playing my server? Using scripts. Thanks ? Probably Disconnect them from playing.
  19. http://irowiki.org/wiki/Endless_Tower. Hi there! How are you doing? Good? Great! I wanna request a script similar to endless tower. Probably these map ex. new_1-1,new_1-2 and new_1-3. I don't want the same time duration as endless tower which is 6day and 20 hours per entry. Can we make it 1 hour per entry?
  20. Thanks I understood, ill try recreate something from there.
  21. Hi there!! I know its possible that let say if you make an item ex. Apple when you consume it npc shops opens. Can someone create the script for the item and the npc so it work together? THANKS!
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